Banerjee, Lachut receive best paper nomination for work with green homes

Minimizing Intrusiveness in Home Energy Measurement”, a paper written by CSEE Assisant Professor Nilanjan Banerjee, Computer Science graduate student David Lachut, and their colleagues at the University of San Francisco, was nominated for the best paper award at ACM's BuildSys workshop.

The paper outlines the design of a system that will analyze and manage energy use in homes. “The overarching goal of our work is to automate the process of adapting energy demand to meet supply, which requires a comprehensive understanding of home energy use,” explains the abstract. Banerjee and his collaborators have collected data on energy-consumption from six both on and off-grid homes. “Our techniques reduce the energy footprint of the system as well as the amount of physical infrastructure required, making adoption of the system more attractive, particularly to those who live in homes powered by renewable energy sources.”

You can learn more about Dr. Banerjee’s work with renewable-energy driven devices and green homes at the website for his Mobile, Pervasive, and Sensor Systems Laboratory.

PhD Defense: Semantically Rich, Policy Based Framework to Automate Lifecycle of Cloud Based Services

Ph.D. Thesis Defense Announcement

Semantically Rich, Policy Based Framework to Automate Lifecycle of Cloud Based Services

Karuna P. Joshi

10:00am 19 November 2012, ITE 325B


Managing virtualized services efficiently over the cloud is an open challenge.  Traditional models of software development are very time consuming and labor intensive for the cloud computing domain, where software (and other) services are acquired on demand. Virtualized services are often composed of pre-existing components that are assembled on an as-needed basis. We have developed a new framework to automate the acquisition, composition and consumption/monitoring of virtualized services delivered on the cloud.  We have divided the service lifecycle into five phases of requirements, discovery, negotiation, composition, and consumption and have developed ontologies to represent the concepts and relationships for each phase. These are represented in Semantic Web languages. We have developed a protocol to automate the negotiation process when acquiring virtualized services. This protocol allows complex relaxation of constraints being negotiated based on user defined policies. We have also developed detailed ontologies to define service level agreements for cloud services. To illustrate and validate how this framework can automate the acquisition of cloud services, we have built two applications from real world scenarios. The Smart cloud services application enables users to determine and procure the cloud storage application that matches most of their constraints and policies. We have also built a VCL broker application that allows users to automatically reserve the VCL Image that will best meet their requirements. We have developed a framework to measure and semi-automatically track quality of a virtualized service delivery system. The framework provides a mechanism to relate hard metrics typically measured at the backstage of the delivery process to quality related hard and soft metrics tracked at the front stage where the consumer interacts with the service. While this framework is general enough to be applied to any type of IT service, in this dissertation we have primarily concentratated on the Helpdesk service and include the performance rules we have created by mining Helpdesk data.

Thesis Committee:

  • Dr. Yelena Yesha (chair)
  • Dr. Tim Finin (co-chair)
  • Dr. Milton Halem
  • Dr. Yaacov Yesha
  • Dr. Aryya Gangopadhyay

Talk: An architecture for enterprise information interoperability, 11am Nov 9

CSEE Colloquium

Active PURLs: An architecture for enterprise information interoperability

Dr. David Wood
Three Round Stones

11:00am Friday, 9 November 2012, ITE 325b, UMBC

The World Wide Web differed from other early hypertext systems in the removal of "back links" (the ability of a hyperlinked object to link back to a referring resource). The removal of back links allowed the scalability inherent in the Web's design, but sacrificed the knowledge necessary to update links when content moved. Persistent URLs (PURLs) have been used on the Web since 1995 to provide an inexpensive and partial solution to link updates via HTTP redirection: PURLs do not change their URL, but they may change the target they redirect to. Various iterations of the PURL concept have allowed Web addresses to be updated, clients notified of permanent changes of address and the provision of directions to metadata about a requested resource.

"Active" PURLs are a relatively new (2007) iteration of the PURL concept that allow PURLs to actively participate in the creation of data returned. The Callimachus Project, an Open Source Linked Data management system, now implements Active PURLs as a means to automate the collection, transformation and provision of information from distributed sources. Active PURLs are implemented in Callimachus by means of a PURL service, a new PURL type and an XML pipeline (XProc) implementation.

This talk will introduce Active PURLs and describe how they may be used to address long standing problems in enterprise architecture, especially those of distributed information interoperability, by facilitating a strong separation of concerns between data producers, publishers, administrators, librarians and consumers.

Dr. David Wood has contributed to the evolution of the World Wide Web since 1999, especially in the formation of standards and technologies for the Semantic Web. He has architected key aspects of the Web to include the Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL) service and several Semantic Web databases and frameworks. David is co-chair of the W3C RDF Working Group, co-chaired the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group and is a member of the Semantic Web Coordination Group. David has represented international organizations in the evolution of Internet standards at the International Standards Organization (ISO), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium. David is a founding and contributing member of many Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects, including the Mulgara Semantic Store, Persistent URL (PURLs), Freemix and the Callimachus Project. He is the author of Programming Internet Email (O'Reilly, 1999), editor of Linking Enterprise Data (Springer, 2010) and Linking Government Data (Springer, 2011) and lead author of Linked Data (Manning, anticipated 2013).

Host: Tim FInin,

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Cybersecurity drop-in session, 11/7

UMBC Cybersecurity graduate MPS program

Tomorrow, Dr. Rick Forno will be hosting a drop-in session to discuss UMBC's Graduate Cybersecurity Program. It will be held Wednesday, November 7 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in ACIV-B WING Room 464. UMBC's Drop In sessions are a great way to meet Graduate Program Directors and chat about their programs, educational opportunities, and your interests in a given field.

RSVP for the Cybersecurity session at

Meet the Students: Sarah Khalife (CE '14)

Originally from Cyprus, Sarah Khalife is a Computer Engineering major and a CWIT Affiliate.  


About Sarah

When did you become interested in Computer Engineering? I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to be. At first, Computer Engineering sounded interesting– I like computers and I like math, why not Computer Engineering? Since then, I've taken Computer Science and Computer Engineering classes and came to realize that it challenges me not only academically, but to think analytically, to be innovative, as well as to have the ability to discuss and describe my work for another person to understand. I knew I finally wanted to be a Computer Engineering major by the end of my Sophomore year.

What area of Computer Engineering interests you the most? Logic design seems very interesting so far. I enjoyed my CMSC 203 and COMP 212 class, and I am looking forward to taking some VLSI classes!

What are your plans after graduation? After graduation, I would like to gain some experience working, and then maybe continue on to a Master's.

What is your dream job? Dream job…I am still trying to find it! I am thinking that I will enjoy a position in engineering management, but I haven't fully experienced working within my field to have a dream job.


About being a CE major

What is the best part about being a CWIT affiliate? Networking. Networking with other students in your field or similar ones. Networking with professors and important people at UMBC. Networking with recruiters and companies that will be helpful in getting internships and jobs. Also, being a CWIT, you are a part of a community where you are in similar majors, have similar interests, and always have the opportunities to excel. 

What is your favorite course/professor and why? My favorite professor is Dawn Block! I took CMSC 104 and CMSC 201 with her and I loved those classes. She always understood what I asked her and did her best for me to understand as well! Plus, she would give out candy! She made my first computer science classes fun and very informational. I enjoyed learning Computer Science concepts and languages with Professor Block.

Are you part of any on-campus clubs, organizations, teams, or labs? I work as a Commuter Assistant for Off-Campus Student Services, where I help commuters, plan events, play games, and have/eat free food. It feels more like a club rather than work! I'm also part of Student Government Association (SGA) in the Office of Academic Affairs where I find academic related issues and try to solve, come up with, and implement initiatives that will better UMBC and the students, and in general, support students and their academic needs. I'm a Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) Affiliate, where I help to plan more events and activities, network with a variety of people, and have the opportunity to open my eyes and to see what's out there regarding my major.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

  1. Talk to your professors: they are very interesting and helpful people!
  2. Get a well-rounded experience at UMBC: get involved in clubs/organizations/something you care about.
  3. Learn how to time-manage ASAP! Schools gets very hard when you're overwhelmed, but if you manage to create a schedule that you will follow, keeping up with homework and extra-curricular activities shouldn't be too hard!

What advice would you give to other females entering the field?

  1. At UMBC, I haven't felt discriminated against because I'm female. So, don't be worried about that as a female you will be treated differently.
  2. Depending on your major and classes you take, you might be one of the few females in the class. Don't be afraid/shy to step up and ask questions.


About life at UMBC

What is the best part about campus life at UMBC? UMBC has a diverse group of people, clubs/orgs, and activities. I love that you can get a snippet of different cultures at UMBC without having to travel anywhere! I love attending all the multicultural events and experiencing the traditions, dancing, food, and so on, all within UMBC.

What is your favorite spot on campus?  The Commons. There's always an event happening there!

Where can you get the best coffee/lunch/ food or beverage of choice? Administration Building Deli–best place to get breakfast and lunch, and your money's worth if you don't have a meal plan.

How undergraduate research spelled success for alumnus Gevorg Grigoryan

Research Proactive

A Computational Biologist and Dartmouth professor, Alumnus Gevorg Grigoryan says his undergraduate research at UMBC was crucial to his success.

Kids typically see college as a chance to get away from their parents. That wasn’t the case with alumnus Gevorg Grigoryan (B.S. CS, BioChem ’02), who did research with his dad in UMBC’s Computational Photonics Lab as an undergraduate. In 2000, the pair co-authored a paper proposing a new visualization technique for wave transmissions that uses color to represent amplitude and phase information.

Now an assistant professor of Computer Science and an adjunct assistant professor of Biology at Dartmouth College, Grigoryan stresses the importance of doing research early on. As an undergraduate, he worked in not one, but three, different research labs at UMBC: the Computational Photonics Lab, the VANGOGH Lab, and Dr. Daniel Fabris’ Mass Spectrometry lab.  

“It was very easy for an undergrad to get involved in research [at UMBC],” says Grigoryan. “It’s not like that everywhere.”

Working in labs gave Grigoryan essential experience that shaped his career path. When it was time to pick a major, he knew that he wanted to do research like his dad, Vladimir Grigoryan, a Physicist who was working as a Research Scientist at UMBC at the time.

Grigoryan switched from Physics to an ambitious double major in Computer Science and Biochemistry when a professor told him about the emerging, interdisciplinary field of Computational Biology. Combining the principles of biology with computing techniques, the new field dealt with simulating and studying biological systems on the computer.

After graduating from UMBC in 2002, Grigoryan went to MIT for his Ph.D. in Computational Biology under Dr. Amy E. Keating. Later he completed his Post Doc at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School under William DeGrado. His research has focused on examining proteins in order to 1) understand their structure, and to 2) use that understanding to design new proteins that can do things like cure disease.

The analysis and design of proteins is what’s being done in Grigoryan’s research lab at Dartmouth. Specifically, Grigoryan and his students are looking at how protein structure dictates protein-protein recognition and the structural mechanisms of information transformation by allostery. In an interesting twist, Grigoryan now has undergraduate research assistants of his own.

As for collaborations with his dad, Grigoryan says that these days, formal collaborations are hard because of distance; Grigoryan works on molding minds in New Hampshire while his dad works at Ciena Corporation in Maryland. Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop them from having heated scientific discussions over the phone, he says.    

Meet the Students: Rebecca Chhay (CS '14)

Originally from Silver Spring, MD, Rebecca is a Computer Science major and an Undergraduate Research Assistant at the UMBC MAPLE (Multi-Agent Planning and Learning) Lab.


About Rebecca

When did you become interested in Computer Science? High School.

What area of Computer Science interests you the most? (Truth be told) Job Security; Feeling like a strong independent woman "fighting" for her right to be a Computer Scientist.

What is your dream job? My dream job is being a dancer or a chorus teacher (my retirement plan). My CS dream job is one where I'd be able to write programs that will make a difference in the world (either in health, education, etc.) and be able to interact with people all over the world.

Hobbies? I like to sing when no one's around to hear, dance like no one's watching, and draw.


About being a CS major

What is your favorite professor/course and why? Professor Brian Dunnigan – English 100. Off-beat class, profound wisdom. He's a cool cat. Pro Tip: You get to read graphic novels in his class (my class read V for Vendetta, which is my favorite).

What is the best part about being a CWIT Affiliate? Being exposed to all the opportunities around me. I've had a narrow path set by my family upon graduating. Thanks to CWIT, GraceHopper, and my bosses, I've learned I can do anything with my Computer Science major. Not just sitting in a cubicle, but having jobs that will allow me to travel and interact with other passionate, fun-loving people.

Are you part of any on-campus clubs, organizations, teams, or labs? I'm affiliated with UMBC's Ultimate Frisbee club, Rock Climbing club, Swing Dance club, and UMBC's CWIT (Center for Women in Technology).

Have you done any undergraduate research? I'm an Undergraduate Research Assistant at the UMBC MAPLE (Multi-Agent Planning and Learning) Lab under CE21 (Computing Education for the 21st Century) and CS4HS (Computer Science for High School) projects. We are a planning project with the goal of increasing high school computer science expertise and statewide support in Maryland for computing education. I'm responsible for all aspects of event management, including site selection, contract negotiation, proposal planning, transportation arrangements, housing, and production of meeting materials for professional CS workshops, meetings, and industry dinners.

What advice would you give to incoming students? Procrastination is death. Everyone will tell you this so take the advice: "Start your projects early." Leave the last minute panic to us oldies. Think about it: Finish a project early, eliminate stress, and go out and enjoy your life. You'll definitely be a happier person.

What advice would you give to other females entering the field? You are not alone. Really. Being an affiliate for CWIT and an undergraduate research assistant, I've been able to network with many students and professors. There are professors that truly want to push you on the path of greatness. There are students that share the same mindset and know your pain (or at least understand them). Befriend them. If you see me, say "Hi." I'll be your friend.


About life at UMBC

What is the best part about campus life at UMBC? The quaint serenity of living on a moderately small community campus. UMBC is my home, my work place, and my school. My friends are my neighbors (mainly within walking distance), my coworkers are my colleagues, classmates, and friends, and my professors are my mentors, advisers, and bosses. I have the freedom to do what I want when I want all in one little loop. Props to Campus Police and UMBC's general vicinity for making campus feel safe and cozy.

What is your favorite spot on campus? I would tell you but that would spoil its serenity.

Where can you get the best coffee/lunch/ food or beverage of choice? I'm a big fan of Fresh Fusions, Wild Greens, and Admin for healthy choices. Au Bon Pain and the Library Cafe have some pretty good smoothies. (Order a Strawberry Smoothie with whipped cream. Do it. I dare you.)

Making the Abstract Approachable: Teaching innovation in UMBC's CSEE Department

Making the Abstract Approachable

How UMBC's Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department is using innovative teaching techniques to engage and inspire undergraduates.

Gone are the days of stuffy lectures and drowsy students. At least, this is true of UMBC’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, where hands-on labs, industry simulations, new teaching methods, honors courses, and efforts to engage women and underrepresented minorities are being used to engage and inspire the next generation of Computer Scientists and Computer Engineers.

A Little Healthy Competition

For an abstract concept like Computer Science, getting your hands dirty with micro-chips and robots might be the secret to engaging students. Dr. Tim Oates’ Robotics course shows that a healthy dose of competition helps, too. Oates devised a semester-long, team-based competition where students build robots and then battle them. They’re called “Sumobots” (pictured right), named after the age-old Japanese sport, Sumo. Like its namesake,
the victor of a sumobot battle is the last robot standing in the circular arena.

“The competition element definitely made it a lot of fun,” says Emily Scheerer (CS ’14) whose team’s robot—made from a servo motor, microcontroller, and plastic binder–was the worst functioning sumobot on the first day of class. After a trip to Home Depot for some sturdier parts and a few revisions, the robot climbed to the top ranking by the last day of class.

Despite cheering that can be heard from inside the classroom on competition days, the course is not just fun and games. “You still have to work for the ‘A’,” explains Mat Kurtz (ME, minor CS ’13), “but the way it’s set up, you want to work for the ‘A’”. Oates explains that having students build and program a robot helps bridge the gap between computer science theory its application.

A similar energy can be found in Introduction to Engineering Science (ENES 101), co-taught by CSEE professor of the practice Dr. Chuck LaBerge and Mechanical Engineering professor of the practice Dr. Anne Spence.  

Dubbed the “cornerstone” course because it teaches the basics of engineering to all engineering students (Computer, Mechanical, Biochemical), the course puts students from these different disciplines together to leverage their skills on group projects. 

For the past two years, the semester has ended with the AROW competition (Academy Robotics on the Water). Teams design a robotic boat (pictured left) that emulates tasks of the U.S. Coast Guard: tending a light house, placing navigation buoys, cleaning and recycling and oil spill – represented by ping-pong balls – and rescuing Lego fishermen who have fallen overboard. The teams are then judged on the basis of the cost-effectiveness of the various team designs. The winner is chosen based on efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Build it and they will Come

Replacing lectures with hands-on design experience is a growing trend in Computer Engineering courses at UMBC. Take Programmable Logic Devices (CMPE 415), which teaches students how to program FPGA boards. Two years ago, Dr. Ryan Robucci revamped the course so students could get their hands on FPGA boards from day one.

“We gave them something they can touch,” explains Robucci, who also introduced a “games” theme to the class. Instead of programming the boards to carry out abstract tasks, students connect the boards to monitors and make them play simple video games like the 70’s Atari classic, Pong.

Robucci applied the same technique to C Programming and Embedded Systems (CMPE 331), a similar course that involves programming microcontrollers rather than FPGA boards. In this case, students must program the microcontroller to play a song through a set of speakers.  

Robucci stresses that the benefit of hands-on programming is that it forces students to troubleshoot to ensure physical results. Students can’t focus on a single problem and ignore the rest—as they’re apt to do on paper–or they will miss out on a rousing game of pong.

In Dr. Gymama Slaughter’s Biosensor Technology (CMPE), student teams get to build and test their own biosensors (pictured right). This includes a trip to UMBC’s Cleanroom, located in the Technology Resource Center (TRC).

An emerging, multidisciplinary field, biomedical microsystesms (BioMEMS) is making strides with diabetes research. “The development of biosensors is a recent endeavor that is gradually replacing big and bulky laboratory-based diagnostics tools,” explains Slaughter. “Reliable and highly sensitive analytical devices for measuring different components in blood has allowed for patients with diabetes to be able to monitor their glucose levels at home.”

Dr. Fow Sen-Choa has a new Computer Engineering course in the works called “Experimental Techniques for Electrical and Computer Engineering” that will exposes students to basic technologies and laboratory techniques in the areas of wireless communications, optical communications, and bio-medical instrumentation.

Welcome to the "Real World"

CSEE courses that simulate what it’s like to work in the industry arm students with skills to help them thrive in the “real world.”

Take Chuck LaBerge’s Computer Engineering capstone course (CMPE 450/451), where Computer Engineering seniors are asked to apply what they have learned since freshman year. This semester, Dr. LaBerge is teaching the course in the same space as Dr. Anne Spence’s Mechanical Engineering senior capstone, allowing Computer and Mechanical engineers to collaborate.

“Dr. LaBerge ran the capstone class as though it was an engineering consulting firm in which he was the manager of several teams of engineers,” explains Jason Dunthorn (ME ’12), who was part of a team of mechanical engineering students who developed an ultrasonic transceiver to help the blind gauge nearby obstacles (pictured left).

Teams worked on projects for a third-party “customer” (generally a CSEE faculty member or external company), who specifies what they are looking for in a product. Throughout the year, the teams met with their customers to update them on their progress. If groups had trouble, they would seek out advice from other teams.  

“This collaborative environment encouraged everyone to grow beyond what they were getting out of their own projects,” says Jason. “It was a wonderful success; Students felt enriched and strengthened.”

A special section of Dr. Susan Mitchell’s Software Design and Development (CSMC 345) course also follows the industry model. Last spring, Mitchell recruited her “customer” from Columbia-based tech company Next Century Corporation.

Made up of two teams of five students, the special section asked teams produce a visualization of how computer viruses spread geographically. As if they had been hired by the company, teams had to give regular updates every one to two weeks, sometimes in person, sometimes via Skype. Next Century even allowed the teams to use their own Wiki and a Configuration Management System, where they could structure their computer code.

Their midterm and final presentations were given in Next Century’s conference room, in front of the company’s president. “They were very nervous,” says Mitchell. Though chances are they’ll be less nervous when they do it for real a few years from now.  

One-on-one contact with industry professionals is also an element of Dr. Marc Olano’s Senior Game Project (CMSC 493). A class for aspiring video game developers within UMBC’s Game Development Track, it brings together both Computer Science and Visual Arts students to create a playable video game by the semester’s end. “The final exam is a presentation of the finished games for 10-20 pros at a networking reception,” explains Olano.

SLUG (pictured right), a 2D flash game where the player must help a pink slug collect acorns while avoiding enemies: bees, birds and frogs, even won an award at the 2010 West Virginia Flash Festival.

“The core things (in addition to game development) the students learn during the class include working effectively with others with very different skills and backgrounds, scoping and planning development for a large project, and effective presentation skills through multiple presentations to the class and outsiders,” says Olano.

Teaching Tech with Tech

The “flipped-classroom” approach of Shawn Lupoli’s Programming Languages (CMSC 331) course replaces actual lectures with video lectures; The result is more class time that Lupoli can spend interacting with students.

“I find Mr. Lupoli’s approach much more friendly and easier to understand,” says Andrew Bosco (CS ’14). Despite the roughly 1.5 hours he spends watching videos and taking the online follow-up quiz, Andrew says the class is not more work than other classes; The time is just structured differently. “I’m spending time I would usually devote to studying watching videos.”

Lupoli spends hours writing and recording the videos, so that there is no gap between what the students learn online and what they learn in the classroom. Students come to class already knowing the material; They then use class time to ask questions and work collaboratively on projects.

Honors Seminars 

It’s easy for technical subjects like Math and Computer Science to stick to an uninspired lecture-hall format, but the new Computer Science honors seminars are structured to celebrate discussion and student participation.

Dr. Anupam Joshi’s Security and Privacy in a Mobile Social World (HONR 300/ CMSC 491) explores how ubiquitous computing is effecting our personal privacy. Introduced last spring, the course discusses recent court cases like the United States. V. Jones case in which the government installed a GPS in a suspect’s car and monitored him without his knowledge.

As their final project, students were asked to look at Twitter feeds and predict whether the user was a Democrat or a Republican. Student predictions were 70-75% accurate. The point of the exercise, explains Joshi, was to help students realize how much of their personal information they could inadvertently be giving away using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.  

Dr. Marie desJardin’s Computation, Complexity, and Emergence (HONR 300/ CMSC 491) course uses Computer Science to model and understand natural complex systems like bird flocks, ant colonies, coral colonies, the evolution of language, and weather systems.

“Many years ago, I read Gary Flake’s book The Computational Beauty of Nature and was completed fascinated by the concepts of fractals, chaos, and swarm systems, and how such simple individual behaviors could lead to such complex system behaviors,” explains desJardins, who started teaching the course last year. “…I had often thought of the ubiquity of these complex systems in the world around us would be a great launching point for engaging non-CS majors in understanding how relevant computational modeling can be to their own interests, and broadening the perspective of CS majors on the kinds of problems their training would enable them to work on.”

desJardins was also responsible for a new honors section for Introduction to Computers and Programming (CMSC 100), which she dubbed “Python Boot Camp.” A one-hour completely hands-on, very student-led interactive lab section, the course is meant to hook students who might never consider taking a hard-core programming class.  

After students learn the basics of Python programming and using pseudocode to design an algorithmic solution to a problem, they are sent to the front of the room to solve a problem. “Just watching somebody else talk about programming, or even watching them write programs, is really not that effective in terms of actually learning to program," explains desJardins. “It’s one of those things you have to do.

Computing for All

Making Computer Science and Computer Engineering accessible and enticing for students, especially underrepresented minorities in the field like women, minorities, and transfer students, has always been a priority of the department.

UMBC’s Center for Women in Technology (CWIT), directed by CSEE professor Dr. Penny Rheingans, has been focusing on this issue since the center came to be nearly 15 years ago. This summer, Dr. Rheingans received an NSF research award to develop and evaluate an innovative first-year seminar for computing majors aimed at increasing retention, completion, and success among students, especially women and those from underrepresented groups.

“Students arrive not really understanding which computing major is right for them,” explains Dr. Rheingans. She says that the course, Problem Solving and Computer Programming (IS 101Y/CMSC 104Y), which is being co-taught by herself and Dr. Susan Martin, Associate Director, CWIT, will overcome obstacles that prevent new students from sticking with Computer Science.

“Traditional computing programs generally spend the first semesters teaching skills (for example programming) without really talking much about the big picture, specifically the grand challenges of the field and the impact one can make on solving societal problems,” explains Rheingans. “This organization works fine for students with a love of programming, but not so well for those who see programming as a tool to achieve greater good.”

Students learn both technical skills–algorithmic problem solving, abstraction, programming, and analysis—and professional skills–time management, understanding learning styles, networking, working in teams, and presenting. They work together on a semester long team-based design, implementation, and evaluation project, which shows that working in teams is actually the norm in the industry.

Innovative teaching in UMBC’s Computer Science and Electrical Engineering department is the product of teachers who love the subject and want to make sure their students are similarly infatuated. The way to do that is by making the abstract approachable. 

talk: Modeling the dynamics of pulsed optical fiber lasers that rely on nonlinear polarization rotation

CSEE Colloquium

Modeling the dynamics of pulsed optical fiber lasers that rely on nonlinear polarization rotation

Brian Marks
Research Scientist
UMBC Computational Photonics Laboratory

1 pm Friday, 2 November 2012, ITE 227, UMBC


Ultrashort pulse lasers are important tools in time and frequency metrology, atomic spectroscopy, and medical applications. Passively modelocked fiber lasers are short pulse lasers that have many advantages over non-fiber alternatives — particularly size, weight, and cost. However, fiber lasers can drift due to environmental changes and changes in fiber properties, making robustness a problem. Although fiber modelocked lasers have been studied for decades, until recently modeling these devices has primarily been phenomenological. In this talk, I will discuss how passively modelocked fiber lasers work, improvements in the modeling effort in recent years, challenges for their robustness, and possible improvements for robustness based on our modeling work.

Brian Marks is a research scientist in the computational photonics laboratory at UMBC. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics at Northwestern University, and B.S.'s in Math and Physics from N. C. State University. He was at UMBC from 2000–2005 in the computational photonics lab, then taught math and statistics at Indiana University in Bloomington for several years, and is now back at UMBC. His research interests include modeling and simulation of photonics and communications systems.

talk: Emerging Challenges in High Performance Computing

CSEE Colloquium

Emerging Challenges in High Performance Computing: Resilience and the Science of Embracing Failure

John. T. Daly
Advanced Computing Systems Program at the Department of Defense / Center for Exceptional Computing

1:00 p.m. Friday, 9 November 2012, ITE 227, UMBC


Resilience is about keeping the application workload running to a correct solution in a timely and efficient manner in spite of system failures. Future extreme scale supercomputers are likely to suffer more frequent failures than current systems: As devices scale, they are more susceptible to upsets due to radiation and to errors due to manufacturing variances. The probability of multiple bit upsets is growing, since an event is increasingly likely to impact multiple nearby cells. The use of near-threshold voltage in order to reduce power consumption also increases error rates. Thus, we can expect more frequent hardware failures, and a significant rate of undetected soft errors. While it is desirable to have failure-free system hardware and software, this goal may not be achievable at reasonable cost as both hardened components and methodologies to design and test critical software tend to be extremely expensive. The challenge is to construct a system out of less than perfectly reliable hardware and software that nevertheless behaves as a reliable system from the perspective of the user.

John T. Daly is a computer systems researcher for the Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) Program at the Department of Defense / Center for Exceptional Computing (CEC). He is focused on the problem of keeping supercomputer applications running toward a correct solution in a timely and efficient manner in the presence of system degradations and failures. His research interests include mathematical modeling and analysis of failure, reliability, fault tolerance, calculational correctness, and throughput for applications at extreme scale. Before coming to the CEC, John was a researcher and resilience technical leader in the High Performance Computing (HPC) division at Los Alamos National Laboratory and a software engineer and application analyst for Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems. He is a nationally recognized expert in resilience with 25 years of experience developing, porting, and running applications as an early adopter of many of the world's fastest supercomputers. He holds degrees in engineering and applied science and aerospace engineering from Caltech and Princeton University.


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