Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Overview of Oracle DCE Integration

This chapter briefly describes the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) and the Oracle DCE Integration product.

More Information:

See the list of related books and papers in "Related Publications" in the Preface of this guide.  

This chapter covers the following topics:

System Requirements

Oracle DCE Integration requires Net8 and Oracle8i. It enables Oracle applications and tools to access Oracle8i servers in a DCE environment.


Oracle DCE Integration is based on the Open Software Foundation (OSF) DCE V1.0 and V1.1, and will be compatible with OSF's future DCE releases.

OSF has merged with another standards group,
X/OPEN, to form The Open Group. This group will continue to support DCE.  

Backward Compatibility

Oracle servers running DCE Integration 2.3.2 and later are backward compatible with clients running SQL*Net/DCE 2.1.6 or 2.2.3; however, the 2.1.6 clients will not be able to take advantage of external roles.

A client running DCE Integration 2.3.2 or later will not be able to connect to a SQL*Net/DCE 2.1.6 or 2.2.3 server. A DCE Integration release 2.3.2 or later client requires a 2.3.2 or later server in order to connect to a database.

Overview of Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)

The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) from the Open Software Foundation (OSF) is a set of integrated network services that work across multiple systems to provide a distributed environment. The network services include remote procedure calls (RPCs), directory service, security service, threads, distributed file service, diskless support, and distributed time service.

DCE is the middleware between distributed applications and the operating system/network services and is based on a client/server model of computing. By using the services and tools that DCE provides, users can create, use, and maintain distributed applications that run across a heterogeneous environment.

More Information:

See "Related Publications" in the Preface of this guide.  

Overview of Oracle DCE Integration

Oracle DCE Integration enables use of Oracle tools and applications to access Oracle8i servers in a DCE environment.

Components of Oracle DCE Integration

Oracle's DCE Integration product comprises DCE Communication/Security and DCE CDS Native Naming.

DCE Communication/Security

DCE Communication/Security includes:

DCE CDS Native Naming

The DCE CDS Native Naming component includes naming and location transparency

DCE Integration registers Oracle8i connect descriptors in the DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS), allowing them to be transparently accessed across the entire DCE environment. Users can connect to Oracle database servers in a DCE environment using familiar Oracle service names.

The DCE Cell Directory Service offers a distributed, replicated repository service for name, address, and attributes of objects across the network. Because servers register their name and address information in the Cell Directory Service (CDS), Oracle clients can make location-independent connections to Oracle8i servers. Services can be relocated without any changes to the client configuration. An Oracle utility is provided to load the Oracle service names (with corresponding connect descriptors) into CDS. After this is done, Oracle connect descriptors can be viewed from a central location with standard DCE tools.

For location of services across multiple cells, either of the following options may be used:

Flexible DCE Deployment

The Oracle Advanced Security option provides flexibility in your use of DCE services. You have the following options:

Limitations in This Release


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