Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Configuring Oracle for Oracle DCE Integration

This chapter discusses how to configure Oracle and Net8 to use Oracle DCE Integration after it has been successfully installed. The following sections describe the parameters you need to configure for servers and clients.

DCE Address Parameters

DCE addresses in the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora configuration files are defined by DCE parameters. These parameters consist of both mandatory and optional fields, which are described below:


where the components are:


a mandatory field that identifies the DCE RPC protocol.  


a mandatory field for the server and an optional field for the client. The server authenticates itself to DCE as this principal. This field is mandatory in the listener configuration file (listener.ora) and specifies the principal the server will start under. This field is optional in your local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora) and specifies the principal of the server the client must connect to. If not specified, then one-way authentication is used. In this case, the client does not care what principal the server is running under.  


an optional parameter. If present, it specifies the DCE cell name of the database. If this parameter is not set, the cell name defaults to the local cell (useful for single-cell environments). Optionally, the SERVICE parameter (described below) may specify the complete path (including the cell name) to the service, making this parameter unnecessary.  


a mandatory field for both server and client. For the server, this is the service registered with CDS. For the client, this is the service name used when querying CDS for the location of the Oracle DCE servers. The default directory for storing service names in CDS is /.../cell_name/subsys/oracle/service_registry. This service name can fully specify the path in CDS.  

You can specify a service as:


or it can be specified as


provided that CELL_NAME=cell_name is also specified.

A third option is to specify SERVICE=dce_service_name, in which case the cell name defaults to the local cell. However, this third way of specifying service names only works well if you are working within a single cell.


The dce_service_name in the service field may or may not be the same as the service name used by Net8. The service name used by Net8 is mapped to the connect descriptor in a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora). The dce_service_name is part of the address within the connect descriptor.  


In this DCE Integration release, the configuration files listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora, and protocol.ora are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. The init<sid>.ora file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.  

Configuring the Server

To configure a server for DCE Integration, you need to configure the following Net8 files with DCE address and parameter information as described in "DCE Address Parameters" and in the following sections.


Use the Net8 Assistant to create the necessary configuration files. For explanations of the configuration files, refer to the Net8 Administrator's Guide  

Note the following prerequisites:


For a database server to receive connections from Net8 clients in a DCE environment, there must be a Net8 listener active on the server platform. A listener listens for connections on a network address that is defined in the listener configuration file (listener.ora).

The SERVER_PRINCIPAL parameter designates what DCE principal the listener should be running under. In the sample below, the listener is running under principal "oracle".

Sample DCE Address in LISTENER.ORA

Below is a sample DCE address as it would appear in the listener.ora file.


Creating and Naming Externally-Authenticated Accounts

To use DCE authentication for logging onto the Oracle database, you need to create database accounts that are "authenticated externally".

More Information:

For more information on external authentication, see Oracle8i Distributed Database Systems  

To enable secure external authentication, do the following:

  1. Verify that these lines are in the init<sid>.ora file:

  2. Verify that the init<sid>.ora file does not have a multi-threaded server (MTS) entry for DCE. For example, an entry such as the following is not allowed:

    mts_dispatchers="dce, 3"  
  3. Make sure that you are logged in as a member of the DBA group. Restart the database instance for the changes to take effect.

  4. At the SQL*Plus prompt, define users. Before doing so, decide whether you are, or ever will be, operating in a multi-cell DCE environment in which you will allow Oracle access across cell boundaries. The way you define users depends on whether they will be connecting within a single cell, or across cell boundaries.


    The privileges shown in the remainder of this section are the minimum privileges necessary. The actual set of privileges needed depends on the instance and/or application.  

    If users will be connecting within a local cell, use the following format.

    SQL> GRANT CREATE SESSION TO server_principal;

    For example:



    The entire CELL_NAME/SERVER_PRINCIPAL string must be 15 characters or less.

    For example:


    If connecting to the database across multiple cells, specify both the cell_name and the server_principal.



    You must enclose the externally-identified account name in double quotes, because the slash is a reserved character. Also, if the account (user) name is double-quoted, it must be capitalized.  

    For example:



    When using the above format, set the following parameter in protocol.ora to FALSE:



    References to an Oracle account created in this manner must include the schema/account in the correct format. For example, consider requests for access to tables from another account. When a user references the tables in another account created within a local cell, the command might be:

    SQL> SELECT * FROM oracle.emp

    If a user wants to access tables in an another account created for connections across cells, the command might be:


Setting up DCE Integration External Roles

This section explains the steps you follow to set up external roles for DCE integration, and how you connect to an Oracle database as SYSOPER or SYSDBA with DCE credentials.

To set up external roles for DCE Integration:
  1. Set the following parameter in the init<sid>.ora file.


    Then restart the database.

  2. Make sure that the DCE groups that map to Oracle roles adhere to the following syntax:


    where the components are:


    Designates that this group is used for Oracle purposes  


    The global name for the database  


    The name of the role, as defined in the data dictionary  


    Optional character indicating that the user has admin privileges for this role.  


    Optional character indicating the role is to be enabled by default at connect time  


    Note: For more details on external roles see the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide  

  3. DCE authenticate to a user who is a member of a DCE group by performing a dce_login and a klist command. (Below is some sample output from the dce_login and klist commands.)


    The DCE group must adhere to the syntax described in step 2.

    % dce_login oracle
    Enter Password:
    % klist
    DCE Identity Information:
    Warning: Identity information is not certified
    Global Principal: /.../ilab1/oracle
    Cell: 001c3f90-01f5-1f72-ba65-02608c2c84f3 /.../ilab1
    Principal: 00000068-0568-2f72-bd00-02608c2c84f3 oracle
    Group: 0000000c-01f5-2f72-ba01-02608c2c84f3 none
    Local Groups:
    0000000c-01f5-2f72-ba01-02608c2c84f3 none
    0000006a-0204-2f72-b901-02608c2c84f3 subsys/dce/cds-server
    00000078-daf4-2fe1-a201-02608c2c84f3 ora_dce222_dba
    00000084-89c8-2fe8-a201-02608c2c84f3 ora_dce222_connect_d
    00000087-8a13-2fe8-a201-02608c2c84f3 ora_dce222_resource_d
    00000080-f681-2fe1-a201-02608c2c84f3 ora_dce222_role1_ad .
    . .

  4. Connect to the database as usual.

    Following is some sample output showing a listing of external roles (DBA, CONNECT, RESOURCE, and ROLE1) that have been mapped to DCE groups.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM session_roles;


    SQL> SET ROLE all;

    Role set.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM session_roles;


    6 rows selected.


Connecting to Oracle Database as SYSDBA or SYSOPER using DCE

To connect to an Oracle database as SYSOPER or SYSDBA with DCE credentials, do the following:

  1. Create DCE groups that map to Oracle DBA and OPERATOR roles. DCE group names should adhere to the syntax presented in "Setting up DCE Integration External Roles". Add the externally authenticated user "oracle" as a member of the group(s).

    $ dce_login cell_admin <cell_admin password> 
    rgy_edit=> domain group 
    DOmain changed to: group 
    rgy_edit=> add ora_dce222_dba_ad 
    rgy_edit=> add ora_dce222_operator_ad 
    rgy_edit=> member ora_dce222_dba_ad -a oracle 
    rgy_edit=> member ora_dce222_operator_ad -a oracle
  2. Add the GLOBAL_NAME parameter to the DCE address or TNS service name in the local configuration file TNSNAMES.ORA.

  3. Create the database user "oracle" as explained in "Creating and Naming Externally-Authenticated Accounts".

  4. Get DCE credentials for the externally authenticated user.

    $ dce_login oracle <oracle password> 
    DCE Identity Information: 
            Warning: Identity information is not certified 
            Global Principal: /.../ 
            Cell:      00af8052-7e94-11d2-b261-9019b88baa77 
            Principal: 0000006d-88b9-21d2-9300-9019b88baa77 oracle 
            Group:     0000000c-7e94-21d2-b201-9019b88baa77 none 
            Local Groups: 
                    0000000c-7e94-21d2-b201-9019b88baa77 none 
                    0000006a-7e94-21d2-ad01-9019b88baa77 subsys/dce/cds-server 
                    00000076-8b53-21d2-9301-9019b88baa77 ora_dce222_dba_ad 
                    00000077-8b53-21d2-9301-9019b88baa77 ora_dce222_operator_ad 
    Identity Info Expires: 1998-12-04-10:28:22 
    Account Expires:       never 
    Passwd Expires:        never 
    Kerberos Ticket Information: 
    Ticket cache: /opt/dcelocal/var/security/creds/dcecred_43ae2600 
    Default principal: 
    Server: krbtgt/ 
            valid 1998-12-04-00:28:22 to 1998-12-04-10:28:22 
            valid 1998-12-04-00:28:22 to 1998-12-04-10:28:22 
            valid 1998-12-04-00:28:26 to 1998-12-04-02:28:26 
    Client:     Server: 
            valid 1998-12-04-00:28:26 to 1998-12-04-02:28:26 
    Client:     Server: 
            valid 1998-12-04-00:28:27 to 1998-12-04-02:28:26


    list output shows the DCE group membership of Oracle.  

  5. Connect to the Oracle database as SYSBDA or SYSOPER. For example,

     SQL> connect /@oradce as SYSDBA 

Configuring the Client

To configure a client for DCE Integration, you need to configure the following Net8 files with DCE address and parameter information, as described below:

Typically, CDS is used for name resolution. Thus, a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora) is not used, except when loading names and addresses into CDS.

More Information:

See "Configuring Clients to Use DCE CDS Naming".  

Parameters in PROTOCOL.ORA

There are four DCE parameters located in protocol.ora. Each parameter begins with the prefix "DCE." to distinguish it from parameters relevant to other protocols. If default values are used for these four parameters, DCE Integration does not require a protocol.ora file. The parameters and their current defaults are:

Configuration parameters are not case-sensitive: you can enter them in either upper-case or lower-case.


If the DCE.AUTHENTICATION entry is not specified, cell-wide default authentication is used.

If the DCE.PROTECTION entry is not specified, cell-wide default protection is used.  

DCE.AUTHENTICATION--This parameter is optional. It indicates the authentication value to be used for each DCE RPC. The client's DCE_AUTHENTICATION value must be the same as the server's DEC_AUTHENTICATION value. The choices are:

DCE.PROTECTION--This is an optional field. It specifies the data integrity protection levels for data transmission. The client's DCE_PROTECTION level must be equal to or greater than the server's DCE_PROTECTION level. The choices are:

DCE.TNS_ADDRESS_OID--This optional parameter enables you to specify an alternative to the default DCE.TNS_ADDRESS_OID (shown below):


More Information:

For information on how to determine if you need to include this parameter, and how to specify it, see "Modify the CDS Attributes File and Restart the CDS".  

DCE.LOCAL_CELL_USERNAMES--This optional parameter defines the format used to specify the principal name (username) either with or without the cell name.


The choice you make for this parameter should be determined by whether users will be making connections across cells, and if so, whether you have naming conventions that assure that users in different cells do not have duplicate names.  

The choices are:

TRUE: This is the default. Choose TRUE when using just the SERVER_PRINCIPAL format, without the CELL_NAME. An example of a user specified in this format would be:


This choice would be appropriate if users are making connections within a single cell, or if naming conventions in your network assure that users in different cells do not have duplicate names.

FALSE: Choose FALSE when using the CELLNAME/SERVER_PRINCIPAL format. An example of a user specified in this format would be:


This choice would be appropriate if users are making connections across cells and there may be users in different cells with identical names.

Configuring Clients to Use DCE CDS Naming

Clients will typically use CDS to resolve Oracle service names to addresses. Follow the instructions below to configure CDS.

Enable CDS for use in Performing Name Lookup

To use CDS for name resolution, the DCE Integration CDS Naming Adapter must be installed on all clients and servers that will use CDS. Also, the CDS namespace must have been configured for use by DCE Integration.

More Information:

For instructions on how to install and configure the CDS Naming Adapter, see the DCE Integration installation instructions and "Step 3: Configure DCE CDS for Use by Oracle DCE Integration".  

For example, a service name such as "ORADCE" and its network address can be stored in DCE's CDS.

Typically, users can connect to Oracle services using the familiar Oracle service name (if there are no domains or the database is in the user's default domain): For example:

sqlplus /@ORADCE

This example assumes that DCE externally-authenticated accounts are in use.

As an alternative name resolution service, you can use a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora) when CDS is inaccessible. To do this, you must locate names and addresses of all Oracle servers in the local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora).

Modify the CDS Attributes File and Restart the CDS

On all DCE machines where CDS naming will be used, add the object ID for the CDS attribute TNS_Address to the CDS attributes file. (The object ID must be the same across all machines.)

  1. Add a line with the following format to the /opt/dcelocal/etc/cds_attributes file.    TNS_Address    char

    If the default TNS_Address OID (Object Identifier) value ( already exists in the cds_attributes file, then you need to specify a value for the OID that is not already in use.


    The first four digits of the TNS_Address attribute value ( are fixed under DCE-naming conventions.  

    If you are unable to use the default value for the OID, you need to specify the OID in the protocol.ora file on the client.

    If you had to specify a value other than the default (, then you need to add the following parameter to the protocol.ora file:



    Make sure that the OID value in the cds_attributes file matches the value specified in the DCE.TNS_ADDRESS_OID parameter in the protocol.ora file.  

  2. Restart the CDS on the machine. (The command to restart CDS may vary from platform to platform. For example, on IBM AIX, you may use smit to restart the CDS.) The steps on IBM AIX are as follows:

    1. Type: smit DCE

    2. Choose Restart DCE/CDS Daemons

    3. Select List

    4. Select all CDS daemons available

Create a TNSNAMES.ORA For Loading Oracle Connect Descriptors into CDS

To load the Oracle service names and addresses into CDS, create or modify a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora) containing service names (or aliases) and addresses. A sample file is shown below. The local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora) is used to map service names to addresses for use by Net8.

This section describes the parameters that you need to include in the tnsnames.ora file. tnsnames.ora contains a list of Oracle service names mapped to connect descriptors of destinations or endpoints in the network. The sample DCE address below shows a network address for an Oracle server with the Oracle service name "ORADCE". It is used to connect to the service registered as "DCE_SVC" in the CDS directory /.../cell_name/subsys/oracle/names.



In this example, the Oracle service name and the DCE service name are different. However, they are often the same.  

The keyword value pair PROTOCOL=DCE is mandatory. It appears in the address section of a listener configuration file (listener.ora) and in the address section of a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora). It must be the same in both places.

The DCE parameter SERVER_PRINCIPAL is optional in a local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora).

The DCE parameter SERVICE is mandatory. The value given for the DCE parameter (SERVICE= dce_service_name) must be the same in the listener configuration file (listener.ora) and local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora).

The Oracle parameter SID is mandatory. It identifies the Oracle system ID; each SID value must be unique on a node. This parameter is strictly local and is not used in DCE CDS.

More Information:

For information on the local naming configuration file (tnsnames.ora), see the Net8 Administrator's Guide  

Load Oracle Connect Descriptors into CDS

A separate utility called "tnnfg" is provided with Oracle DCE Integration to load connect descriptors into CDS.

To load the Oracle service names or aliases into CDS, perform the following steps:

% dce_login cell_admin
% tnnfg dceload full_pathname_to_TNSNAMES.ORA
% Enter Password:(password will not display)


You must enter the full pathname for the tnsnames.ora file in the previous command.

Also, make sure that the sqlnet.ora file exists in the same directory as the tnsnames.ora file.  

This procedure loads the service names in tnsnames.ora into DCE's CDS.


If you configure a new service name and address in tnsnames.ora, tnnfg will add the new service name and address to CDS.

If you change the address for a particular service name, tnnfg will update the address for a particular service name.  

Delete or Rename TNSNAMES.ORA File

If you are using SQL*Net 2.2 or earlier, after having loaded the tnsnames.ora file into DCE's CDS, Oracle recommends that you rename it to another name--tnsnames.bak, for example, or delete it. Otherwise, tnsnames.ora may be searched instead of CDS to resolve the service name to an address.

If you are using SQL*Net 2.3 or Net8, you can keep tnsnames.ora available as a backup in case CDS becomes unavailable. To assure that CDS will routinely be searched instead of tnsnames.ora, configure the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in a profile (sqlnet.ora), as described in the next section: "Modify SQLNET.ORA Parameter File to Have Names Resolved in CDS".

Modify SQLNET.ORA Parameter File to Have Names Resolved in CDS

The parameters required in a profile (sqlnet.ora) depend upon the version of SQL*Net or Net8 you are using.

SQL*Net Release 2.3 and Later and Net8

For a client or server to use the DCE CDS Naming, the administrator needs to do the following:

The first name resolution service listed as a value for this parameter is used. If it is unavailable for some reason, the next name resolution service is used, and so forth.

Connect to Oracle Servers in DCE

More Information:

For information on how to connect to Oracle databases in a DCE environment, see Chapter 14, "Connecting to an Oracle Database in DCE".  


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