Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 1.4.0






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Console Configuration

This chapter discusses getting started with Oracle Enterprise Manager and configuring the Console when it is running under Microsoft Windows NT or 95.

Topic   See Page  

Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager  


Setting Up the Repository User Account  


Discovering Network Services  


Enterprise Manager Console and Oracle Names  


Starting Enterprise Manager Tools  


Setting Preferences for NT  


Upgrading the 7.3.3 Intelligent Agent for Software Manager  


Administrating a Remote UNIX Database  


Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager

To start the Enterprise Manager Console, select Oracle Enterprise Manager from the Oracle Enterprise Manager folder on the Start Menu.


Only one instance of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console can be run on a machine. However, you can run multiple instances of the DBA tools.

Setting Up the Repository User Account

You need to have an Oracle user account with DBA (Database Administrator) privileges set up on the database where the repository will be created.

Recommendations on creating a user account with DBA privileges are listed below.

Recommendations   Reasoning  

Create a new user account so that the repository is created in its own tablespace.  

Oracle Enterprise Manager places its repository in the default tablespace of the user account where you are connected when the repository is created.  

Create a new tablespace and the newly-created user is customized to use this tablespace as its default tablespace.  

As described in the Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) Standard, there are several benefits for separating segments into special purpose tablespaces.  

Decrease the INITIAL extent size of the user's default tablespace or increase the overall tablespace size by adding another datafile.  

Oracle Enterprise Manager does not explicitly specify the size of the tables and indexes it creates.

These objects are created using the default storage parameters for the tablespace in which they are to be stored.

As a result, if the tablespace runs out of space before all of the schema objects are created, an error occurs.  

To set up a user account with DBA (Database Administrator) privileges on the database where the repository is created:

Step   Action   How?  


Double-click on the SQL Worksheet icon.  

The SQL Worksheet icon is from the Oracle Enterprise Manager program group or from the Start menu.  


Connect to an existing account on the database with system (DBA) privileges.  

Use the Login Information dialog box.  


Create a special tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.

Use Oracle Storage Manager.  

CREATE TABLESPACE reposit_tablespace DATAFILE 'datafile' size;  


Create a user account where the user's default tablespace is the newly-created tablespace and the user's temporary tablespace is a tablespace dedicated to temporary segments.

Use Oracle Security Manager  

DEFAULT TABLESPACE reposit_tablespace
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_tablespace;  


Grant the SYSTEM privileges to this user account.  

GRANT DBA to username IDENTIFIED BY password;  


Exit SQL Worksheet.  


Automatic Repository Creation

Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically creates the necessary repository tables when you log into a database upon startup of the Enterprise Manager Console or Performance Pack product.

After you are logged into the database, select OK when the dialog displays. The process takes a few minutes to complete.

If you experience problems with the automatic create process, see Manually Creating, Dropping, or Upgrading the Repository on page C-2.

If you have an existing repository from a previous release of Enterprise Manager, see the table below for compatibility information.

Older Version   Later Version   Outcome  

Oracle Enterprise Manager repository  

Oracle Enterprise Manager Console  

The existing repository is automatically upgraded when you log into the repository.

If you experience problems with the automatic upgrade process, see Manually Creating, Dropping, or Upgrading the Repository on page C-2  

Oracle Enterprise Manager Console  

Oracle Enterprise Manager repository  

You must install a more recent, compatible version of the Oracle Enterprise Manager.  

Connecting to a Repository

Oracle Enterprise Manager requires unique usernames across all repositories whether or not the repositories are in different databases, because:

The process for connecting to a repository is outlined below.

Stage   Description  


Enterprise Manager started.  


The copyright window displays, then, the Login Information dialog box appears.  


Through the Login Information dialog box, the user connects to the user account in the Oracle database where this Enterprise Manager repository is stored.  


The Console looks up the repository associated with his username.  


You should not log on to the Console repository multiple times with the same username. A warning displays if you attempt this. You should only ignore the warning if the previous Console session was aborted or a machine was disconnected. When a username is logged in multiple times, agent notifications are sent to the most recent login.

Discovering Network Services

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console must discover network services, such as databases, listeners, and nodes, to populate the Navigator tree, in order to manage these services for the Job Scheduling and Event Management systems.

The Navigator Service Discovery feature provides wizards for identifying network services and populating the Navigator tree. Refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for information on Navigator Service Discovery features.

To begin discovering services, SQL*NET must be properly installed.

Methods of discovering services are listed below:

Method   Function   For Agent Version  

Discover New Services Wizard  

Discovers new nodes and the services on the nodes.  

Intelligent Agent release 7.3.3 or higher using the TCP/IP protocol  

Refresh Services Wizard  

Refreshes and retries discovery on nodes  

Intelligent Agent release 7.3.3 or higher using the TCP/IP protocol  

Manually Define Services Wizard  

Enables you to manually enter information about services on nodes  

Does not have an Oracle Intelligent Agent or has a pre-7.3.3 Oracle Intelligent Agent  

Discovery with topo_ops.ora file  

manual addition of Oracle Parallel Servers that cannot be added with the Navigator Service Discovery  

Has a pre-7.3.3 Oracle Intelligent Agent  

When requested through the Navigator Discovery menu option, the agent passes information from the services.ora file to the Enterprise Manager Console to populate the Navigator tree.


Oracle Enterprise Manager no longer uses topology.ora. We recommend that you remove all of the services in the Navigator tree and delete the topology.ora file that was used by the previous release.

You need to rediscover services using the methods described above.

Enterprise Manager Console and Oracle Names

Oracle Enterprise Manager Console and database applications can resolve service names via Oracle Names like any other Oracle client application.

Stage   Description  


A client first looks in its own client-side cache. If it has contacted a Names Server within the past 24 hours, the address of a Names Server may be in the cache.  


If a client has a SQLNET.ORA file, it looks for the NAMES.PREFERRED_SERVER parameter. If one exists, it queries the first Names Server listed.  


A client looks for a Names Server with a well-known address. The well-known Names Server address on a TCP/IP network is a host aliased to oranamesrvr(), oranamesrvr1,...oranamesrvr4, using port 1575.  

For more information on how to configure a client with Oracle Names, see the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.

Starting Enterprise Manager Tools

You can launch an Enterprise Manager database administration tool in the following ways:

If you are using...   Then...  

Administration Toolbar  

Click on the tool's icon in the toolbar. The tool connects to the default database for the toolbar, if one has been specified.

For information on connecting to other databases, see the online help for the Administration Toolbar.  

Independent Application  

  1. Start the Enterprise Manager Console from the Start menu.
  2. Double-click on the application icon in the Enterprise Manager program group.
  3. Enter the connect information in the Login Information dialog box.


You can choose from the following three methods:

  • Select the database you want to administer in the Navigator tree or in the Map window, then choose the application in the Console Tools menu or in the launch palette.
  • Select the database you want to administer in the Navigator tree, then choose the application from the Related Tools menu of the context-sensitive menu.
  • Choose the application in the Console Tools menu or in the launch palette, then enter connect information in the Login Information dialog box.


Some database administration tools do not run or have limited functionality when the Console is not running.

When a tool executes, it attempts to connect to an Oracle database. For information on connecting to an Oracle database, see the online help.

When you select a database in the Console before launching a tool, you are connected to the database according to the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database or the credentials you used to log on to the Console. If connection to the database fails for any reason, the Login Information dialog box displays.

Setting Preferences for NT

In order for the agent to execute jobs on a managed NT node, you must grant your NT user account with the advanced user right, "logon as batch job." The privilege can be assigned to an existing local or domain user.

To set the preferred credentials, perform the following steps:

Step   Action  


In the Oracle Enterprise Manager console, select File/Preferences for the services on the machine where the Intelligent Agent is installed  


Specify the NT user account that you created as the user preference for the node where the agent is installed.  


The Agent authenticates the NT user name and password for all owners of jobs that it runs. If you do not set the preferred credentials for the node to be the same as the user that is set up to "submit batch jobs" on NT, the "Failed to authenticate user" error occurs when you submit a job.

Upgrading the 7.3.3 Intelligent Agent for Software Manager

If you have Oracle Intelligent Agent 7.3.3, you must upgrade it so that it can work with the Oracle Software Manager 1.4.0 application. You must perform the upgrade from the Console.

To upgrade the agent:

Step   Action  


Choose Run TCL Task.  


In the parameters section, browse to the ORACLE_HOME\sysman\osm10 directory and select to load the file, ORACLE_HOME\sysman\osm10\osmupgd.tcl as the tcl script.  


Specify ORACLE_HOME\sysman\osm10\osmcompt.tcl as the input file.  


Submit the job.  

Administrating a Remote UNIX Database

Before submitting an administration task, such as database shutdown or startup, through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Job system, you need to set up the database password file on the UNIX node where the database and agent are located.

Step   Action  


Set up the password file with the password file creation utility, orapwd.  


Enter the following line at the UNIX operating system prompt:

orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=manager  


Add the following line to the init.ora database initialization file:



Restart the database with the updated init.ora file.  


When you log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager, connect with the SYSDBA role to have the privileges to start up and shut down databases.

Additional Information:

Refer to the operating system-specific documentation for your Oracle database for the exact name of the password file creation utility for your system.


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