Creating the decimalValue method

For our Fraction class, it would be nice to have a method for converting a Fraction to a single primitive value. This is an easy computation which will result in a floating point or double number.

The decimal value of the fraction can be obtained by dividing a Fraction's numerator by its denominator.

Java considers a division operation as double or integer division based on the following rules:

  1. If both the operands are integers then integer division is performed.

    Integer division gives the quotient(integer) of the division and the remainder of the division is ignored/lost.

    For example: 12/5 is 2

  2. If one of the operands is float or double then the division performed is double division and the result is a double value.

    For example: 12.0/5 is 2.4

Double division needs to be performed to get a decimal value. The following example casts both values to doubles, but it would be sufficient to only cast one value to a double as division between an int and a double in Java results in a double.

 * Returns the decimal value of the Fraction
 * @return A double representing the decimal value of this Fraction
public double decimalValue()
  return ((double)getNumerator())/((double)getDenominator());


  1. Un-comment the code in main that prints the decimal value of the two fractions.