Transferring Files From Home

So at some point, you may need to transfer a file from your home computer onto the GL server, where it can be submitted. There are several ways this can be accomplished.

Use a flash drive

The simpilest thing you can do is take your project, put it on a flash drive, and plug it into a campus computer. This requires that you have physical access to a campus machine.


SCP is a program that allows you to transfer files from one server to another via the Secure SHell (SSH) network protocol. For Windows users, here is an excerpt from a good tutorial, created by Dan Hood:

For Mac/Linux users, simply open a terminal window, cd into the directory containing your project, and type the following command:

scp -r <A folder with your files in it>

The “~” is the name of your home directory. If you want the files to land in a subdirectory, simply add the name of the subdirectory after the ~.


So, if you wrote your code at home, the first thing you are going to do is test it on the GL server. If you are ssh'ed in, you are going to have to understand how to compile and run Java programs from the command line (see this resource for a refresher on how this is accomplished. Bear in mind that more complex projects will probably require additional resources).

If you would like to instead test your code in Eclipse, and avoid the complications of using the command line (this would have to be on a machine that is in a UMBC lab), there is another gotcha: you have to add the project to Eclipse before Eclipse will 'see' it. One way to do this is to open Eclipse, and right click on the Package explorer. Select Import, and you will enter a menu. Under General should be an option that says Existing Projects into Workspace. Hit Next, select your project, and click OK. NOTE: THIS WILL ONLY WORK WITH PROJECTS CREATED BY ECLIPSE.