Submitting your code

Projects are submitted electronically using the submit command. The general form of the submit command for this class is

submit cs202 <ProjectName> <Files>

Where ProjectName is “Proj1”, “Proj2”, “Proj3”, etc. (without the quotes), and Files is a list of files to be submitted for grading separated by blanks. For this lab, we are going to submit the Lab2 file to practice using the submit command. Submit the file using the following:

submit cs202 Lab2

Make sure you are in the directory containing your (this will be inside your workspace, in a folder called src/lab2/) file. You do not need to submit .class files, or any extra files Eclipse may have created in the same directory.

Using ‘submitls’, you can verify that your files were submitted. The general form of the submitls command for this class is

submitls cs202 <ProjectName>

Additional Information

For more information/example of the submit command, see the Project Submission page.