Class Critter

  extended by ants.Critter

public abstract class Critter
extends java.lang.Object

Critter is an abstract class from which Ants and DoodleBugs are derived
Class Invariant: row and column are non-negative, world is not null

No new methods may be added to the Critter class

You will need other instance variables to
a. determine if it's time to breed
b. determine if the Critter has starved
c. manage Critter movement (you don't want to move the same Critter twice in the same simulation step)

Constructor Summary
Critter(AntWorld world, int row, int col)
          Construct a Critter that lives at the specified location in the AntWorld
Critter(Critter critter)
          Critter copy constructor
Method Summary
abstract  boolean breed()
          Determines if the Critter should breed
protected  Critter clone()
          A "dummy" clone method to make the compiler happy so that Ant and DoodleBug can override clone( ) as well Don't change this !!
abstract  int move()
          Determines the direction in which the Critter wishes to move
abstract  boolean starve()
          Determines whether the Critter has starved
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Critter(AntWorld world,
               int row,
               int col)
Construct a Critter that lives at the specified location in the AntWorld

world - - a reference to the AntWorld where the Critter lives
row - - the row coordinate of the cell in which the Critter lives
col - - the column coordinate of the cell in which the Critter lives


public Critter(Critter critter)
Critter copy constructor

critter - - the Critter to copy
Method Detail


protected Critter clone()
A "dummy" clone method to make the compiler happy so that Ant and DoodleBug can override clone( ) as well Don't change this !!

clone in class java.lang.Object


public abstract boolean breed()
Determines if the Critter should breed

true if the Critter wants to breed, otherwise returns false


public abstract int move()
Determines the direction in which the Critter wishes to move

- the direction the Critter wants to move
One of AntWorld.NORTH, AntWorld.SOUTH, AntWorld.EAST, AntWorld.WEST


public abstract boolean starve()
Determines whether the Critter has starved

true if the Critter has starved, false otherwise