Class AntWorld

  extended by ants.AntWorld

public class AntWorld
extends java.lang.Object

The model for the ant simulation
Contains the field (2-D array) in which Ants and DoodleBugs live

Class Invariant: Nr of rows and columns in the gird are positive and do not change once initialized

Constructor Summary
AntWorld(int nrAnts, int nrBugs)
          Construct an AntWorld with a size x size 2-D array containing nrAnts and nrBugs.
Method Summary
 Critter getAt(int row, int column)
          Accessor for a cell in the field; required by AntGUI
 int getStepNr()
          Accessor for step number; required by AntGUI
 void simulateOneStep()
          Execute one time step of the simulation; called from AntGUI
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AntWorld(int nrAnts,
                int nrBugs)
Construct an AntWorld with a size x size 2-D array containing nrAnts and nrBugs.

Preconditions: (Guaranteed by the GUI)
1. nrAnts and nrBugs are not negative
2. The total number of ants + bugs does not exceed the number of cells in the 2-D array (rows * columns).

PostCondition: Critter array is created and populated; instance variables initialized

nrAnts - - the initial number of Ants
nrBugs - - the initial number of DoodleBugs
Method Detail


public int getStepNr()
Accessor for step number; required by AntGUI

- the current step of the simulation


public Critter getAt(int row,
                     int column)
Accessor for a cell in the field; required by AntGUI

Precondition: the row and column are valid for the field

row - - the row coordinate of the cell to be accessed
column - - the column coordinate of the row to be accessed
- the Critter found at the specified cell


public void simulateOneStep()
Execute one time step of the simulation; called from AntGUI

Precondition: the world has been initialized

Postcondition: Executes one step of the simulation by
a. Moving all the critters
b. Adding new critters (breeding)
c. Removing critters that have starved