Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 8.1.5






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This LegatoTM Storage Manager Administrator's Guide contains complete information for using Legato Storage Manager (LSM) as an Oracle® data storage management system. It describes the initial configuration procedure for LSM. It then explains how to use LSM for managing Oracle backup devices and volumes, monitoring Oracle backup and restore operations, and managing Oracle backup data.

Major Topics:


The information in this guide is for system administrators and Oracle database administrators (DBAs) who are responsible for maintaining Oracle Server backup and recovery systems. It includes information on configuring an Oracle data storage management system for Oracle8 and Oracle8i level servers on UNIX® or Windows NT.

You need a working knowledge of Oracle concepts and terminology, especially as related to Oracle database backup and recovery, to use this guide effectively. This guide does not include LSM installation instructions. For information about installing LSM, refer to the Oracle Server Installation Guide for your particular system.

How This Guide Is Organized

The Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide has five chapters and four appendices, followed by a glossary and an index. The first two chapters introduce you to LSM and its major features. They describe how to properly configure LSM to work with the other components of a complete Oracle backup and recovery system. Chapters 3 through 5 contain details about how to use LSM to manage Oracle backups and recoveries as well as the devices and volumes used during the Oracle backup and restore operations. Additional information relating to running LSM is contained in the appendices.

Chapter 1, "Introduction"

This chapter surveys the main features of LSM and how they compare with the features of the Legato NetWorker® upgrade product. It explains how LSM functions with other major components of an Oracle8 or Oracle8i (on UNIX or Windows NT) backup and recovery system.

Chapter 2, "Preparing to Use LSM"

This chapter provides a more detailed view of the internal LSM organization of resources and attributes and how they are used during Oracle backup and restore operations. It also includes information about the proper configuration of LSM resources.

Chapter 3, "Media Management"

This chapter focuses on the procedures for configuring and managing the storage devices and volumes LSM uses for Oracle backup and restore operations. It explains how LSM uses volume pools to sort the Oracle storage volumes and describes the system that LSM uses to manage the life cycle of the data backed up to those volumes.

Chapter 4, "Backup and Restore Operations"

This chapter provides information about using LSM for Oracle backup and restore operations, after you have configured the required LSM Server resources. It covers the methods for running Oracle backups and restores, including the LSM Server bootstrap backups that are essential for disaster recovery. This chapter also outlines the procedures for monitoring Oracle backups and restores by means of the LSM Administrator GUI and specific log files.

Chapter 5, "Disaster Recovery"

This chapter explains how you can use LSM to recover from different types of system disasters on your Oracle Server. It stresses the importance of preparing for a disaster.

Appendix A, "Scanner"

This appendix describes how to use the scanner program to re-create client file index entries or re-create media database entries, if no entries for the volume exist in the media file.

Appendix B, "Client Server Communications"

Many of the problems that LSM users report when they set up and configure LSM are actually problems with the communications in their networks. This appendix contains a procedure for testing the communications in a network.

Appendix C, "Using Label Templates"

LSM labels (initializes) each storage volume with a unique internal label that corresponds to a pool. During backup and other operations, LSM can identify the pool to which a volume belongs by its label. LSM applies a label template to create a unique internal label for each volume. This appendix discusses the setup and use of label templates.

Appendix D, "Running the NetWorker User Program"

This appendix briefly describes running the Networker User program.

Document Conventions

Because UNIX is case-sensitive, conventions in this document may differ slightly from those used in Oracle product documentation.

The following conventions apply to text in this guide:


Monospace type indicates UNIX commands, directory names, pathnames, and filenames.  

brackets [ ]  

Words enclosed in brackets indicate key names (for example, Press [Return]). Note that brackets have a different meaning when used in command syntax.  


Italic type indicates a variable, including variable portions of filenames, document titles, or emphasis.  


Uppercase letters indicate Structured Query Language (SQL) statements, initialization parameters, or environment variables.  

Command syntax is shown in monospace font in this guide. The following conventions apply to command syntax:

backslash \  

A backslash indicates a command that is too long to fit on a single line. Enter the line as printed (with a backslash) or enter it as a single line without a backslash:
dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6 of=/dev/rst0 bs=10b \

braces { }  

Braces indicate required items: .DEFINE {macro1}  

brackets [ ]  

Brackets indicate optional items: cvtcrt termname [outfile]

Note that brackets have a different meaning when used in regular text.  

ellipses ...  

Ellipses indicate an arbitrary number of similar items:
CHKVAL fieldname value1 value2 ... valueN  


Italic type indicates a variable. Substitute a value for the variable: library_name  


Bold type indicates commands or text you type: connect  

boldface italic  

Bold type indicates commands or text you type and need to substitute a variable: nwadmin -s server-name  

vertical line |  

A vertical line indicates a choice within braces or brackets:
SIZE filesize [K|M]  

Required Oracle Documentation

This document provides Legato Storage Manager user information. Installation, configuration and tuning recommended for a production database system is discussed in detail in the following manuals:

Ordering Related Documentation

To order documentation, call the appropriate number listed below.

Shipping Inquiries

For shipping inquiries, product exchanges, or returns, call the appropriate number listed below.

Contacting Customer Support

Please copy this page and distribute it within your organization as necessary.

Oracle Worldwide Customer Support Services (WWCS) can be reached at the following numbers (the hours are specified in your support contract):

Please prepare the following information before you call:

Your CSI number (if applicable) or complete contact details, including any special project information.

The release levels of the Oracle Server and associated products (for example, Oracle8i Server release 8.1.5, and Oracle Forms release

Operating system name and release level, including patches and packages.

Details of error codes, numbers, and descriptions associated with the problem.

A full description of the issue, including:

  • What happened? For example, the command used and result obtained. Keep in mind what did not happen, as well as what did happen.

  • When did it happen? For example, time of day, or after a particular command, or after an operating system or Oracle upgrade.

  • Where did it happen? For example, on a particular system, or within a particular procedure or table.

  • What is the extent of the problem? For example, is your production system unavailable, or is the impact less severe? Is the problem getting worse?

Copies of any trace files, core dumps, or log files recorded near the time of the incident.

For installation-related problems, please have the following information available:

Listings of the contents of the ORACLE_HOME directory, and any staging area, if applicable.

Contents of the installation log files in the $ORACLE_HOME/orainst directory: install.log, sql.log, make.log, and os.log.

For more information, contact http://www.oracle.com/support.

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