Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide
Release 1.4.0






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This preface describes the purpose and organization of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide. The preface contains the following information:

Topic   See Page  

Purpose of this Guide  




How this Guide Is Organized  




Related Publications  


Purpose of this Guide

This guide presents a general overview of Oracle Enterprise ManagerTM.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager provides an integrated solution for managing your heterogeneous environment, with an open, client/server architecture. The client/server architecture, which is both scalable and lightweight, consists of a centralized console, common services and intelligent agents running on the managed nodes. Various applications reside on top of the common services, performing comprehensive system management tasks.


This guide is intended for those who wish to learn the general concepts of Oracle Enterprise Manager.

You should already be familiar with the Oracle Universal Server and the administrative tasks you wish to perform. For general information about the Oracle Server and how it works, see the Oracle Server Concepts Guide. For information about database administration procedures, refer to the Oracle Server documentation set. The Oracle Server documentation set contains specific and thorough descriptions of the database administration tasks you can perform with Enterprise Manager tools. In addition, the Oracle Server documentation set provides recommendations on how to administer your database optimally.

You should also be are familiar with the operation of your specific Microsoft Windows system. Refer to the documentation for your Windows system, if necessary.

How this Guide Is Organized

This guide is divided into the following chapters:

Chapters   Description  

Chapter 1, "Overview Of Oracle Enterprise Manager"  

Describes the overall organization and features of Oracle Enterprise Manager, the Console, and the common services.  

Chapter 2, "The Console"  

Describes the layout and use of the Enterprise Manager Console.  

Chapter 3, "Job and Event Systems"  

Describes the Job Scheduling and Event Management Systems that execute jobs and monitor events on sites throughout the network.  

Chapter 4, "DBA Applications"  

Describes the standard suite of database administration applications that are integrated into the Console.  

Chapter 5, "Value-Added Applications"  

Describes the optional Performance Pack and other integrated applications.  


The Oracle Enterprise Manager product documentation includes the following:

The guides are available on the Oracle Enterprise Manager CD in HTML format for viewing with a web browser.

In addition to the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation, extensive online help is provided for Oracle Enterprise Manager components.

Related Publications

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide refers to important information in the related publications. Depending on the version of the Oracle database, you would refer to the Oracle7 or Oracle8 documentation. The related books referred to in this guide are listed below:

Oracle Corporation also publishes several files that are available on your distribution media. These files are usually named README, RELNOTE, BUGHST, and RESTRICT and have extensions such as .WRI, .DOC, and .TXT. Read these files to learn about changes to the software or documentation that has not been described in the guides.


The exact names and locations of the files mentioned above may vary, depending on your operating system.


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



