Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide
Release 1.4.0






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This section describes the purpose and organization of this guide: the Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide. Specifically, it covers the following topics:

Purpose of this Guide

This guide describes how to use the optional performance monitoring applications of the Oracle Enterprise Manager. Specifically, these applications are:

Information in this guide applies to these performance monitoring applications running on all platforms. When functionality differs among platforms, this guide refers you to your operating system-specific documentation.


This guide is written for those who wish to use Oracle Performance Manager, Oracle Advanced Events, Oracle Lock Manager, Oracle TopSessions, and Oracle Tablespace Manager to monitor database instance performance.

Knowledge Assumed of the Reader

This guide assumes you are familiar with the performance monitoring tasks you wish to perform. If you are not, refer to the Oracle Server documentation set. The Oracle Server documentation set contains specific and thorough descriptions of these tasks. In addition, the Oracle Server documentation set provides recommendations on how to tune your database optimally based on performance monitoring statistics.

This guide also assumes that you are familiar with the operation of Microsoft Windows. Refer to the Windows documentation for your system, if necessary.

How this Guide is Organized

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide is divided into parts and chapters, as described below.

Chapter 1, Performance Monitoring Applications

This chapter introduces the Oracle Performance Manager, Oracle Advanced Events, Oracle Lock Manager, Oracle TopSessions, and Oracle Tablespace Manager, explains how to start these applications, and includes a common scenario for using them.

Part I: Using Oracle Performance Manager

Chapter 2, Oracle Performance Manager Overview

This chapter introduces Oracle Performance Manager. It also describes the components of the Oracle Performance Manager main window, how you use the right mouse button in this application, and the basic chart types you can use to display database statistics.

Chapter 3, Using Predefined Charts

This chapter describes some default characteristics of the predefined charts included with Oracle Performance Manager, and briefly describes each of these charts.

Chapter 4, Customizing Display Elements of Charts

This chapter describes how you customize the display elements of charts (such as chart type, scale, or 3D rotation) to best meet the needs of your particular environment.

Chapter 5, Defining or Modifying Charts

This chapter describes how you define a new chart or modify the basic definition of a chart, such as the SQL statement used to gather data for display. It also includes an example of defining a new chart.

Chapter 6, Displaying Charts in Chart Windows

This chapter covers the components of an Oracle Performance Manager chart window, and describes how you use such a window to display one or more Oracle Performance Manager charts.

Chapter 7, Working with Oracle Performance Manager Data

This chapter describes how you manage current and historical data for display in Oracle Performance Manager charts.

Part II: Using Other Performance Monitoring Applications

Chapter 8, Using Oracle Lock Manager

This chapter covers how you monitor locks in a database----- particularly blocking and waiting sessions.

Chapter 9, Using Oracle TopSessions

This chapter covers prerequisites to using Oracle TopSessions, starting Oracle TopSessions, the components of the Oracle TopSessions main window, viewing details about a given session, customizing the session information you display, and exiting Oracle TopSessions.

Chapter 10, Using Oracle Tablespace Manager

This chapter covers starting Oracle Tablespace Manager, the components of the Oracle Tablespace Manager main window, obtaining an overview of tablespaces and datafiles, monitoring segments in a tablespace, and managing storage in a tablespace.

How to Use this Guide

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide has been designed to be used closely with the Oracle Server documentation set. While this guide teaches you how to use Oracle Performance Manager, Oracle TopSessions, Oracle Lock Manager, and Oracle Tablespace Manager to monitor Oracle databases and systems, the Oracle Server documentation set describes the reasons for and the implications of such performance monitoring. Consequently, you should refer to the Oracle Server documentation set while using these applications.

Before using one of these performance monitoring applications, you should read "Overview of the Performance Monitoring Applications." After reading, you may choose to proceed directly to those chapters that are relevant to the tasks you plan to perform using one or more of these tools.

Conventions Used in this Guide

Special icons are provided to alert you to particular information within the body of this guide and within other manuals.


The attention icon highlights information that is important to remember when performing the described task.  


The suggestion icon signifies suggestions and practical hints that can be helpful when using these applications.  


The warning icon indicates information that you should be aware of before you perform the action described in the current section.  

Related Publications

This section covers the following topics:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Documentation

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide is one of several Oracle Enterprise Manager documents.

Other Related Oracle Publications

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide is one of many books that explain various parts of an Oracle database system.

In many sections of this guide, the information is general because the guide is written to apply to Oracle Performance Manager, Oracle Lock Manager, Oracle TopSessions, and Oracle Tablespace Manager working under any operating system and configuration. Therefore, you will also find many references in this book to important information in related publications. The related Oracle7 and Oracle8 books referred to in this guide are listed below. Note that these manuals are provided with both the Oracle7 and Oracle8 documentation set; you should use the manuals supplied with the version of the database you are using.

Oracle Corporation also publishes several ASCII files, which are available on your distribution media. These files describe differences between minor releases of Oracle software that are not accompanied by new manuals. These files are usually named README.DOC, BUGFIX.DOC, BUGHST.DOC, and RESTRICT.DOC. Read these files to learn about changes to the software that are not described in the regular manuals.

The release notes for Enterprise Manager are also available on your distribution media. The file is commonly called README.TXT.

Additional Information:

The exact names and locations of the files mentioned above may vary, depending on your operating system. See your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for information about these files.  

Your Comments Are Welcome

We value and appreciate your Comments as an Oracle user and reader of the manuals. As we write, revise, and evaluate our documentation, your opinions are the most important input we receive. After the table of contents in our printed manuals is a Reader's Comment Form, which we encourage you to use to tell us what you like and dislike about this manual or other Oracle manuals. If the form is not available, please use the following address, FAX number, or electronic mail address.

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