Command Line Arguments

The arguments that you invoke the program with--e.g.: "Lab6.out foo fum"-- are available as parameters to the function main(). The actual function prototype for main() is:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
argc is the number of command line arguments; argv is an array of pointers to strings, each pointing to one argument. The command line has been split at each whitespace, and the name of the program is the first element in the array. So:
    cout << argv[0];
will output the name of the program, i.e. "./Lab6.out", and argv[1] will hold "foo", and argv[2] "fum".

argv[argc], i.e. argv[3] in our example, will be a null pointer, i.e., == 0.

Since the arguments are all C-strings, you will have to use the function atoi() to convert them to ints for this lab.