Staring Eclipse

Working from your GL account

Please note that running Eclipse from your GL account will require 5MB of disk space. Please monitor your disk quota carefully and cleanup often.

If you plan to develop your CMSC 202 projects and labs from your GL account:

  1. Boot your workstation into Linux.
  2. Right-click on the desktop and select “Open Terminal”.
  3. In the terminal window, enter the command /usr/local/bin/eclipse.

If there is a problem, run oitcleaner to remove temporary files from your GL account (it will also ask if you would like to remove files that it considers to be large). When finished, try to launch Eclipse again.

Eclipse will be running locally on your workstation, but accessing files in your GL account.

The Eclipse splash screen will appear and Eclipse will go through its initialization process. Please wait for instructions before proceeding to step 2 — Eclipse Workspace.

You can also create a desktop icon that you can use to launch Eclipse:

  1. Right click on the desktop and select "Create Launcher..." from the pop-up menu.
  2. Complete the form that appears. Specify /usr/local/bin/eclipse as the command, and give the launcher a name.

Working on your desktop or laptop

If you plan to develop your CMSC 202 projects and lab assignments on your PC or laptop:

  1. Download JDK (Java Development Kit) 6 to your desktop/laptop. The course resource page has a link to a download site. Note: Mac users should already have a recent JDK installed, you needn't download a JDK
  2. Download Eclipse Helios to your desktop/laptop. The course resource page has a link to a download site. If you are using Linux, you can alternatively download Eclipse via a package manager, e.g. Synaptic (GUI), apt, or yum (command line).
  3. Install the JDK.
  4. Unzip Eclipse (Windows) or unzip/untar (Linux/Mac) the download package.
  5. Start Eclipse.

The Eclipse splash screen will appear and Eclipse will go through its initialization process. Please wait for instructions before proceeding to step 2.