
A Breakpoint is a debugging tool that allows you to pause the execution of your program. There are two types of breakpoints that can be set.

Each pauses the execution under different conditions, however each maintain the Stack Frame in the stack frame window.

Stack Frame Window

At any point in time you can choose to resume the execution by pressing the resume button.

Line Break

Line breaks can be set in Eclipse by double clicking on a specific line in the very left side of the code window. This will create a blue dot.

Line Break

A line break will pause the execution of your program when that specific line of code would be executed next.

Method Break

A method break is a line break except that it is created on a line that defines a method. Method breaks will pause execution every time that specific function is called.

Method Break

Breakpoint Window

Eclipse manages all breakpoints in the "Breakpoints" window that is part of the debugging perspective. You can view all breakpoints that have been set in a program in this window. This window will also allow you to toggle on/off specific/all breakpoints, as well as add and remove breakpoints.

Break Point Window