Step 2: Using a C struct

In this step, you will modify main() to create a local variable of type Date (which you just defined), and initialize it to the date 1/1/2001, with type 'H', for "holiday".

Add to main() a declaration for a local variable called myDate of type "Date". The m_month, m_day, m_year, and m_type should be assigned via the "dot notation" method of accessing structure members.

Lastly, add code to dump out the values in the members of myDate, with meaningful labels. You will be reusing this code several times more later, by cutting-and-pasting it into other places.

We will add more code to main() in later steps.

Now, create a Makefile, as you did in previous labs, to build your new program, calling it . Run it to make sure it works, and that the program prints out the correct date.