Submitting Your Code for Grading

Projects are submitted electronically from the GL system using the submit command. The general form of the submit command for this class is

submit cs202 <ProjectName> <Files>

Where ProjectName is “Proj1”, “Proj2”, “Proj3”, etc. (without the quotes), and Files is a list of files to be submitted for grading separated by blanks. For this lab, we are going to create and submit a single file called to practice using the submit command.

Before you submit your program, you must "zip" it up. That is, you must run a command that will place all of your .java source files into a single file. To begin, navigate to your Lab 3 project folder. (If you have just finished the previous step, you will be in the test subdirectory; use cd .. to get back to the project directory.)

Now, zip your .java files by executing the following command.

zip -r src

You can now submit your file using the following command.

submit cs202 Lab3

Note: For the purpose of this lab, you do not need to unzip the file. But, just for your information, the command to unzip the file is as follows:


Using submitls, you can verify that your files were submitted. The general form of the submitls command for this class is

submitls cs202 <ProjectName>

Additional Information

For more information/example of the submit command, see the Product Submission page.