Russell Turner Russell Turner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (1994-1997)
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Profile | Projects | Research | Biographical Sketch | Publications | Resume | CV

Biographical Sketch

After receiving his Master's in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1987, Dr. Turner worked as a Software Engineer for V.I. Corporation (later DataViews Corporation) in Northampton, Massachusetts developing dynamic data visualization and graphical user interface software tools. He then moved to Switzerland in 1989, where he worked as a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Computer Graphics Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. After obtaining his Doctorate in 1993, he moved back to the States where he worked as Principal Software Engineer for Amerinex A.I. in Amherst Massachusetts. In 1994 he joined the faculty in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at UMBC. After working two years for Wigitek Corporation as Vice President of Research and Development, he joined Celera Genomics, of Rockville, Maryland, in 1999 where he headed the Visualization Team. In 2002 he moved to the Informatics Research group at Applied Biosystems where he developed visualization tools for research in the areas of comparative genomics and proteomics. Since 2004, he has worked at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, developing visualization and simulation tools. Currently, he is a Principal Professional Staff in the Space Exploration Sector

At UMBC, Dr. Turner developed and taught the course Graphical User Interface Programming, and taught the introductory level computer science courses Introduction to Computer Science in C and Data Structures (in C++). He has also taught several advanced seminars on the subjects of 3D Animation and Virtual Environments, and supervised student projects in topics such as the 3D Interaction Toolkits, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and fabric simulation. For three years he served on the department's graduate admissions commitee reviewing graduate student applications.

Dr. Turner also conducted research in the areas of physics-based character animation and object-oriented software architectures for 3D interaction. He was recipient of a 3-year CAREER award from the NSF for development of the Metis toolkit, and has sponsored several Research Assistants, a Visiting Scholar and a Research Associate working in the areas of virtual reality and interactive physics-based animation.


Research Keywords

bioinformatics visualization, 3D character animation, GUI toolkit design, 3D interaction, physics-based modeling.

Funded Research Activity