CMSC-641 Algorithms: Supplemental Reading (fall 99)

  1. Brassard, Gilles, and Paul Bratley, Fundamentals of Algorithmics, Prentice Hall (1996), second edition. [Section 4.7 is required.]

  2. Garey, Michael R., and David S. Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman and Company (1979). [Chapter 3 is strongly recommended.]

  3. Sipser, Michael, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing (1997).

  4. Leeuwen, J. van, ed., Algorithms and Complexity in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, MIT Press (1990).

  5. Knuth, Donald, Fundamental Algorithms in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. I, Addison-Wesley (1973).

  6. Knuth, Donald, Seminumerical Algorithms in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. II, Addison-Wesley (19??).

  7. Knuth, Donald, Sorting and Searching in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. III, Addison-Wesley (19??).