UMBC CMSC441, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 1999, Section 0201

Fall 1999 Homeworks 1-4

Homework 1, Due Monday September 13

  1. For each of the following pairs of functions f(n) and g(n), give the values of tex2html_wrap_inline98, tex2html_wrap_inline100 and tex2html_wrap_inline102 where tex2html_wrap_inline98 is the smallest positive integer such that tex2html_wrap_inline106.

    Hint: you may need to use a calculator. Use the log identity
    if your calculator does not take logs in base 2.

    1. f(n) = n and tex2html_wrap_inline110
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline112 and tex2html_wrap_inline114
    3. tex2html_wrap_inline116 and tex2html_wrap_inline118
  2. Prove that the following statements are correct:

    1. tex2html_wrap_inline120
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline122
    3. tex2html_wrap_inline124
  3. Show that the following statements are incorrect:

    1. tex2html_wrap_inline126
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline128

Homework 2, Due Monday September 20

  1. Prove by induction that for tex2html_wrap_inline132 and tex2html_wrap_inline134 that
  2. Show that tex2html_wrap_inline136.
  3. Exercise 4.1-5, page 57.

    Hint: use the fact that tex2html_wrap_inline138 for large enough n.

  4. Exercise 4.2-1, page 60.

Homework 3, Due Monday September 27

  1. Problem 4-1, page 72.

    In the cases where you use the Master Theorem, clearly state which case you are using and the asymptotic bounds on T(n).

  2. Exercise 7.5-4, page 151.

  3. Exercise 7.5-5, page 151.

  4. Problem 7-1, page 152.

Homework 4, Due Monday October 4

  1. Problem 8-3, page 169.

  2. Problem 8-4, page 169-170.

  3. Exercise 9.3-4, page 180.
Maitreyee Pasad
Last modified: Mon Sep 13 11:44:47 EDT 1999
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