CMSC 491G/691G: Real-Time Shading

Final Project

Last update:
Fri May 6 17:08:31 EDT 2005
Tue May 3 09:33:18 EDT 2005


Each student will complete a significant project, with programming, writing and presentation components. CMSC 491 students are expected to implement a technique from a paper in the area. CMSC 691 students are expected to develop a new technique and document it in a short SIGGRAPH style paper.

All written components (literature survey, proposal, final paper if applicable), should follow the SIGGRAPH paper guidelines

Area Proposal (Due February 10th)

Email me a brief (one sentence to one paragraph) description of the general area you'd like to persue for your final project.

Literature Survey (Due March 10th for 691; April 13th for 491)

Find references to work similar to your planned area. In addition to looking for papers exactly like what you plan to do, also consider papers doing similar things non-interactively or other interactive techniques that might be useful for your development. Citeseer and the ACM digital library are useful resources when trying to explore prior work in an area.

Write up what you find in the style of the prior work and references sections for a SIGGRAPH paper. Check the resulting document or pdf into your CVS project directory with the name survey.* (e.g. survey.pdf, survey.doc, ...)

Proposal (Due March 31st for 691; April 13th for 491)

By this point, you should have narrowed down to exactly what you will be doing for your project. Supplement your survey document to describe in some detail what you want to do. The new document should have the following sections:

Check the resulting document into your CVS project directory with the name proposal.* (e.g. proposal.pdf, proposal.doc, ...)

Status (Due April 13th)

Check your code so far as well as one or more screenshots of your progress into your CVS project directory by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 13th. In class on the 14th, we'll look at these images while you update your classmates on your project idea and progress so far.

Release (Due May 2nd)

Stop development work on your project. Check in what you have, including some sample screenshots into your CVS project directory. It is OK to overwrite files you checked in earlier.

491 students should include a readme.txt describing the final product — How did it turn out? How does it compare to your plan?

Paper (691 only: Due May 3rd)

By class time, check a paper with the name paper.* in to your CVS project directory. Also bring three copies to class on the 3rd. These copies will be distributed to your in-class reviewers. Reviews will be single-blind; your reviewers will know who you are, but they will be identified only by reviewer number.

Review (691 only: Due May 12th)

By class time, check your two reviews into CVS with the name review1, and review2. Your review should not include anything to indicate who you are other than your reviewer number.

The blank review form is here.

Presentations (May 3rd–17th)

On your designated day, plan on a 15-20 minute presentation with prepared slides (PowerPoint or similar). Your slides should include both figures and images to help explain what you did and how it works. If you include a demo, it should last no more than 2-5 minutes out of the total 15-20.

After your designated presentation day, check your presentation materials into your CVS project directory.