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CMSC 461, Database Management Systems, Fall 2018


Research Phase (10 points) Due Mon 5/14/2018 at 11:59 PM

This is a new and exciting addition to the project. It involves research and your grade will be based on a 5 minute presentation and 1-page report.

Pick one of the research options below:

  1. Explore ElasticSearch to support searching products at Book Fetch. Did you have to use a NoSQL database to do this? How did that work with you relational database? What does this search offer that you cannot achieve using SQL?
  2. Explore creating the Book Fetch database using MongoDB. How do they compare? How did you represent the data differently? How did its performance compare to MySQL (insertions, deletions, updates, queries)?
  3. Explore how to exploit the MySQL database from a security perspective. What are some common exploits and how could you hack the Book Fetch database?
  4. Explore advanced UI concepts for relational databases, compare and contrast different concepts for Book Fetch. What works best for relational databases? Anything to consider with larger databases vs. smaller?

What you will submit in this phase:

  1. A 1-page report of what you did (PDF format)
  2. A 5 minute presentation - Use this link to assign yourself to a presentation slot.
  3. Add Your Presentation Slides Here (YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO YOUR UMBC ACCOUNT). Your presentation slides should be titled as LAST_NAME.ext. The ext will be based on format. The format may be PDF, PPT or Google Slides