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CMSC 461, Database Management Systems, Fall 2018


Project Report Phase 3 (40 points) Due Mon 4/02/2018 at 11:59 PM

Please submit this phase using Blackboard.


Please refresh your mind regarding project policies by reading the syllabus.

You are now ready to map your conceptual design (the one you built in phase 2) to a logical design for the Book Fetch project.

In this phase you will design the tables for all of your entities and relations. You will define the attributes for each table, the primary keys, the foreign keys, and other constraints. You will apply all normalizations you deem necessary. You will represent this logical design by creating and submitting a relational schema diagram.

Recall in the book, "Database System Concepts" the following picture shows the schema diagram for the University example.

Schema diagram example.
Figure Source [1].

Remember, your design should still satisfy the original user requirements for Book Fetch.

What you are to submit:

  1. The relational schema diagram depicting your relational model (PDF format)
  2. A written report justifying your design choices, describe your normalizations (minimum 2 pages, maximum 5 pages) (PDF format)

[1] Abraham Silberschatz, Henry H. Korth, and S. Sudarashan, Database System Concepts, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0073523323 ISBN-10: 0073523321, website: