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CMSC 461, Database Management Systems, Fall 2018


Project Report Phase 1 (10 points) Due Thursday 2/15/2018 at 11:59 PM

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Please submit this phase using Blackboard.


Please refresh your mind regarding project policies by reading the syllabus.

Phase 1 consists of a written report that provides your analysis of the requirements of the project and a high-level description of the tasks involved.

This report should be at a minimum 1 page in length and at a maximum 2 pages. You may use diagrams and text to help convey your understanding.

In addition, if there are any questions or if something in the requirements is not clear, specify your questions or what needs clarity in this report.

When developing a software application often you are provided with a general understanding of how the system should function [1]. Typically in the beginning you will define a set of functional and non-functional requirements. This may include use case drawings that show the user interactions. The goal is to clearly understand the requirements such that redesign cycles are not necessary. Once you clearly define the requirements, you can then begin to design the system.

Functional requirements define "the functions of the systems and its components" [2]. They describe the technical details, data manipulation, and processing. They define what the system will accomplish when built. Non-functional requirements "impose constraints on the design and implementation" [2].

References to help you understand functional requirements vs. non-functional requirements:

[1] - Software_requirements_specification

[2] - Functional_requirement

[3] - Functional vs Non-Functional requirements

[4] - Software Requirements