CMSC 491W/691W


This document describes the mechanisms and modalities of your course project. Listed at the end of this description are several possible project themes. You will form groups of four and chose one of these project areas. The areas will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. In general, I will expect that each group will chose a different project theme. If you chose the same area as another group, then you must make sure that your focussed projects do not overlap. The projects are a mix of those that will involve heavy programming and light experimentation, and those that will involve light programming but detailed experimentation and analysis.

Possible Project Areas
  1. Mining Multimedia Databases
    1. Generating Hierarchical Visual Summaries from Videos/Image Sequences
    2. Extracting and Mining Characteristics ( and metadata) from Images/Videos
  2. Data Warehousing/Mining
    1. Comparitive Analysis of Algorithms
    2. Characterization Algorithm behaviour in presence of Noise.
  3. Web Mining
    1. Mining Web Access Logs by Implementing an Algorithm
    2. Compartitive Analysis of Algorithms
    3. Combining Document Analysis Techniques with Log Mining
  4. Web Personalization: What data should be gathered ? How to use the results of mining to deliver personalized content ?
  5. Intrusion Detection through Mining Usage patterns.