Dump of the leftist heap queue with priorityFn2 (MINHEAP): (((5:rryva:0)4:gegcd:1(4:inxvf:0))0:fafst:2((7:uhamq:0)1:ltvmp:1((8:sxosd:0)7:paswh:0))) Dump of the skew heap queue with priorityFn2 (MINHEAP): ((((8:sxosd)4:inxvf)1:ltvmp(7:paswh))0:fafst((7:uhamq)4:gegcd(5:rryva))) Preorder traversal of the nodes in the queue with priorityFn2 (MINHEAP): Contents of the queue: [0] Student name: fafst, Major: Bioinformatics, Gender: Not specified, Level: Freshman [1] Student name: ltvmp, Major: Chemical Engineering, Gender: Not specified, Level: Sophomore [4] Student name: inxvf, Major: Mechanical Engineering, Gender: Female, Level: Sophomore [8] Student name: sxosd, Major: Computer Science, Gender: Male, Level: Senior [7] Student name: paswh, Major: Electrical Engineering, Gender: Male, Level: Junior [4] Student name: gegcd, Major: Mechanical Engineering, Gender: Female, Level: Sophomore [7] Student name: uhamq, Major: Electrical Engineering, Gender: Male, Level: Senior [5] Student name: rryva, Major: Electrical Engineering, Gender: Female, Level: Junior Dump of the skew queue with priorityFn1 (MAXHEAP): (((7:paswh)9:uhamq(((((0:fafst)3:ltvmp)4:gegcd)4:inxvf)7:rryva))10:sxosd)