// UMBC - CMSC 341 - Spring 2024 - Proj0 #ifndef PUZZLE_H #define PUZZLE_H #include #include //used for the function std::shuffle(...) #include #include //used to get the current time #include using namespace std; class Grader;//this class is for grading purposes, no need to do anything class Tester;//this is your tester class, you add your test functions in this class const int DEFSIZE = 10; const int MIN = 0; const int MAX = 25; const char ALPHA[MAX+1] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'}; #define SEPARATOR '#' class Puzzle{ public: friend class Grader; friend class Tester;//Tester will have access to private members of Puzzle Puzzle(int rows=DEFSIZE, int cols=DEFSIZE); ~Puzzle(); bool reCreate(int rows, int cols, int seed); void fill(int seed); bool appendRight(const Puzzle& rhs); bool appendBottom(const Puzzle& rhs); void clear(); Puzzle(const Puzzle& rhs); const Puzzle& operator=(const Puzzle& rhs); void dump(); private: char ** m_puzzle;//2d table to store chars int m_numRows; int m_numCols; /****************************************** * Private function declarations go here! * ******************************************/ }; enum RANDOM {UNIFORMINT, UNIFORMREAL, NORMAL, SHUFFLE}; class Random { public: Random(int min, int max, RANDOM type=UNIFORMINT, int mean=50, int stdev=20) : m_min(min), m_max(max), m_type(type) { if (type == NORMAL){ //the case of NORMAL to generate integer numbers with normal distribution m_generator = std::mt19937(m_device()); //the data set will have the mean of 50 (default) and standard deviation of 20 (default) //the mean and standard deviation can change by passing new values to constructor m_normdist = std::normal_distribution<>(mean,stdev); } else if (type == UNIFORMINT) { //the case of UNIFORMINT to generate integer numbers // Using a fixed seed value generates always the same sequence // of pseudorandom numbers, e.g. reproducing scientific experiments // here it helps us with testing since the same sequence repeats m_generator = std::mt19937(10);// 10 is the fixed seed value m_unidist = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(min,max); } else if (type == UNIFORMREAL) { //the case of UNIFORMREAL to generate real numbers m_generator = std::mt19937(10);// 10 is the fixed seed value m_uniReal = std::uniform_real_distribution((double)min,(double)max); } else { //the case of SHUFFLE to generate every number only once m_generator = std::mt19937(m_device()); } } void setSeed(int seedNum){ // we have set a default value for seed in constructor // we can change the seed by calling this function after constructor call // this gives us more randomness m_generator = std::mt19937(seedNum); } void getShuffle(vector & array){ // the user program creates the vector param and passes here // here we populate the vector using m_min and m_max for (int i = m_min; i<=m_max; i++){ array.push_back(i); } shuffle(array.begin(),array.end(),m_generator); } void getShuffle(int array[]){ // the param array must be of the size (m_max-m_min+1) // the user program creates the array and pass it here vector temp; for (int i = m_min; i<=m_max; i++){ temp.push_back(i); } std::shuffle(temp.begin(), temp.end(), m_generator); vector::iterator it; int i = 0; for (it=temp.begin(); it != temp.end(); it++){ array[i] = *it; i++; } } int getRandNum(){ // this function returns integer numbers // the object must have been initialized to generate integers int result = 0; if(m_type == NORMAL){ //returns a random number in a set with normal distribution //we limit random numbers by the min and max values result = m_min - 1; while(result < m_min || result > m_max) result = m_normdist(m_generator); } else if (m_type == UNIFORMINT){ //this will generate a random number between min and max values result = m_unidist(m_generator); } return result; } double getRealRandNum(){ // this function returns real numbers // the object must have been initialized to generate real numbers double result = m_uniReal(m_generator); // a trick to return numbers only with two deciaml points // for example if result is 15.0378, function returns 15.03 // to round up we can use ceil function instead of floor result = std::floor(result*100.0)/100.0; return result; } private: int m_min; int m_max; RANDOM m_type; std::random_device m_device; std::mt19937 m_generator; std::normal_distribution<> m_normdist;//normal distribution std::uniform_int_distribution<> m_unidist;//integer uniform distribution std::uniform_real_distribution m_uniReal;//real uniform distribution }; #endif