/* File: main6s.C Using the new C++ list ADT with student records */ #include #include #include #include "list6.h" main() { List *L ; position pos ; ListItem *iptr ; printf("Make new list\n") ; L = new List ; L->Append(ListItem(1234567, "John Smith", "CMSC")) ; L->Append(ListItem(24681012, "Jane Doe", "CMSC")) ; L->Prepend(ListItem(135791113, "Joe Blow", "CMSC")) ; L->Prepend(ListItem(314316598)) ; L->Prepend(ListItem(874310457)) ; L->Print() ; printf("\nSearch for\n") ; pos = L->Locate(ListItem(1234567)) ; iptr = L->ItemAt(pos) ; printf("Found: ") ; iptr->print() ; printf("\n") ; delete iptr ; printf("\nDelete item\n") ; L->Delete(pos) ; L->Print() ; printf("\nDelete List\n") ; delete L ; }