/* TiMidity++ -- MIDI to WAVE converter and player Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Masanao Izumo Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA w32_a.c Functions to play sound on the Windows audio driver (Windows 95/98/NT). Modified by Masanao Izumo */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifdef __W32__ #include "interface.h" #endif #include #include #ifndef NO_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #include extern CRITICAL_SECTION critSect; /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__) #ifdef HAVE_NEW_MMSYSTEM #include #else /* On cygnus, there is not mmsystem.h for Multimedia API's. * mmsystem.h can not distribute becase of Microsoft Lisence * Then declare some of them here. **/ #define WOM_OPEN 0x3BB #define WOM_CLOSE 0x3BC #define WOM_DONE 0x3BD #define WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY 0x0001 #define WAVE_ALLOWSYNC 0x0002 #define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM 1 #define CALLBACK_FUNCTION 0x00030000l #define WAVERR_BASE 32 #define WAVE_MAPPER (UINT)-1 DECLARE_HANDLE(HWAVEOUT); DECLARE_HANDLE(HWAVE); typedef HWAVEOUT *LPHWAVEOUT; /* Define WAVEHDR, WAVEFORMAT structure */ typedef struct wavehdr_tag { LPSTR lpData; DWORD dwBufferLength; DWORD dwBytesRecorded; DWORD dwUser; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwLoops; struct wavehdr_tag *lpNext; DWORD reserved; } WAVEHDR; typedef struct { WORD wFormatTag; WORD nChannels; DWORD nSamplesPerSec; DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec; WORD nBlockAlign; WORD wBitsPerSample; WORD cbSize; } WAVEFORMAT, WAVEFORMATEX, *LPWAVEFORMATEX; typedef struct waveoutcaps_tag { WORD wMid; WORD wPid; UINT vDriverVersion; #define MAXPNAMELEN 32 char szPname[MAXPNAMELEN]; DWORD dwFormats; WORD wChannels; DWORD dwSupport; } WAVEOUTCAPS; typedef WAVEHDR * LPWAVEHDR; typedef WAVEFORMAT * LPWAVEFORMAT; typedef WAVEOUTCAPS * LPWAVEOUTCAPS; typedef UINT MMRESULT; MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutOpen(LPHWAVEOUT, UINT, LPWAVEFORMAT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutClose(HWAVEOUT); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutPrepareHeader(HWAVEOUT, LPWAVEHDR, UINT); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutUnprepareHeader(HWAVEOUT, LPWAVEHDR, UINT); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutWrite(HWAVEOUT, LPWAVEHDR, UINT); UINT WINAPI waveOutGetNumDevs(void); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutReset(HWAVEOUT); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutGetDevCaps(UINT, LPWAVEOUTCAPS, UINT); MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutGetDevCapsA(UINT, LPWAVEOUTCAPS, UINT); #define waveOutGetDevCaps waveOutGetDevCapsA MMRESULT WINAPI waveOutGetID(HWAVEOUT, UINT*); #endif #endif /* __CYGWIN32__ */ /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "timidity.h" #include "output.h" #include "controls.h" #include "timer.h" #include "instrum.h" #include "playmidi.h" #include "mblock.h" #include "miditrace.h" #include "interface.h" #define NOT ! static int open_output (void); /* 0=success, 1=warning, -1=fatal error */ static void close_output (void); static int output_data (char * Data, int32 Size); static int acntl (int request, void * arg); #if defined ( IA_W32GUI ) || defined ( IA_W32G_SYN ) //#if defined ( IA_W32GUI ) volatile int data_block_bits = DEFAULT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BITS; volatile int data_block_num = 64; #endif #define DATA_BLOCK_SIZE (4 * AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE) #define DATA_BLOCK_NUM (dpm.extra_param[0]) struct MMBuffer { int Number; int Prepared; // Non-zero if this buffer has been prepared. HGLOBAL hData; void * Data; HGLOBAL hHead; WAVEHDR * Head; struct MMBuffer * Next; }; static struct MMBuffer * Buffers; static volatile struct MMBuffer * FreeBuffers; static volatile int NumBuffersInUse; static HWAVEOUT hDevice; static int BufferDelay; // in milliseconds static const int AllowSynchronousWaveforms = 1; /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void CALLBACK OnPlaybackEvent (HWAVE hWave, UINT Msg, DWORD UserData, DWORD Param1, DWORD Param2); static void BufferPoolReset (void); static struct MMBuffer * GetBuffer (); static void PutBuffer (struct MMBuffer *); static const char * MMErrorMessage (MMRESULT Result); static void WaitForBuffer (int WaitForAllBuffers); /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static int detect(void); #define dpm w32_play_mode PlayMode dpm = { DEFAULT_RATE, PE_16BIT | PE_SIGNED, PF_PCM_STREAM|PF_CAN_TRACE|PF_BUFF_FRAGM_OPT, -1, {32}, "Windows audio driver", 'd', NULL, open_output, close_output, output_data, acntl, detect }; /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static int open_output(void) { int i; int j; int IsMono; WAVEFORMATEX wf; WAVEOUTCAPS woc; MMRESULT Result; UINT DeviceID; if (dpm.extra_param[0] < 8) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Too small -B option: %d", dpm.extra_param[0]); dpm.extra_param[0] = 8; } /** Check if there is at least one audio device. **/ if (waveOutGetNumDevs() == 0) { ctl->cmsg (CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "No audio devices present!"); return -1; } /** They can't mean these. **/ dpm.encoding &= ~(PE_ULAW | PE_ALAW | PE_BYTESWAP); if (dpm.encoding & PE_16BIT || dpm.encoding & PE_24BIT) dpm.encoding |= PE_SIGNED; else dpm.encoding &= ~PE_SIGNED; IsMono = (dpm.encoding & PE_MONO); memset(&wf, 0, sizeof(wf)); wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wf.nChannels = IsMono ? 1 : 2; wf.nSamplesPerSec = dpm.rate; i = dpm.rate; j = 1; if (!IsMono) { i *= 2; j *= 2; } if (dpm.encoding & PE_24BIT) { i *= 3; j *= 3; } else if (dpm.encoding & PE_16BIT) { i *= 2; j *= 2; } wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = i; wf.nBlockAlign = j; if (dpm.encoding & PE_24BIT) { wf.wBitsPerSample = 24; } else if (dpm.encoding & PE_16BIT) { wf.wBitsPerSample = 16; } else { wf.wBitsPerSample = 8; } wf.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMAT); /** Open the device. **/ { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Opening device...\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } hDevice = 0; if (AllowSynchronousWaveforms) Result = waveOutOpen(&hDevice, WAVE_MAPPER, (LPWAVEFORMATEX) &wf, (DWORD) OnPlaybackEvent, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION | WAVE_ALLOWSYNC); else Result = waveOutOpen(&hDevice, WAVE_MAPPER, (LPWAVEFORMATEX) &wf, (DWORD) OnPlaybackEvent, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (Result) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "Can't open audio device: " "encoding=<%s>, rate=<%d>, ch=<%d>: %s", output_encoding_string(dpm.encoding), dpm.rate, wf.nChannels, MMErrorMessage(Result)); return -1; } else { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Device opened.\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } /** Get the device ID. **/ DeviceID = 0; waveOutGetID(hDevice, &DeviceID); /** Get the device capabilities. **/ memset(&woc, 0, sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS)); Result = waveOutGetDevCaps(DeviceID, &woc, sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS)); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Device ID: %d", DeviceID); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Manufacture ID: %d", woc.wMid); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Product ID: %d", woc.wPid); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Driver version: %d", woc.vDriverVersion); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Product name: %s", woc.szPname); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Formats supported: 0x%08X", woc.dwFormats); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Max. channels: %d", woc.wChannels); ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Supported features: 0x%08X", woc.dwSupport); /** Calculate the buffer delay. **/ BufferDelay = AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; if (NOT (dpm.encoding & PE_MONO)) BufferDelay *= 2; if (dpm.encoding & PE_24BIT) BufferDelay *= 3; else if (dpm.encoding & PE_16BIT) BufferDelay *= 2; BufferDelay = (BufferDelay * 1000) / dpm.rate; /** Create the buffer pool. **/ Buffers = (struct MMBuffer *) safe_malloc(DATA_BLOCK_NUM * sizeof(struct MMBuffer)); for (i = 0; i < DATA_BLOCK_NUM; i++) { struct MMBuffer * b; b = &Buffers[i]; b->hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, DATA_BLOCK_SIZE); b->Data = GlobalLock (b->hData); b->hHead = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); b->Head = GlobalLock (b->hHead); } BufferPoolReset(); /** Set the file descriptor. **/ dpm.fd = 0; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void close_output(void) { int i; if (dpm.fd != -1) { WaitForBuffer(1); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Closing device...\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } waveOutReset(hDevice); waveOutClose(hDevice); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Device closed.\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } /** Free all buffers. **/ for (i = 0; i < DATA_BLOCK_NUM; i++) { struct MMBuffer * block; block = &Buffers[i]; GlobalUnlock(block->hHead); GlobalFree (block->hHead); GlobalUnlock(block->hData); GlobalFree (block->hData); } free(Buffers); /** Reset the file descriptor. **/ dpm.fd = -1; } } static int detect(void) { if (waveOutGetNumDevs() == 0) {return 0;} /* not found */ return 1; /* found */ } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static int output_data(char * Data, int32 Size) { char * d; int32 s; d = Data; s = Size; while (s > 0) { int32 n; struct MMBuffer * b; MMRESULT Result; LPWAVEHDR wh; if ((b = GetBuffer()) == NULL) { WaitForBuffer(0); continue; } if (s <= DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) n = s; else n = DATA_BLOCK_SIZE; CopyMemory(b->Data, d, n); wh = b->Head; wh->dwBufferLength = n; wh->lpData = b->Data; wh->dwUser = b->Number; /** Prepare the buffer. **/ { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Preparing buffer %d...\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } Result = waveOutPrepareHeader(hDevice, wh, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (Result) { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer preparation failed.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } ctl->cmsg (CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "waveOutPrepareHeader(): %s", MMErrorMessage(Result)); return -1; } else { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer %d prepared.\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } b->Prepared = 1; /** Queue the buffer. **/ { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Queueing buffer %d...\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } Result = waveOutWrite(hDevice, wh, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (Result) { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer queueing failed.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "waveOutWrite(): %s", MMErrorMessage(Result)); return -1; } else { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer %d queued.\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } d += n; s -= n; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static int acntl(int request, void *arg) { static char dummy_sounds[4*AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE]; switch(request) { case PM_REQ_GETQSIZ: *(int *)arg = (DATA_BLOCK_NUM-1) * AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; if (NOT (dpm.encoding & PE_MONO)) *(int *)arg *= 2; if (dpm.encoding & PE_24BIT) *(int *)arg *= 3; else if (dpm.encoding & PE_16BIT) *(int *)arg *= 2; return 0; case PM_REQ_DISCARD: { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Resetting audio device.\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } waveOutReset(hDevice); close_output(); open_output(); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Audio device reset.\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } return 0; } case PM_REQ_FLUSH: { close_output(); open_output(); return 0; } } return -1; } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void CALLBACK OnPlaybackEvent(HWAVE hWave, UINT Msg, DWORD UserData, DWORD Param1, DWORD Param2) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Msg: 0x%08X, Num. buffers in use: %d", Msg, NumBuffersInUse); switch (Msg) { case WOM_OPEN: { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Device opened.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } break; case WOM_CLOSE: { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Device closed.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } break; case WOM_DONE: { WAVEHDR * wh; EnterCriticalSection(&critSect); wh = (WAVEHDR *) Param1; /* It's not safe to do this here. Read the remarks of waveOutProc() in the SDK on which functions are safe to call. if (NOT Queueing) { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Dequeueing buffer %d...\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } waveOutUnprepareHeader(hDevice, wh, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer %d dequeued.\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } } else { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: *** Buffer %d not dequeued! ***\n", NumBuffersInUse, wh->dwUser); OutputDebugString(b); } */ PutBuffer(&Buffers[wh->dwUser]); LeaveCriticalSection(&critSect); break; } default: { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Unknown play back event 0x%08X.\n", NumBuffersInUse, Msg); OutputDebugString(b); } } } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ #define DIM(a) sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) static const char * mmsyserr_code_string[] = { "no error", "unspecified error", "device ID out of range", "driver failed enable", "device already allocated", "device handle is invalid", "no device driver present", "memory allocation error", "function isn't supported", "error value out of range", "invalid flag passed", "invalid parameter passed", "handle being used", }; static const char * waverr_code_sring[] = { "unsupported wave format", "still something playing", "header not prepared", "device is synchronous", }; static const char * MMErrorMessage(MMRESULT ErrorCode) { static char s[32]; if (ErrorCode >= WAVERR_BASE) { ErrorCode -= WAVERR_BASE; if (ErrorCode > DIM(waverr_code_sring)) { wsprintf(s, "Unknown wave error %d", ErrorCode); return s; } else return waverr_code_sring[ErrorCode]; } else if (ErrorCode > DIM(mmsyserr_code_string)) { wsprintf(s, "Unknown multimedia error %d", ErrorCode); return s; } else return mmsyserr_code_string[ErrorCode]; } #undef DIM /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void BufferPoolReset(void) { int i; { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Resetting buffer pool...\n"); OutputDebugString(b); } Buffers[0].Number = 0; Buffers[0].Prepared = 0; Buffers[0].Next = &Buffers[1]; for (i = 1; i < DATA_BLOCK_NUM - 1; i++) { Buffers[i].Number = i; Buffers[i].Prepared = 0; Buffers[i].Next = &Buffers[i + 1]; } Buffers[i].Number = i; Buffers[i].Prepared = 0; Buffers[i].Next = NULL; FreeBuffers = &Buffers[0]; NumBuffersInUse = 0; { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "Buffer pool reset.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static struct MMBuffer * GetBuffer() { struct MMBuffer * b; { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Getting buffer...\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } EnterCriticalSection(&critSect); if (FreeBuffers) { b = FreeBuffers; FreeBuffers = FreeBuffers->Next; NumBuffersInUse++; /** If this buffer is still prepared we can safely unprepare it because we got it from the free buffer list. **/ if (b->Prepared) { waveOutUnprepareHeader(hDevice, (LPWAVEHDR) b->Head, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); b->Prepared = 0; } b->Next = NULL; } else b = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&critSect); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Got buffer.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } return b; } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void PutBuffer(struct MMBuffer * b) { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Putting buffer...\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } b->Next = FreeBuffers; FreeBuffers = b; NumBuffersInUse--; { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Buffer put.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } } /*****************************************************************************************************************************/ static void WaitForBuffer(int WaitForAllBuffers) { int numbuf; if (WaitForAllBuffers) { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Waiting for all buffers to be dequeued...\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } while (1) { EnterCriticalSection(&critSect); numbuf = NumBuffersInUse; if (numbuf) { LeaveCriticalSection(&critSect); Sleep(BufferDelay); continue; } break; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critSect); // while (NumBuffersInUse) // Sleep(BufferDelay); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: All buffers dequeued.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } BufferPoolReset(); } else { { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Waiting %dms...\n", NumBuffersInUse, BufferDelay); OutputDebugString(b); } #if !defined ( IA_W32GUI ) && !defined ( IA_W32G_SYN ) // #if !defined ( IA_W32GUI ) if(ctl->trace_playing) Sleep(0); else #endif Sleep(BufferDelay); { CHAR b[256]; wsprintf(b, "%2d: Wait finished.\n", NumBuffersInUse); OutputDebugString(b); } } }