/* TiMidity++ -- MIDI to WAVE converter and player Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Masanao Izumo Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA mfi.c (Melody Format for i-mode) by Kentaro Sato */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include "timidity.h" #include "common.h" #include "instrum.h" #include "playmidi.h" #include "readmidi.h" #include "controls.h" #include #define SETMIDIEVENT(e, at, t, ch, pa, pb) \ { (e).time = (at); (e).type = (t); \ (e).channel = (uint8)(ch); (e).a = (uint8)(pa); (e).b = (uint8)(pb); } #define MIDIEVENT(at, t, ch, pa, pb) \ { MidiEvent event; SETMIDIEVENT(event, at, t, ch, pa, pb); \ readmidi_add_event(&event); } #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN #define BE_FCC(type) ((uint32)XCHG_LONG(type)) #else /* BIG ENDIAN */ #define BE_FCC(type) ((uint32)BE_LONG(type)) #endif /* Note: Comparing MFi FCC (Four Character Code) In MFi, FCC has the same bit length as 4-byte-integer such as dataLength, so loading and comparing it like an integer should be portable enough. */ #define MAPBITS(effInt, effBits, mapBits) (((effInt) << ((mapBits) - (effBits))) | ((effInt) >> ((effBits) - ((mapBits) - (effBits))))) #define MAPBITS2(effInt, effBits, mapBits) (((effInt) << ((mapBits) - (effBits))) | (((effInt) << ((mapBits) - (effBits))) >> (effBits)) | (((effInt) << ((mapBits) - (effBits))) >> ((effBits) * 2))) #define MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "MFi " #define MFI_DEBUG_MORE_VERBOSE 0 #define MFI_DEBUG_NOTE_EVENT 0 #define MFI_DEBUG_NOTE_EVENT_S 0 #define MFI_DEBUG_CTL_DATA 0 #define MFI_DEBUG_UNKNOWN_CTL_DATA 1 #define POS_DS(pos) ((pos) / 48), ((pos) % 48) #if MFI_DEBUG_MORE_VERBOSE #undef VERB_DEBUG #undef VERB_NOISY #define VERB_DEBUG VERB_NORMAL #define VERB_NOISY VERB_NORMAL #endif #if MFI_DEBUG_NOTE_EVENT #define NOTE_EVENT_DEBUGSTR(channel, note, octave, velocity, duration) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d [%02d] %s%d@%d %d(%d.%02d)", POS_DS(pos), (channel)+1, note, octave, velocity, duration, POS_DS(pos + duration)) #define NOTE_EVENT_POSSIBLE_SLUR_DEBUGSTR() /* empty */ #else #define NOTE_EVENT_DEBUGSTR(channel, note, octave, velocity, duration) /* empty */ #define NOTE_EVENT_POSSIBLE_SLUR_DEBUGSTR() /* empty */ #endif #if MFI_DEBUG_NOTE_EVENT_S #define NOTE_BUF_EV_DEBUGSTR(channel, time, note, octave, velocity, offtime) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "<< %d [%02d] %s%d@%d %d", time, (channel)+1, note, octave, velocity, offtime) #else #define NOTE_BUF_EV_DEBUGSTR(channel, time, note, octave, velocity, offtime) /* empty */ #endif #if MFI_DEBUG_CTL_DATA #define EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1(exname, channel, paramstr, p1) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d [%02d] %02X(%s) : " paramstr, POS_DS(pos), (channel)+1, data[2], exname, p1) #define EX_NCDATA_DEBUGSTR1(exname, paramstr, p1) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d [--] %02X(%s) : " paramstr, POS_DS(pos), data[2], exname, p1) #define EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR2(exname, channel, paramstr, p1, p2) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d [%02d] %02X(%s) : " paramstr, POS_DS(pos), (channel)+1, data[2], exname, p1, p2) #else #define EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1(exname, channel, paramstr, p1) /* empty */ #define EX_NCDATA_DEBUGSTR1(exname, channel, p1) /* empty */ #define EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR2(exname, channel, paramstr, p1, p2) /* empty */ #endif #if MFI_DEBUG_UNKNOWN_CTL_DATA #define EX_UNKNOWN_DATA_DEBUGSTR() \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NOISY, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d %02X (not implemented) : %02X", POS_DS(pos), data[2], data[3]) #define EX_UNKNOWN_EXT_DATA_DEBUGSTR(len) \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NOISY, MFI_DEBUG_PREFIX "%d.%02d %02X (not implemented) : %04X", POS_DS(pos), data[2], len) #else #define EX_UNKNOWN_DATA_DEBUGSTR() /* empty */ #define EX_UNKNOWN_EXT_DATA_DEBUGSTR(len) /* empty */ #endif typedef struct timidity_file timidity_file; static int tf_read_beint16(int *, timidity_file *); static int tf_read_beint32(int *, timidity_file *); static int read_mfi_information(int, int *, int *, int *, timidity_file *); static int read_mfi_track(int, int, int, int, int, timidity_file *); int read_mfi_file(timidity_file *tf) { int length, dataLength, infoLength, dataType, mfiVersion, noteType, extStDLength; uint32 type; uint8 numTracks; int i; if (tf_read_beint32(&dataLength, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&infoLength, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&dataType, tf) != 1 || tf_read(&numTracks, 1, 1, tf) != 1) return 1; infoLength -= 2 + 1; if (dataType == 0x0202) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "MFi Type 2.2 may not be playable."); /* I'm not sure :-) */ return 1; } if (numTracks == 0) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "MFi contains no track."); return 1; } ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_VERBOSE, "MFi Tracks: %d", numTracks); if (numTracks > MAX_CHANNELS / 4) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Too many tracks, last %d track(s) are ignored.", numTracks - (MAX_CHANNELS / 4)); numTracks = MAX_CHANNELS / 4; } current_file_info->divisions = 48; current_file_info->format = 1; current_file_info->tracks = numTracks; current_file_info->file_type = IS_MFI_FILE; noteType = extStDLength = 0; if (read_mfi_information(infoLength, &mfiVersion, ¬eType, &extStDLength, tf) != 0) return 1; for(i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { if (tf_read(&type, 4, 1, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint32(&length, tf) != 1) return 1; if (type != BE_FCC(0x74726163 /*trac*/)) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Unknown track signature."); return 1; } if (read_mfi_track(i, length, mfiVersion, noteType, extStDLength, tf) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } static int read_mfi_information(int infoLength, int *mfiVersion, int *noteType, int *extStDLength, timidity_file *tf) { int length; uint32 type; uint8 byteData; char buf[512]; *mfiVersion = 1; while (infoLength > 0) { if (infoLength < 4 + 2) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Odd information length."); return 1; } infoLength -= 6; if (tf_read(&type, 4, 1, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&length, tf) != 1) return 1; if (length == 0) continue; if (length > infoLength) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Total information length was too small."); return 1; } infoLength -= length; switch(type) { case BE_FCC(0x7469746C /*titl*/): { /* title */ char *title; if (current_file_info->seq_name == NULL) goto skip_info_data; title = safe_malloc(length + 1); if (tf_read(title, length, 1, tf) != 1) { free(title); return 1; } title[length] = '\0'; current_file_info->seq_name = title; ctl->cmsg(CMSG_TEXT, VERB_VERBOSE, "Title: %s", title); } break; case BE_FCC(0x736F7263 /*sorc*/): { /* source */ const char *srcInfo; if (length != 1) goto skip_info_data; if (tf_read(&byteData, 1, 1, tf) != 1) return 1; switch (byteData >> 1) { case 0x00: srcInfo = "network"; break; case 0x01: srcInfo = "manual"; break; case 0x02: srcInfo = "external"; break; default: srcInfo = "unknown"; } ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_NOISY, "Source: %s%s", srcInfo, (byteData & 1) ? ", copyrighted" : ""); } break; case BE_FCC(0x76657273 /*vers*/): /* version (unused) */ if (tf_read(&type, 4, 1, tf) != 1) return 1; switch(type) { case BE_FCC(0x30313030 /*0100*/): *mfiVersion = 1; break; case BE_FCC(0x30323030 /*0200*/): *mfiVersion = 2; break; case BE_FCC(0x30333030 /*0300*/): *mfiVersion = 3; break; default: ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Unknown MFi version."); return 1; } ctl->cmsg(CMSG_TEXT, VERB_VERBOSE, "MFi Version: %d", *mfiVersion); /* info/controls which are marked as '(MFi*)' are only executable when mfiVersion == * or mfiVersion >= *. */ break; case BE_FCC(0x64617465 /*date*/): { /* created date */ char created[9]; if (length != 8) goto skip_info_data; if (tf_read(created, 8, 1, tf) != 1) return 1; created[8] = '\0'; ctl->cmsg(CMSG_TEXT, VERB_VERBOSE, "Date: %.4s-%.2s-%.2s", created, &created[4], &created[6]); } break; case BE_FCC(0x636F7079 /*copy*/): { /* copyright */ int lengthToRead; lengthToRead = length >= sizeof buf ? sizeof buf - 1 : length; if (lengthToRead > 0 && tf_read(buf, lengthToRead, 1, tf) != 1) return 1; buf[lengthToRead] = '\0'; ctl->cmsg(CMSG_TEXT, VERB_VERBOSE, "Copyright: %s", buf); if (lengthToRead < length && tf_seek(tf, length - lengthToRead, SEEK_CUR) == -1) return 1; } break; /* case BE_FCC(0x70726F74 /-*prot*-/): goto skip_info_data; */ case BE_FCC(0x6E6F7465 /*note*/): /* note (MFi2) */ if (length != 2 || tf_read_beint16(noteType, tf) != 1) return 1; if (*noteType > 1) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Unknown note information."); return 1; } ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Note Type: %d", *noteType); break; case BE_FCC(0x65787374 /*exst*/): /* extended status (MFi2) */ if (length != 2 || tf_read_beint16(extStDLength, tf) != 1) return 1; if (*extStDLength != 0) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Unknown extended status information. (%d)"); return 1; } break; default: skip_info_data: if (tf_seek(tf, length, SEEK_CUR) == -1) return 1; } } return 0; } char *get_mfi_file_title(timidity_file *tf) { int length, dataLength, infoLength, dataType; uint32 type; uint8 numTracks; if (tf_read_beint32(&dataLength, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&infoLength, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&dataType, tf) != 1 || dataType == 0x0202 || tf_read(&numTracks, 1, 1, tf) != 1) return NULL; infoLength -= 2 + 1; while (infoLength >= 4 + 2) { infoLength -= 6; if (tf_read(&type, 4, 1, tf) != 1 || tf_read_beint16(&length, tf) != 1) return NULL; if (length > infoLength) break; infoLength -= length; if (type == BE_FCC(0x7469746C /*titl*/)) { char *title; if (length == 0) return NULL; if ((title = malloc(length + 1)) == NULL) break; if (tf_read(title, length, 1, tf) != 1) { free(title); break; } title[length] = '\0'; return title; } else if (length != 0 && tf_seek(tf, length, SEEK_CUR) == -1) break; } return NULL; } typedef struct LastNoteInfo { int on, off, note, velocity; } LastNoteInfo; #define NO_LAST_NOTE_INFO -1 #define LASTNOTEINFO_HAS_DATA(lni) ((lni).on != NO_LAST_NOTE_INFO) #define SEND_LASTNOTEINFO(lni, ch) if (LASTNOTEINFO_HAS_DATA((lni)[ch])) SendLastNoteInfo(lni, ch); #define SEND_AND_CLEAR_LASTNOTEINFO(lni, ch) if (LASTNOTEINFO_HAS_DATA((lni)[ch])) { SendLastNoteInfo(lni, ch); (lni)[ch].on = NO_LAST_NOTE_INFO; } inline void StoreLastNoteInfo(LastNoteInfo *info, int channel, int time, int duration, int note, int velocity) { info[channel].on = time; info[channel].off = time + duration; info[channel].note = note; info[channel].velocity = velocity; } inline void SendLastNoteInfo(const LastNoteInfo *info, int channel) { NOTE_BUF_EV_DEBUGSTR(channel, info[channel].on, note_name[info[channel].note % 12], info[channel].note / 12, info[channel].velocity, info[channel].off); MIDIEVENT(info[channel].on, ME_NOTEON, channel, info[channel].note, info[channel].velocity); MIDIEVENT(info[channel].off, ME_NOTEOFF, channel, info[channel].note, 0); } #define CHECK_AND_READ_FROM_FILE(ptr, readLen) do { \ if ((length) < (readLen) || tf_read(ptr, readLen, 1, tf) != 1) { \ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Odd track length."); \ return 1; \ } \ length -= readLen; \ } while(0) static int read_mfi_track(int trackNo, int length, int mfiVersion, int noteType, int extStDLength, timidity_file *tf) { uint8 data[5]; int i, pos, note, velocity, dataLength; uint8 instruments[MAX_CHANNELS]; int channelMap[4]; LastNoteInfo lastNotes[MAX_CHANNELS]; readmidi_set_track(trackNo, 1); pos = 0; velocity = 0x7F; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) channelMap[i] = (trackNo * 4) + i; dataLength = (noteType == 1) ? 4 : 3; data[3] = 0; /* initialize for debugging purpose */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) lastNotes[i].on = NO_LAST_NOTE_INFO; while (length > 0) { CHECK_AND_READ_FROM_FILE(data, dataLength); pos += data[0]; if (data[1] != 0xFF) /* note */ { int channel; channel = channelMap[data[1] >> 6]; note = 0x48 - 0x1B + (data[1] & 0x3F); if (dataLength >= 4) { velocity = ((data[3] & 0xFC) >> 1) | (data[3] >> 7); /* abcdefgh -> 0abcdefa */ if (data[3] & 0x2) /* sign */ data[3] |= ~0x01; else data[3] &= 0x01; note += ((int8)data[3]) * 12; /* octave shift */ } if (LASTNOTEINFO_HAS_DATA(lastNotes[channel])) { if (lastNotes[channel].off <= pos || note != lastNotes[channel].note) { SendLastNoteInfo(lastNotes, channel); StoreLastNoteInfo(lastNotes, channel, pos, data[2], note, velocity); } #if 0 else if (note != lastNotes[channel].note) /* possible slur */ { if (lastNotes[channel].on == pos) /* may be a chord */ { SendLastNoteInfo(lastNotes, channel); StoreLastNoteInfo(lastNotes, channel, pos, data[2], note, velocity); } else /* slur */ { /* not implemented */ } } #endif else /* tie, what if the velocity isn't the same? :-) */ lastNotes[channel].off = pos + data[2]; } else StoreLastNoteInfo(lastNotes, channel, pos, data[2], note, velocity); NOTE_EVENT_DEBUGSTR(channel, note_name[note % 12], note / 12, velocity, data[2]); } else /* controls */ { if (dataLength == 3) CHECK_AND_READ_FROM_FILE(&data[3], 1); if ((data[2] & 0xF0) == 0xC0) /* tempo */ { int timebase, tempo; timebase = data[2] & 0xF; if ((timebase & 0x7) == 0x7) ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "Undefined tempo timebase."); else { if (timebase & 0x8) timebase = 15 << (timebase & 0x7); else timebase = 6 << (timebase & 0x7); tempo = 48 * (1000000 * 60 / data[3] / timebase); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_TEMPO, tempo & 0xFF, (tempo >> 16) & 0xFF, (tempo >> 8) & 0xFF); } } else if ((data[2] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) /* extended controls */ { int extLength, channel; uint8 extData[512]; CHECK_AND_READ_FROM_FILE(&data[4], 1); extLength = (data[3] << 8) | data[4]; if (extLength <= sizeof extData) { CHECK_AND_READ_FROM_FILE(extData, extLength); switch(data[2] & 0xF) { /* case 0x0: /-* modify envelope (MFi1) */ case 0x1: /* vibrato (MFi1) */ if (mfiVersion == 1 && extData[0] == 0x01 && extData[1] & 0x01) { channel = channelMap[extData[1] >> 5]; MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_MODULATION_WHEEL, channel, (extData[2] & 0xC0) ? 64 : 0, 0) } break; /*case 0xF: /-* system exclusive (MFi2 or MFi3) */ default: EX_UNKNOWN_EXT_DATA_DEBUGSTR(extLength); } } else { if (tf_seek(tf, extLength, SEEK_CUR) == -1) return 1; EX_UNKNOWN_EXT_DATA_DEBUGSTR(extLength); length -= extLength; } } else { int part, channel, value; #define GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(p, c) (p) = data[3] >> 6; (c) = channelMap[p] switch(data[2]) { case 0xB0: /* master volume */ value = MAPBITS2(data[3] & 0x7F, 7, 16); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_MASTER_VOLUME, 0, value & 0xFF, value >> 8); EX_NCDATA_DEBUGSTR1("Master Volume", "%d", value); break; case 0xBA: /* set drum channel flag */ channel = (data[3] >> 3) & 0xF; value = data[3] & 0x1; MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_DRUMPART, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Drum Flag", channel, "%d", value); break; case 0xD0: /* music begin/end */ /* ignored */ break; /* case 0xDD: /-* loop begin/end */ case 0xDE: /* nop */ break; case 0xDF: /* end-of-track */ if (length != 0) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_WARNING, VERB_NORMAL, "Premature end-of-track (%d)", length); length = 0; } break; case 0xE0: /* program change */ GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); SEND_AND_CLEAR_LASTNOTEINFO(lastNotes, channel); /*MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_DRUMPART, channel, 0, 0);*/ instruments[channel] = (instruments[channel] & 0x40) | (data[3] & 0x3F); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_PROGRAM, channel, instruments[channel], 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Program Change", channel, "%d", instruments[channel]); break; case 0xE1: /* pre program change */ GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); instruments[channel] = (data[3] & 0x1) << 6; EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Pre Program Change", channel, "%d", instruments[channel]); break; case 0xE2: /* volume */ GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = MAPBITS(data[3] & 0x3F, 6, 7); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_MAINVOLUME, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Volume", channel, "%d", value); break; case 0xE3: /* pan */ GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = MAPBITS(data[3] & 0x3F, 6, 7); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_PAN, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Pan", channel, "%d", value); break; case 0xE4: /* pitch bend (MFi3) */ if (mfiVersion >= 3) { GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = MAPBITS2(data[3] & 0x3F, 6, 14); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_PITCHWHEEL, channel, value & 0x7F, value >> 7); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Pitch Bend", channel, "%d", value); } break; case 0xE5: /* map part to channel */ part = data[3] >> 6; SEND_AND_CLEAR_LASTNOTEINFO(lastNotes, channelMap[part]); channelMap[part] = data[3] & 0xF; SEND_AND_CLEAR_LASTNOTEINFO(lastNotes, channelMap[part]); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Map Channel", part, "%d", channelMap[part]); break; case 0xE6: /* expression */ GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = data[3] & 0x3F; if (value & 0x20) value = 64 - (((value ^ 0x3F) + 1) << 1); else if (value & 0x10) value = 64 + 1 + (value << 1); else value = 64 + (value << 1); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_EXPRESSION, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Expression", channel, "%d", value); break; case 0xE7: /* pitch bend range (MFi3) */ if (mfiVersion >= 3) { GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = data[3] & 0x3F; MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_RPN_MSB, channel, 0, 0); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_RPN_LSB, channel, 0, 0); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_DATA_ENTRY_MSB, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Pitch Bend Range", channel, "%d", value); } break; case 0xEA: /* vibrato (MFi3) */ if (mfiVersion >= 3) { GET_PART_AND_CHANNEL(part, channel); value = MAPBITS(data[3] & 0x3F, 6, 7); MIDIEVENT(pos, ME_MODULATION_WHEEL, channel, value, 0); EX_DATA_DEBUGSTR1("Vibrato", channel, "%d", value); } break; default: EX_UNKNOWN_DATA_DEBUGSTR(); } } } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { SEND_LASTNOTEINFO(lastNotes, i); } return 0; } static int tf_read_beint16(int *value, timidity_file *tf) { uint16 value_; if (tf_read(&value_, 2, 1, tf) != 1) return 0; *value = BE_SHORT(value_); return 1; } static int tf_read_beint32(int *value, timidity_file *tf) { uint32 value_; if (tf_read(&value_, 4, 1, tf) != 1) return 0; *value = BE_LONG(value_); return 1; }