/* TiMidity++ -- MIDI to WAVE converter and player Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Masanao Izumo Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Macintosh interface for TiMidity by T.Nogami mac_main.c */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "timidity.h" #include "common.h" #include "instrum.h" #include "playmidi.h" #include "readmidi.h" #include "output.h" #include "controls.h" #include "tables.h" #include "wrd.h" #ifdef SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC #include "soundspec.h" #endif /* SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC */ #include "recache.h" #include "miditrace.h" #include "aq.h" #include "mac_main.h" #include "mac_c.h" #include "mac_util.h" #ifdef MAC_USE_OMS #include "OMS.h" #include "mac_oms.h" #endif #define MAIN_INTERFACE /* non-static */ MAIN_INTERFACE void timidity_start_initialize(void); MAIN_INTERFACE int timidity_pre_load_configuration(void); MAIN_INTERFACE int timidity_post_load_configuration(void); MAIN_INTERFACE void timidity_init_player(void); MAIN_INTERFACE int timidity_play_main(int nfiles, char **files); MAIN_INTERFACE int read_config_file(char *name, int self); MAIN_INTERFACE void timidity_init_aq_buff(void); extern char *wrdt_open_opts; Boolean skin_f_repeat, gQuit, gBusy, gShuffle; int mac_rc, skin_state=WAITING, mac_n_files, nPlaying; long gStartTick; double gSilentSec; MidiFile fileList[LISTSIZE]; int evil_level; int do_initial_filling; #ifdef __MRC__ QDGlobals qd; #endif /*****************************************/ /* ************************************************** */ static pascal OSErr myHandleOAPP(AppleEvent* /*theAppleEvent*/, AppleEvent* /*reply*/, long /*handlerRefCon*/) { return noErr; } static pascal OSErr myHandleODOC(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent* /*reply*/, long /*handlerRefCon*/) { int oldListEnd; AEDescList docList; AEKeyword keyword; DescType returnedType; FSSpec theFSSpec; Size actualSize; long itemsInList; short index; OSErr err; KeyMap keys; GetKeys(keys); if( keys[1] & 0x00000004 ) if( mac_SetPlayOption()!=noErr ) return noErr; /* user cancel*/ if ( (err=AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList))!=0 ) return(err); if ( (err=AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList))!=0 ) return(err); oldListEnd=mac_n_files; for (index = 1; index <= itemsInList; index++) { if ( (err=AEGetNthPtr(&docList, index, typeFSS, &keyword, &returnedType, (Ptr) &theFSSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize))!=0 ) return(err); mac_add_fsspec(&theFSSpec); //if( isArchiveFile(&theFSSpec) ){ // mac_add_archive_file(&theFSSpec); //}else { // mac_add_midi_file(&theFSSpec); //} } if( gShuffle ) ShuffleList( oldListEnd, mac_n_files); return noErr; } static pascal OSErr myHandleQUIT(AppleEvent* /*theEvent*/, AppleEvent* /*reply*/, long /*refCon*/) { gQuit=true; return noErr; /* don't ExitToShell() here, must return noErr */ } /*******************************************************/ static void InitMenuBar() { MenuHandle synth; SetMenuBar(GetNewMBar(128)); AppendResMenu(GetMenu(128),'DRVR'); synth= GetMenu(mSynth); InsertMenu(synth, -1); //setup submenu CheckItem(synth, iTiMidity & 0x0000FFFF, 1); DrawMenuBar(); } static void mac_init() { long gestaltResponse; InitGraf( &qd.thePort ); InitFonts(); FlushEvents( everyEvent,0 ); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); TEInit(); InitDialogs( 0 ); InitCursor(); MaxApplZone(); ReadDateTime( (unsigned long*)&qd.randSeed ); if( !((Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &gestaltResponse)==noErr ) && gestaltResponse>=0x0750)) mac_ErrorExit("\pThis program can run on System 7.5 or later!"); if ((Gestalt(gestaltDragMgrAttr, &gestaltResponse) == noErr) && (gestaltResponse & (1 << gestaltDragMgrPresent))) gHasDragMgr=true; else gHasDragMgr=false; #if (__MC68K__ && __MC68881__) if (!((Gestalt(gestaltFPUType, &gestaltResponse) == noErr) && (gestaltResponse!=gestaltNoFPU ))) mac_ErrorExit("\pSorry, No FPU."); #endif AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, NewAEEventHandlerProc(myHandleOAPP), 0, false); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, NewAEEventHandlerProc(myHandleODOC), 0, false); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerProc(myHandleQUIT), 0, false); InitMenuBar(); } extern char *opt_aq_max_buff,*opt_aq_fill_buff; int main() { int32 output_rate=DEFAULT_RATE; int err; mac_init(); nPlaying=mac_n_files=0; skin_state=WAITING; mac_DefaultOption(); mac_GetPreference(); #ifdef MAC_INITIAL_FILLING if(!opt_aq_max_buff) opt_aq_max_buff = safe_strdup("0.0"); if(!opt_aq_fill_buff) opt_aq_fill_buff = safe_strdup("100%"); #endif timidity_start_initialize(); if((err = timidity_pre_load_configuration()) != 0) return err; err += timidity_post_load_configuration(); if( err ) { //ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, // "Try %s -h for help", program_name); return 1; /* problems with command line */ } timidity_init_player(); wrdt=wrdt_list[0]; //dirty!! wrdt_open_opts= "m"; timidity_play_main(0, NULL); //CPU won't return from timidity_play_main return 0; } static pascal void *StartPlay(void *threadParam) { int rc; //for( i=0; i0) nPlaying--; else if(rc==RC_RESTART) /*noting*/; else if(rc==RC_QUIT) /*noting*/; else if(rc==RC_LOAD_FILE) /*noting*/; else if(rc==RC_NEXT) nPlaying++; else if(!skin_f_repeat) nPlaying++; } DrawButton(); if( gCursorIsWatch ){ InitCursor(); gCursorIsWatch=false; } return 0; } static void HandleNullEvent() { YieldToAnyThread(); if( Button() ){DoVolume();} if( skin_state==WAITING && mac_rc==RC_PREVIOUS && nPlaying>0) {nPlaying--; mac_rc=0; } if( skin_state==WAITING && nPlayingwhat) { case nullEvent: HandleNullEvent(); break; case mouseDown: HandleMouseDown(event); break; case keyDown: if( event->modifiers&cmdKey ) { mac_HandleMenuSelect(MenuKey(event->message&charCodeMask), event->modifiers); HiliteMenu(0); break; }else{ //no command key HandleSpecKeydownEvent( event->message, event->modifiers); } break; case updateEvt: BeginUpdate((WindowRef)event->message); DoUpdate((WindowRef)event->message); EndUpdate((WindowRef)event->message); break; case kHighLevelEvent: AEProcessAppleEvent(event); break; default: break; } } void mac_HandleControl() { SndCommand theCmd; switch(mac_rc) { case RC_QUIT: if( skin_state==PAUSE ) { play_mode->acntl(PM_REQ_DISCARD,0); theCmd.cmd=resumeCmd; SndDoImmediate(gSndCannel, &theCmd); skin_state=PLAYING; } break;/*and wait ctl_read*/ case RC_NEXT: if( skin_state==STOP ) { skin_state=WAITING; mac_rc=0; if( nPlaying0 ) nPlaying--; mac_rc=0; } else if( skin_state==WAITING && nPlaying>0) {nPlaying--; mac_rc=0; } break; /*and wait ctl_read*/ case RC_FORWARD: if( skin_state==STOP ){ skin_state=WAITING; mac_rc=0; } else if( skin_state==PAUSE ){ mac_rc=RC_CONTINUE; mac_HandleControl(); } break; /*and wait ctl_read*/ case RC_TOGGLE_PAUSE: if( skin_state==PAUSE ){ theCmd.cmd=resumeCmd; SndDoImmediate(gSndCannel, &theCmd); skin_state=PLAYING;} else if( skin_state==PLAYING ){theCmd.cmd=pauseCmd; SndDoImmediate(gSndCannel, &theCmd); skin_state=PAUSE;} break; case RC_RESTART: break; /*and wait ctl_read*/ case RC_LOAD_FILE: if( skin_state==PAUSE ) { mac_rc=RC_CONTINUE; mac_HandleControl(); mac_rc=RC_LOAD_FILE;} skin_state=WAITING; break; /*case RC_PAUSE: if( skin_state==PLAYING ){theCmd.cmd=pauseCmd; SndDoImmediate(gSndCannel, &theCmd); skin_state=PAUSE;} break;*/ /*case RC_CONTINUE: if( skin_state==PAUSE ){ theCmd.cmd=resumeCmd; SndDoImmediate(gSndCannel, &theCmd); skin_state=PLAYING;} else if( skin_state==STOP ){ skin_state=WAITING; mac_rc=0; } break;*/ case RC_REALLY_PREVIOUS: break; /*and wait ctl_read*/ } DrawButton(); } /*******************************************/ #pragma mark - extern PlayMode wave_play_mode; extern PlayMode aiff_play_mode; extern PlayMode mac_play_mode; extern PlayMode mac_quicktime_play_mode; extern PlayMode mac_oms_play_mode; static pascal void *ConvertToAiffFile(void *threadParam) { OSErr err; int tmp; char newfile[256]; StandardFileReply stdReply; Str255 fullPath; #ifdef __MWERKS__ _fcreator='TVOD'; //Movie Player _ftype='AIFF'; #endif StandardGetFile(0, 0, 0, &stdReply); if (stdReply.sfGood) { play_mode=&aiff_play_mode; if( play_mode->open_output()==-1 ) return 0; aq_setup(); tmp=skin_state; skin_state=PLAYING; err=GetFullPath( &stdReply.sfFile, fullPath); if( err==noErr ) play_midi_file( p2cstr(fullPath) ); skin_state=tmp; play_mode->close_output(); play_mode=&mac_play_mode; aq_setup(); timidity_init_aq_buff(); p2cstrcpy(newfile, stdReply.sfFile.name); strcat(newfile,".aiff"); rename("output.aiff", newfile); } DrawButton(); return 0; } static void mac_AboutBox() { short item; DialogRef dialog, theDialog; EventRecord event; dialog=GetNewDialog(200,0,(WindowRef)-1); if( dialog==0 ) return; SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, 1); #ifdef __POWERPC__ #define TIMID_CPU "PPC" #elif __MC68K__ #if __MC68881__ #define TIMID_CPU "68k+FPU" #else #define TIMID_CPU "68k" #endif #endif ParamText("\p" TIMID_VERSION TIMID_CPU, "\p", "\p", "\p"); ShowWindow(dialog); for(;;){ WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, 10, 0); if( ! IsDialogEvent(&event) ) continue; if( StdFilterProc(dialog, &event, &item) ) /**/; else DialogSelect(&event, &theDialog, &item); if( theDialog!=dialog ) continue; if( item==1 ) break; YieldToAnyThread(); } DisposeDialog(dialog); } static void CloseFrontWindow() { WindowRef window; MacWindow *macwin; window=FrontWindow(); if( ! window ) return; macwin= (MacWindow*)GetWRefCon(window); if( ! macwin ) return; macwin->goaway(macwin); } void mac_HandleMenuSelect(long select, short modifiers) { StandardFileReply stdReply; Str255 str; switch(select) { case iAbout: mac_AboutBox(); return; case iOpen: StandardGetFile(0, -1, 0, &stdReply); if (stdReply.sfGood) { mac_add_fsspec(&stdReply.sfFile); } return; case iClose: CloseFrontWindow(); return; case iLogWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_LogWindow); return; case iListWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_ListWindow); return; case iWrdWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_WrdWindow); return; case iDocWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_DocWindow); return; case iSpecWindow: #ifdef SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC if(!mac_SpecWindow.show) { mac_SpecWindow.show=true; open_soundspec(); soundspec_update_wave(NULL, 0); } SelectWindow(mac_SpecWindow.ref); #endif /* SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC */ return; case iTraceWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_TraceWindow); return; case iSkinWindow: SHOW_WINDOW(mac_SkinWindow); return; case iSaveAs: NewThread(kCooperativeThread, ConvertToAiffFile, 0, 0, kCreateIfNeeded, 0, 0); return; case iPref: mac_SetPlayOption(); return; case iQuit: Do_Quit(); return; //Play menu case iPlay: SKIN_ACTION_PLAY(); break; case iStop: SKIN_ACTION_STOP(); break; case iPause: SKIN_ACTION_PAUSE(); break; case iPrev: SKIN_ACTION_PREV(); break; case iNext: SKIN_ACTION_NEXT(); break; //Synth menu case iTiMidity:{ MenuHandle menu=GetMenu(mSynth); CheckItem(menu, iTiMidity & 0x0000FFFF, 1); CheckItem(menu, iQuickTime & 0x0000FFFF, 0); CheckItem(menu, iOMS & 0x0000FFFF, 0); play_mode=&mac_play_mode; } return; case iQuickTime:{ MenuHandle menu=GetMenu(mSynth); if( mac_quicktime_play_mode.fd==-1 ){ //not opened yet if( mac_quicktime_play_mode.open_output()!=0 ){ SysBeep(0); return; //can't open device } } CheckItem(menu, iTiMidity & 0x0000FFFF, 0); CheckItem(menu, iQuickTime & 0x0000FFFF, 1); CheckItem(menu, iOMS & 0x0000FFFF, 0); play_mode=&mac_quicktime_play_mode; } return; #ifdef MAC_USE_OMS case iOMS:{ MenuHandle menu=GetMenu(mSynth); if( mac_oms_play_mode.fd==-1 || (modifiers & optionKey) ){ if( mac_oms_play_mode.open_output()!=0 ){ SysBeep(0); return; //can't open device } } CheckItem(menu, iTiMidity & 0x0000FFFF, 0); CheckItem(menu, iQuickTime & 0x0000FFFF, 0); CheckItem(menu, iOMS & 0x0000FFFF, 1); play_mode=&mac_oms_play_mode; } return; #endif } if( (select>>16)==mApple ) { GetMenuItemText(GetMenu(mApple), select&0x0000FFFF, str); OpenDeskAcc(str); } } void Do_Quit() { if( mac_play_mode.fd!=-1 ) mac_play_mode.close_output(); if( mac_quicktime_play_mode.fd!=-1 ) mac_quicktime_play_mode.close_output(); #ifdef MAC_USE_OMS if( mac_oms_play_mode.fd!=-1 ) mac_oms_play_mode.close_output(); #endif if( ctl ) ctl->close(); mac_SetPreference(); #ifdef MAC_USE_OMS mac_oms_quit(); #endif ExitToShell(); } void mac_ErrorExit(Str255 s) { StopAlertMessage(s); SndDisposeChannel(gSndCannel, 1); gSndCannel=0; ExitToShell(); } /* ****************************** */ #pragma mark - void ShuffleList(int start, int end) { int i, newFile; MidiFile tmpItem; for( i=start; iname, theString, spec->name[0]+1); cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = nil; cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; /* this mean 'use ioNamePtr' */ cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = spec->parID; cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = spec->vRefNum; cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)theString; if( noErr==PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb) ) AddFolder2PlayList(spec->vRefNum, cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID); } static void mac_add_midi_file(const char *fullpath) { if( mac_n_filesfileType=='fold' || item->fileType=='disk') AddFolderFSSpec2PlayList(&item->fileSpec); //else if(item->fileType=='Midi'){} else mac_add_fsspec(&item->fileSpec); } #define kDirFlag (1<<4) OSErr AddFolder2PlayList( short vRefNum, long dirID) { CInfoPBRec cipb; Str32 theString; StringPtr saveString; short saveIndex; OSErr err = noErr; // initialize ourselves cipb.hFileInfo.ioCompletion = nil; cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 1; cipb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = vRefNum; cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)theString; while (err == noErr) { // always reset directory id cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dirID; // get the info for the next catalog item err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cipb); if (err) goto exit; // increment the count cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex++; // if we are a directory, recurse if (cipb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & kDirFlag) { // save before recursing saveIndex = cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex; saveString = cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr; // recurse within the directory err = AddFolder2PlayList( vRefNum, cipb.hFileInfo.ioDirID ); // restore after recursion cipb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = saveIndex; cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = saveString; } else { // we are a file // call our scanProc if there is one specified /*if (sp != nil) err = (*sp)(cipbp, refCon);*/ FSSpec spec; if(noErr==FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, cipb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr, &spec)) mac_add_fsspec(&spec); } } exit: // ignore fnfErr and afpAccessDenied errors since fnfErr is what we // get when there are no more files left to scan, and afpAccessDenied // can just ŽÒhappenŽÓ depending on what we are scanning (ie: network // volumes) if ((err == fnfErr) || (err == afpAccessDenied)) return noErr; else return err; } /*******************************************/ #pragma mark -