

void AFsetHinfo (const char String[])
char *AFgetHinfo (void)


Set the audio file header information string
Get the audio file header information string


This routine sets the information string to be written to an AFsp audio file header. This file format allows for an arbitrary information string to be written at the end of the header. By default the header information string gives date and user information. This routine allows the user to specify an information string that is used in addition to, or in place of, the standard header information string. This routine must be called before the audio file to be created is first opened using AFopenWrite. AFopenWrite resets the header string to a NULL string.

Standard Header Information:

  date:1994/01/25 19:19:39 UTC    date
  sample_rate:8012.5              sampling frequency (if non-integer)
  user:kabal@aldebaran            user
  program:CopyAudio               program name (set by UTsetProg)

Additional structured information records should follow this format; a named field terminated by a colon followed by numeric data or a character string. Comments can follow as unstructured information. For the purpose of this routine, records are separated by newline characters. The last record need not be terminated by a newline character. When written to the header, the newline characters are replaced by nulls. To place a newline character into the header without having it serve as a record separator, escape the newline character by preceding it with a backslash character, i.e. in a C-language string an escaped newline character would appear as "\\\n".

If the input header information string is a NULL pointer, the standard information string is used. If the first character of the header information string is a newline character, the the input header information string is added to the existing information string (the standard information string and/or any previously specified header strings). Otherwise the input header information string replaces the standard information string. The following examples illustrate the behaviour.

- AFsetHinfo (NULL)
Reset, use only the standard information string
- AFsetHinfo ("")
No header information string
- AFsetHinfo ("<info>")
Replace existing information string with <info>, do not use the standard information string
- AFsetHinfo ("\n<info>")
Add <info> to the existing information string, if the overall information string begins with a newline character, the overall information string appears in the header after the standard information string

The procedure AFgetHinfo is used internally by the audio file routines to retrieve the user supplied header information string.


 -> const char String[]
String containing the user supplied header information
<- char *AFgetUinfo
Pointer to the header information string. A NULL pointer indicates that no information string has been set.

Author / revision

P. Kabal / Revision 1.27 1996/05/31

See Also


Main Index libtsp