Oracle8(TM) Server Replication
Release 8.0






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Oracle8 Server

Release 8.0

June, 1997

Part No. A54651-01

In memory of Bob Miner and Bob Kooi-

As you will see in this and in other Oracle8 manuals, a number of new and exciting concepts and capabilities for information management are available in Oracle8. Members of Oracle's Server Technologies Division would like to dedicate Oracle8 to the memory of Bob Miner and Bob Kooi, whose contributions to prior versions made Oracle8 possible. We wish we could still thank them in person.

Oracle8 Server Replication

Part No. A54651-01

Release 8.0

© Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the U.S.A

Primary Authors: Steve Bobrowski, Gordon Smith

Contributing Authors: Alan Downing, Thomas Albert, Sandy Dreskin, Harry Sun, Tom Bishop, Horst Heistermann, Al Demers, Maria Pratt, Peter Vasterd, Jim Stamos, and others.

Graphic Designer:: Valarie Moore

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