Oracle8 for Windows NT Release Notes
Release 8.0.3



Oracle8 for Windows NT
Release Notes

Release 8.0.3

June 1997


This Release Note documents important last minute features and limitations not included in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Release Note on the Oracle8 for Windows NT CD-ROM disc. It also includes corrections regarding information in the HTML Release Notes.

The following topics are included:

  • Oracle Product Installation and the Windows NT and 95 Taskbar  
  • Migration
  • Oracle Networking Products for Windows Platforms
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager  
  • Oracle Online Documentation
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Beta Drivers
  • Compliance with Microsoft's Systems Management Server (SMS)
  • Starter Database
  • Oracle Assistants  
  • Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
  • ODBC
  • Oracle Objects for OLE  
  • SQL*Plus for Windows NT/95  
  • External Procedures  
  • Oracle Product Installation and the Windows NT and 95 Taskbar

    Before starting installation, ensure that the Taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen.


    This section includes the following topics:

    Before Using the Migration Utility (MIG80)


    If you use Oracle Data Migration Assistant to migrate data, the following procedure is not required.  

    Before using MIG80 to migrate your Oracle7 database to an Oracle8 database, you must first check the character set of your Oracle7 database, and compare it with the character set in the NLS_LANG environment variable, or in the registry (if the character set does not exist as an environment variable.) If the character sets are identical, then you can proceed to run MIG80.

    If the character sets are different, before you run MIG80, you must set the NLS_LANG environment variable as follows:

    American_America.database character set

    where database character set should be substituted with the character set of your Oracle7 database. For example, if the character set of your Oracle7 database is JA16EUC, set the NLS_LANG environment variable as follows:


    Messages output from MIG80 will now be in English. After MIG80 finishes, you should reset the NLS_LANG environment variable to its original value.

    Installing Appropriate Versions of SQL*Net

    When migrating from Oracle7 Server release 7.3.x to Oracle8 release 8.0.3, install the appropriate version of SQL*Net for the server before using Oracle Data Migration Assistant.


    Migration will be unsuccessful if you do not install the appropriate versions of SQL*Net.  

    Migrate from...   Install...  

    Oracle7 release 7.3.2 to Oracle8  

    SQL*Net version

    To install SQL*Net version

    1. Start Oracle Installer from the CD-ROM disc. See Oracle8 for Windows NT Installation CD-ROM Insert for information.
    2. Answer questions about language and Oracle home directory location.
    3. Select Custom Installation. The Software Asset Manager window appears.
    4. Click From...
    5. Navigate to PATCHES\SQLNET\\NT_X86\INSTALL.
    6. Select SQL*Net Server and SQL*Net Client
    7. Click Install.

    A window appears showing the progress of the installation. After installation is complete, a message appears confirming the installation.

    1. Click Exit to exit Oracle Installer.


    Oracle7 release 7.3.3 to Oracle8  

    SQL*Net version

    If you choose to migrate at installation time, Oracle Installer automatically installs SQL*Net version if it detects Oracle7 release 7.3.3 on your system.

    If you did not choose the migration option at installation time, follow these instructions to install SQL*Net version

    1. Start Oracle Installer from the CD-ROM disc. See Oracle8 for Windows NT Installation CD-ROM Insert for information.
    2. Answer questions about language and Oracle home directory location.
    3. Select the Custom installation option.

    The Software Asset Manager window appears.

    1. Select SQL*Net Server from the Products Available window on the left side of the screen.
    2. Click Install.

    A window appears showing the progress of the installation. After installation is complete, a message appears confirming the installation.

    1. Click Exit to exit Oracle Installer.


    Oracle Networking Products for Windows Platforms

    Additional Information:

    See the Net8 README and the Oracle Security Server README for additional information that is not included in the printed documentation.  

    This section includes the following topics:

    Oracle Net8 Assistant and Net8 Easy Config Installation

    If you select Custom installation and only choose Net8 Client, the Net8 Assistant and Net8 Easy Config tools are not installed. You need to choose Net8 Assistant if you need any of the configuration tools.


    If you would like Oracle7 and Oracle8 server to co-exist on the same system, do not set TNS_ADMIN on the server system, since there will be port and service conflicts if both the listeners try to use the same LISTENER.ORA configuration file.

    If you are using Dynamic Discover Option (DDO) and migrating to Oracle Names Version 8, you may need to add the domain name in GLOBAL_DBNAME field in LISTENER.ORA.

    Net8 Listener

    When a client connects to an Oracle8 server in dedicated server mode, WINSOCK2 Shared Sockets feature is used so that the client connection is routed from the listener to the database server. This feature improves the connection time, because the client does not need to close the socket connection with the listener and establish a new connection with the database server.

    With the use of Shared Sockets, database server threads also use the same port as the listener. If you shut down the listener and try to start it up again for the same port, the listener does not start up if the port is in use due to any open connections with the database. Ensure that no client is connected to the database before starting up the listener. Note that if you are using a listener with a different port number you will be able to start it up.


    Do not bring down the listener when any clients are connected to the database. If you need to listen for a new database, modify the LISTENER.ORA configuration file, and issue the reload command from the Listener Control Utility LSNRCTL80.

    See Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms for more information about the LISTENER.ORA file and the LSNRCTL80 utility.  

    Oracle Corporation attempted to overcome the restriction by using the WINSOCK2 option to allow the re-use of a port, but the option does not work reliably. Oracle Corporation is currently working with Microsoft Corporation to resolve this issue.

    Additional Information:

    See Net8 Administrator's Guide for more details about the reload command.  

    Oracle Protocol Adapters

    Component List

    An error was made in Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms. The table on page 2-8 which lists the components included with Oracle Networking Products contains a typographical error. The Oracle Protocol Adapters are titled "Supported Protocol Stack Vendors", rather than "Oracle Protocol Adapters".

    Named Pipes Protocol Stack

    Oracle Net8 Assistant does not support Named Pipes configuration. Configure Named Pipes manually by editing the configuration files using an ASCII text editor such as Notepad.

    Oracle APPC/LU6.2 Protocol Adapter

    Net8 and SQL*Net 2.3.3 support the Oracle APPC/LU6.2 Protocol Adapter on Windows NT, but both versions do not support the Oracle APPC/LU6.2 Protocol Adapter on Windows 95.

    Oracle DECnet Protocol Adapter

    Net8 does not support the Oracle DECnet Protocol Adapter, though SQL*Net 2.3.3 supports the Oracle DECnet Protocol Adapter on Windows NT 3.51.

    Testing the Network Configuration on the Server

    An error was made in Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms. The section on page 5-9 describing loopback testing mistakenly describes performing loopback testing on a client machine. Loopback testing can only be performed on a server machine.

    Oracle Names

    Note the following corrections for Chapter 4, "Configuring the Network" in Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms.

    Step 4

    All the host names, computer names and service names described in the table should be in lower case. See your operating system documentation for more information on how to set up the system names for different protocols.

    If you want to keep the default settings, go to Step 24 (instead of Step 23).

    Step 7

    You may get a warning about no Preferred Names Server. Ignore the warning. To avoid the warning:

    1. Define a Preferred Names Server, as explained in the section "Configuring Oracle Names on the Client", if you do not plan to use well known name servers
    2. Invoke the command Discover Names Server from the Tools menu of Oracle Net8 Assistant
    3. Issue the command REORDER_NS from the utility NAMESCTL80.

    Step 8

    You may get the error Names Error30, if the Names Server is not yet started. Ignore the error, or start the Names Server.

    Steps 13 and 14

    Oracle Net8 Assistant does not support Named Pipes configuration for Oracle Names Server. If you are using Named Pipes, configure it manually, as described in Net8 Administrator's Guide.

    Step 18

    You can use the default No Region Database. In that case, you do not need to define the various parameters of Step 19.

    Step 24

    Include the domain name (specified in the configuration file SQLNET.ORA as NAME.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, which is WORLD by default) in the parameter GLOBAL_DBNAME. For example, if the domain name is WORLD and you want to use a database name of TESTDB, specify GLOBAL_DBNAME as TESTDB.WORLD.

    Steps 25 and 26

    Ignore these steps.

    External Naming

    This release of Oracle Networking Products for Windows Platforms does not support Network Information Service (NIS).

    Using Oracle Security Server

    Connect String

    The connect string used by an Oracle8 client or Oracle8 server connecting to an Oracle8 Security Server, needs to include the parameter (in bold typeface):


    Do not add this line if you use the Kerberos, CyberSAFE, or SecurID adapter.

    See the Oracle Security Server README.TXT file installed with your Oracle Networking Products for more information on configuring and using Oracle Security Server.  


    When defining a global user, the user CN=user in X.509 syntax must match the global user name.

    Multiple Protocol Support

    A typographical error was made in Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms. The section "Defining for Multiple Protocol Interchange" should read "Defining for Multiple Protocol Support". The networking feature formerly known as Multi-Protocol Interchange (MPI) is now called Multiple Protocol Support. Multiple Protocol Support is available as part of the Oracle Connection Manager.

    Additional Information:

    See the Oracle Net8 README file installed in the Networking product group and Net8 Administrator's Guide for details.  

    Oracle Parallel Server (OPS)

    If you are using the parameter DESCRIPTIONLIST in the TNSNAMES.ORA configuration file, do not invoke Oracle Net8 Assistant, as it will modify your TNSNAMES.ORA file in a Parallel Server environment. Currently, you must manually edit the configuration files for an OPS environment.

    TRCROUTE Client Application

    The TRCROUTE application is not supported on Windows platforms.

    Windows NT Authentication Adapter

    Specify NTS in the SQLNET.ORA configuration file for both clients and servers to use the Windows NT Authentication Adapter:


    Set OSAUTH_PREFIX_DOMAIN in the registry to TRUE if you require the database user name to include the Microsoft domain name. For example:


    16-Bit Client Support

    Oracle Networking Products release does not support 16-bit clients, but you can connect to an Oracle8 server from a 16-bit client using 16-bit SQL*Net releases 2.2.x, 2.3.2, and 2.3.3. The configuration files for 16-bit clients must be configured using either Oracle Network Manager or SQL*Net Easy Configuration Tool. Oracle8 features are not available for 16-bit clients. The Bequeath Adapter is not available for connecting a 2.2.x, 2.3.2, and 2.3.3 clients to an Oracle8 server.

    Net8 Open API

    On Windows NT and Windows 95, please use $ORACLE_HOME\NET80\LIB\TNSAPI.LIB and the include file $ORACLE_HOME\NET80\INCLUDE\TNSAPI.H.

    Connection Manager

    Connection Manager is not included in Oracle8; it is only included in Oracle8 Enterprise Edition.


    An error was made in Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms. In Appendix C, "Troubleshooting", an erroneous reference to Understanding SQL*Net, Oracle Network Products Messages Manual and Oracle Network Products Troubleshooting Guide was made. See Oracle8 Server Error Messages for more information on Net8 error messages.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager

    Do not exit the Oracle Enterprise Manager Toolbar using the keyboard combination Alt-F4.

    Oracle Online Documentation

    All Oracle online documentation is provided in HTML and PDF formats. This section includes the following topics:

    Oracle Information Navigator

    Use the included Oracle Information Navigator to view, navigate, and perform advanced text search on your HTML documentation set. You need a Java and frames enabled browser in order to use Oracle Information Navigator.


    If you currently do not have an appropriate browser, you can obtain one at the following sites:

    • Netscape Navigator Version 3.0


    • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0


    If you do not have a Java-enabled browser, you can still access the Oracle online documentation by selecting the Text Version option on the Welcome screen. However, the Oracle Information Navigator will be disabled.  

    Using the Search Facility

    A bug has been reported in the Oracle Information Navigator that occurs when you attempt to click on entries found by the search facility. When you click these entries, an error message may appear indicating that the file was not found (for example in Oracle8 Messages and some Video Server manuals). This information is available.

    To obtain this information:

    1. Go to the Oracle Information Navigator tree.
    2. Click the Oracle8 Messages entry.
    3. Click the Table of Contents.
    4. Identify the appropriate area in the Table of Contains containing your error message.

    Viewing Graphics

    Some documents in the Oracle Information Navigator may be missing graphics. If a graphic is missing, go to the Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the document to view the graphic.

    Microsoft Internet Explorer

    Recent changes to Microsoft's Internet Explorer release 3.02 to address security issues may prevent the Oracle Information Navigator from starting and displaying properly. This does not affect your access to the Oracle online documentation.

    Adobe Acrobat Reader

    Use the included Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, navigate, and print your PDF documentation set.


    You must use Adobe Acrobat version 3.0 to view your PDF documentation set.  

    Oracle Enterprise Manager

    Oracle Enterprise Manager documents in HTML are available as an installation option in the Software Asset Manager window. The same documents are also available in HTML in the Oracle Documentation folder, and as PDF in the \PDFDOC directory on the CD-ROM disc.

    Compliance with Microsoft's Systems Management Server (SMS)

    Please refer to the README.WRI file located in the \SMS directory at the root of the CD-ROM disc for information on the de-installation options available for all installable products.

    Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Beta Drivers

    Three Beta version JDBC drivers are included in the \JDBC directory on the CD-ROM disc:

    Starter Database

    Chapter 3, "Starter Database Contents" of Oracle8 Getting Started for Windows NT describes the users that are included in the starter database. Note that the Typical starter database always includes the CTXSYS and DRSYS users no matter what cartridges are selected. Their passwords are CTXSYS and DRSYS respectively and are required only for Oracle8 ConText Cartridge.

    Oracle Assistants

    Easy-to-use Oracle Assistants are new to this release. This section includes the following topics:

    Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access

    In Chapter 5, "Database Co-existence and Migration", the second bullet paragraph in the section "Using Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access" is erroneous. Please refer to the following text.

    The option that enables your unmodified Microsoft Access forms and reports to work with the newly created Oracle8 database through an Oracle Open Database Connectivity Driver (ODBC) connection does not work correctly with this version of the assistant. To have your Microsoft Access forms work with the newly created Oracle8 database, please use the Oracle ODBC driver after migration has finished.

    The keyboard combination Alt F4 does not work for Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access. Please use the Cancel button of this wizard to exit.

    Oracle Data Migration Assistant

    Note that the migration of the replication option renders packages and views invalid.

    If you migrate an Oracle7 database which has a different database character set from NLS_LANG environment variable, the text in the log file is written in English.

    When trying to start your database with Server Manager after migrating from a database, ensure that you use the PFILE option to identify the correct INITSID.ORA file. For example:


    where SID is the system identifier (SID) for the database you want to start.

    Oracle Database Assistant

    If you create a new database using Oracle Database Assistant and would like to allow users from other systems to access the database, you need to:

    This will ensure that the listener will listen for connections for the database, and remote users will be able to connect to the database.

    When you exit from Oracle Database Assistant, you may sometimes receive a Dr. Watson for Windows error message. Please ignore this error message.

    The online help for the page where you can select to include the Oracle8 ConText Option in your Oracle8 database describes several products/features that are not available with Oracle8.

    Oracle Web Publishing Assistant

    Oracle Web Publishing Assistant will not create a web page (though the query will appear in the file listing) if the query includes columns that contain non-textual data, such as columns of datatype LONG RAW, RAW, or BLOB. A query that includes columns of those datatypes can be identified by a Modified date of "Not Available" in the file listing and a message "Could not execute database cursor, due to Oracle error #-932" in the Event Viewer Application log for that query. Delete the query to remove it from the file listing.

    Known Problems, Restrictions, and Workarounds

    Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

    For information on OCI, read the information supplied in the README in the program group after installation.

    Re-install Required Support Files version 8.0.3 if:

    These problems occur if after installing version 8.0 products, you subsequently install a product that installs Required Support Files version 7.3.2 or version 7.2. Oracle Web Server version 2.1 is an example of such a product.

    To re-install Required Support Files version 8.0.3:

    1. Run Oracle Installer from the CD-ROM disc.
    2. Answer questions about language and Oracle home directory location.
    3. Select the Custom installation option
    4. The Software Asset Manager window appears

    5. Select Required Support Files version 8.0.3 in the left-hand window.
    6. Click Install.
    7. A window appears showing the progress of the installation. After installation is complete, a message appears confirming the installation.

    8. Click Exit to exit Oracle Installer.


    For information on ODBC, read the information supplied in the README in the program group after installation.

    Oracle Objects for OLE

    For information on Oracle Objects for OLE, read the information supplied in the release note in the program group after installation.

    SQL*Plus for Windows NT/95

    This Release Note contains important information about SQL*Plus that is not included in the SQL*Plus documentation. This section includes the following topics:


    In this release of SQL*Plus, the SET NEWPAGE 0 command does not clear the screen between pages; instead, a black box appears. This occurs because the text printing APIs do not support the formfeed character "/f" on these platforms.

    Multiple Versions of SQL*Plus

    Installation of SQL*Plus version 8.0.3 does not overwrite previous versions of SQL*Plus. Therefore, multiple versions of SQL*Plus can exist on the same computer. You may de-install older versions of the software if you choose.


    The SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference incorrectly states that the DEMOBLD file creates a LOGIN file in your current directory. The LOGIN file is not created when you run DEMOBLD; Oracle Installer copies LOGIN.SQL to the \DBS subdirectory of your Oracle home directory when you install SQL*Plus.

    Oracle Installer also copies GLOGIN.SQL, a global LOGIN file, to your SQL*Plus directory. The GLOGIN.SQL file is similar to the LOGIN.SQL file, except that GLOGIN.SQL can be used to set preferences that all SQL*Plus sessions can use.

    The following SQL*Plus documentation is included in the Oracle documentation set.


    Setting DBA_AUTHORIZATION=BYPASS is not supported in this release. If you install both Oracle7 and Oracle8 in the same Oracle home directory, you must enter a password when you log on, unless you:

    External Procedures

    Chapter 13 of Oracle8 Getting Started for Windows NT contains an incorrect entry in both the LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA file for using external procedures. Use the following syntax in your LISTENER.ORA file and TNSNAMES.ORA file to enable external procedures to work:

    1. Add a system identifier (SID) name and program name for EXTPROC in the server's LISTENER.ORA file:
    2. LISTENER = 
        (ADDRESS_LIST = 
                (PROTOCOL= IPC) 
                (PROTOCOL= IPC) 
                (KEY= ORCL) 
                (PROTOCOL= TCP) 
                (Port= 1521) 
        (SID_LIST = 
          (SID_DESC = 
            (SID_NAME = ORCL) 
          (SID_DESC = 
            (SID_NAME = extproc) 
      PASSWORDS_LISTENER = (oracle)
    3. Add the following entries for EXTPROC in the server's TNSNAMES.ORA file:
    4. = 
            (ADDRESS =  
                              (PROTOCOL=ipc) (KEY=ORCL) 

    Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.
    All Rights Reserved.

