Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Trace Developer's Guide
Release 1.4.0





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Oracle Trace is a general-purpose data collection system. Oracle Trace consists of a set of runtime collection services and a programming interface that can be used by any developer of Oracle applications.

You can use the Oracle Trace application programming interface (API) in any software product to collect data for a variety of uses, such as performance monitoring, diagnostics, and auditing. By calling Oracle Trace routines, you log descriptive pieces of information from the application as it runs.

Oracle Trace is event-driven rather than clock-driven. You decide what events are significant and log information when those events occur. This provides explicit context for all data; you know what the application is doing by the event recorded. Every product containing the API calls can have multiple predefined sets of events and data items to be recorded.

Oracle Trace can gather event-driven data from multiple applications at the same time. This is particularly useful with multi-tiered applications, such as client/server applications. Even simple applications often make calls to other software. If both tiers are instrumented with Oracle Trace routines, you can correlate events in the higher layer with events performed on its behalf in the lower layer. For example, Oracle Server release 7.3 and SQL*Net release 2.3 have been instrumented with Oracle Trace calls, so you can examine application performance in the context of both the network and database layers. (Instrumentation is the process of embedding Oracle Trace API calls in a product. Instrumented products are those products that contain Oracle Trace API calls.)

Users of Oracle Trace Data

As a developer of Oracle Trace applications, you will be using the Oracle Trace API within your application. This document provides you with the detail you need to include these calls in your application.

Most Oracle Trace end users will be performing collections for products that already include the Oracle Trace API. Therefore, most users only need to be familiar with the data that can be collected for the product and how to use the Oracle Trace Manager application (available through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Pack) to create, schedule, and administer Oracle Trace data collections. This data can then be stored in Oracle database tables for access by SQL, reporting tools, and other products.

For more information regarding Oracle Trace Manager, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Trace User's Guide.

Oracle Products Instrumented with Oracle Trace API

Oracle Corporation is currently using the Oracle Trace data collection API in the following products:

The Oracle Server performance data collected by Oracle Trace includes SQL statements, detailed statistics on SQL events, transaction events, and other useful information.

Adding Instrumented Products to Your Oracle Trace Environment

When you instrument your products with the Oracle Trace API, you can add them to the Oracle Trace environment. The Oracle Trace environment runs in $ORACLE_HOME, the Oracle home directory. (The definitions of these instrumented products must be installed in $ORACLE_HOME.)

Instrumented products that are installed on nodes managed by the Oracle Enterprise Manager can be automatically discovered and used by the Oracle Trace Manager. This includes third-party products as well as your own applications.

Oracle maintains and publishes a list of products that contain the Oracle Trace API. To be included on this list, please provide us with the following information:

Send the information to:

Oracle Trace Engineering Group
Oracle Corporation
One Oracle Drive
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
FAX: 603-897-3317 Attn: Oracle Trace Engineering Group


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All Rights Reserved.



