Net8(TM) Administrator's Guide
Release 8.0.3





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Configuring Network Services

Net8 provides services that both establish basic connectivity and enhance the manageability and scalability of your network. These services include the network listener, Oracle Connection Manager, and Oracle Names.

This chapter outlines procedures for configuring these services. The Oracle Net8 Assistant is also available to assist you with some of these processes.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Configuring the Listener

Before a database server can receive connections from Net8 clients, you must first configure and start a network listener on the server node. The listener requires minimal configuration. Start a listener and it will listen by default on Port 1521 using TCP/IP protocols and interprocess communication addresses (with KEY=PNPKEY).

To change or specify additional preferences for your network listener, you will need to add or edit parameters in a listener configuration file (called LISTENER.ORA).

The listener configuration file is composed of three parts:

Naming the Listener

The listener can be given any name. If no name is specified in the listener configuration file, the listener will be named LISTENER by default.

5.1.1 Listening Addresses

To configure a specific address on which the listener will listen, specify the protocol and any protocol specific parameters in an ADDRESS parameter in your listener configuration file:

(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=protocol name)(protocol specific information))

For more information about protocol specific parameters, refer to the Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platform. Defining Multiple Listening Addresses

To configure the listener to listen on more than one address, specify an ADDRESS LIST in your listener configuration file. For example if a host machine is running both TCP/IP and SPX/IPX, the listener may be configured as follows:

listener=(address list=

) Interprocess Communication (IPC) Listening Addresses

Interprocess communication (IPC) addresses identify both incoming connection requests from applications on the same node as the listener, and information sent or registered by a database dispatcher. To define IPC addresses, specify IPC as the protocol as well as any KEY values you are using in your listener configuration file:


If identifying connection requests from the same node, the key value is equal to the service name of the database. If identifying a database dispatcher, the key value is equal to the database system identifier (SID). If the service name is the same as the SID, only one IPC address is needed. Specifying the Queue Size for the Listener

To specify the queue for a listening process in order to dynamically handle larger numbers of concurrent connection requests, enter a value to the QUEUESIZE keyword at the end of any listening address in your listener configuration file. Currently, you can only configure the queue size for listeners operating on TCP/IP and DECnet. The queue size value is operating system specific. On TCP/IP, the default queue size is set to 17.

Example 5-1 depicts a typical listener configuration file with the queue size specified.

Example 5-1 Listener Configuration File with Queue Size Specified


5.1.2 Database System Identifiers

To configure information about the database instance that the listener is servicing, specify the following values in a SID_DESC keyword in the SID_LIST parameter of your listener configuration file:

System Identifier (SID)

The System Identifier (SID) is the Oracle system ID for the database server. It is required only if there is more than one database instance installed on a machine.

Global Database Name

The global database name is the name and domain of the database as given in the database initialization parameter file.

Location of the Database Executable

The keyword for the location of the database executable is operating system specific. Its value is the specific location of the database executable. Table 5-1 lists examples of some operating system-specific strings:

Table 5-1 Operating System Specific Strings
Operating System   String  










Example 5-2 depicts a typical SID_LIST_listener_name section on the UNIX operating system. Note that a listener can listen for more than one database on a machine. However, you may create different listeners for the databases if you wish. All the listeners on a single machine share one listener configuration file.

Example 5-2 Typical SID_LIST parameter on UNIX

) Configuring Prestarted or Prespawned Dedicated Server Processes

To create prespawned dedicated server processes, add the following four keywords in each SID_DESC in your listener configuration file:

Example 5-3 depicts a typical SID_DESC in a listener configuration file that includes information about prespawned dedicated server processes:

Example 5-3 Typical SID_DESC in Listener Configuration File

sid_list_listener=(sid_list =
(sid_desc =
(global_dbname =
(sid_name = db1)
(oracle_home = /usr/bin/oracle)
(prespawn_max = 99)
(protocol=tcp)(pool_size=10)(timeout = 2)





The maximum number of prespawned dedicated server processes the listener will create. This number must be at least as many as the sum of the pool size for each protocol. Set this value to a large number so that prespawned dedicated server processes are always available for new connections.


The protocol on which the listener creates prespawned dedicated server processes.


The number of unused prespawned dedicated server processes for the listener to maintain on the selected protocol. Choose a number that is greater than 0 but no greater than the PRESPAWN_MAXIMUM value. The value should be about what you expect the average number of connections to be at any given time.


Time in minutes that an inactive prespawned dedicated server process waits for the next connection. The value should be greater than 0. (A value of 0 will allow an inactive shadow process to continue indefinitely, thus wasting machine resources.) Set a short time out value. The time out is activated only after a prespawned dedicated server process has carried a connection and been disconnected. In other words, prespawned dedicated server processes that are waiting for their first connection do not time out.

5.1.3 Registering Information with a Names Server

If you are using Oracle Names, you can configure each listener to forward information about the database it is servicing to a Names Server by setting the USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY parameter to ON in your listener configuration file. For more information about the USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY_listener_name parameter, refer to "Listener Parameters (LISTENER.ORA)" section in Appendix B, "Configuration Parameters".

5.1.4 Listener Features

For a complete list of parameters enabling you to configure additional network listener features including logging and tracing, refer to "Listener Parameters (LISTENER.ORA)" in Appendix B, "Configuration Parameters". For a sample LISTENER.ORA file, refer to "Listener Configuration File (LISTENER.ORA)" in Appendix C, "Sample Configuration Files".

5.2 Configuring Oracle Connection Manager

Oracle Connection Manager requires minimal configuration. Start Oracle Connection Manager, and it will listen by default on Port 1600 using TCP/IP protocols.

If your client and Oracle8 server are using TCP/IP, and you do not require either multiprotocol support or network access control, you may multiplex sessions using Oracle Connection Manager without further configuration of Oracle Connection Manager. Multiplexing however, also requires configuration in the database initialization parameter file.

If you wish to use Oracle Connection Manager to extend networking functionality to include multiprotocol support and network access control, you will need to add or edit parameters in the Oracle Connection Manager configuration file (CMAN.ORA).

5.2.1 Listening Addresses

To configure an address on which Oracle Connection Manager will listen, specify the address in the Oracle Connection Manager configuration file.

5.2.2 Enabling Multiplexing

Oracle Connection Manager will multiplex all sessions from itself to the same dispatcher over a single transport connection, provided that the dispatcher has the multiplexing feature turned on.

For example, when Oracle Connection Manager is configured to listen on the following address:


a client may use the following address list in a local names configuration file (TNSNAMES.ORA) or in a Names Server to route and multiplex its connections through Oracle Connection Manager.



5.2.3 Enabling Multiprotocol Support

To enable multiprotocol support, configure a source route address on the client that routes a session using one protocol through Oracle Connection Manager to a destination address on another protocol. Example 5-4 depicts how this address list would appear.

Example 5-4 Address List Supporting Multiple Protocols


For more information about protocol specific values, refer to the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform.

5.2.4 Specifying Network Access Control Rules

To control access to your database server, add values to a CMAN_RULES parameter in the Oracle Connection Manager configuration file (CMAN.ORA), and route sessions to the database through that Oracle Connection Manager:

cman_rules= (rules_list= 
[(rule= ...)]

5.2.5 Additional Features that may be configured for Oracle Connection Manager

The CMAN_PROFILE parameter includes a number of keyword value pairs that define the behavior of each Oracle Connection Manager. For a complete list of all parameters available in the Oracle Connection Manager configuration file (CMAN.ORA), refer to "Oracle Connection Manager Parameters (CMAN.ORA)" in Appendix B, "Configuration Parameters".

5.3 Configuring a Names Server

To change the default characteristics of a Names Server, or to create a network layout with multiple administrative regions, use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to add and/or change parameters in your Oracle Names configuration file (NAMES.ORA). Figure 5-1 depicts the graphical user interface used in the Oracle Net8 Assistant to configure Names Servers.

For a complete list of parameters that are available in your Oracle Names configuration file, refer to "Oracle Names Parameters (NAMES.ORA)" in Appendix B, "Configuration Parameters".

Figure 5-1 Oracle Net8 Assistant Names Server Component

5.3.1 Assigning a Non-Default Name to the Names Server

Each Names Server is by default, given the name "onames_hostname". For example, a Names Server on a node named "sunshine" would by default be named "onames_sunshine". To change the default name of a Names Server, use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to change the value in the following parameter in your Oracle Names configuration file (NAMES.ORA):

names.server_name = name

5.3.2 Assigning a Non-Default Address to the Names Server

To change the default address of a Names Server, use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to change the value in the following parameter in your Oracle Names configuration file (NAMES.ORA):


For example:


If the Names Server listens on more than one address, as, for example, it would if it were on two protocols, the syntax of the parameter would be as follows:


For more information on other protocols and protocol-specific keywords required, refer to your Oracle platform-specific documentation.

5.3.3 Using a Database as a Names Repository in the Region

To create a database as a repository for Names Servers information:

  1. Run the namesinit.sql script provided with Oracle Names version 8. This script creates a names account on the database server, and the Oracle Names version 8 database tables.
  2. Use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to add the following parameter to each Names Server configuration file (NAMES.ORA):
  3. names.admin_region = (region=

    ) (docname=sbox) (version=36708352) (refresh=14400) (retry=600) (expire=259200) )


If this parameter does not exist, Names Servers will replicate their data to all other available Names Servers by default.  

Table 5-2 lists and describes database keywords and variables.

Table 5-2 Names Database Keywords and Variables
Keyword   Variable  


name of the region served by this database  



default is "names" but it can be changed  



default is "names" but it can be changed  



address of the database (includes ADDRESS and CONNECT_DATA)  



how often (in seconds) the Names Server checks the database for updates  



how often the Names Server tries to check the region data from the database when the first try is unsuccessful  



the amount of time (in seconds) before a Names Server gives up on region check retries  

5.3.4 Specifying Domains within a Region

If you are configuring a network with multiple regions, you may need to add a parameter to specify the domains for which each region is authoritative. Use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to add the following parameter to your Oracle Names configuration file (NAMES.ORA):

In this parameter, the value for NAME is the name of a domain in the region, and MIN_TTL is the time to live of data cached by foreign Names Servers.

This parameter is not necessary if this is the root region, or if this is the only region.

5.4 Configuring Protocol Specific Parameters

The following protocols require you to configure additional parameters in a protocol specific configuration file. This file is called PROTOCOL.ORA:

Protocols that require address information in your protocol specific configuration file have LOCAL_LOOKUP=alias as one of their address parameters in your client TNSNAMES.ORA configuration file, or your listener configuration file (LISTENER.ORA). The LOCAL_LOOKUP parameter points to a non-global address in a PROTOCOL.ORA file.

For example, consider the partial TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA, and PROTOCOL.ORA files for LU6.2 shown in Figure 5-2.


The global address information for the server HORNET.WORLD is contained in the TNSNAMES.ORA and LISTENER.ORA files. This information can be used by any client in the network. The PROTOCOL.ORA entry contains additional address parameters needed for a specific node to reach HORNET.WORLD.

5.4.1 Configuring Validnode Checking

Validnode checking restricts a client's connection access to destinations with specific host privileges. The access list is defined in the your protocol-specific configuration file. To enable validnode checking, add the following parameter in your protocol-specific configuration file:

protocol.validnode_checking = yes

Not all protocols and operating systems support validnode checking. For more information, refer to Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platform.

5.4.2 Configuring Persistent Buffer Flushing

To configure persistent buffer flushing, add the following parameter in your PROTOCOL.ORA file:

tcp.nodelay = yes


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