Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0





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BFILE-Related Messages

The messages listed in this chapter are displayed with the prefix LFI and are generated by the CORE utility in the Oracle Server. These messages indicate a problem with BFILE usage and will usually appear with an Oracle Server (ORA-XXXXX) error message. If you cannot pinpoint the problem after reading the LFI and ORA errors, record the errors and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

00002-01519: Oracle Server BFILE Messages

This chapter presents the messages, the likely cause(s) of the event(s) generating each message, and recommended corrective action.

LFI-00002: out of memory function name

Cause: The File I/O package failed in trying to dynamically allocate memory. function name is used for additional comments to indicate where, when, and why the error occurred.

Action: Perform whatever actions necessary to make more memory available to the executing program.

LFI-00004: call to function name failed

Cause: A function call has failed. This error is a generic message to show that the exception has occurred in a particular function function name. This allows the client to know the trace runtime calling sequence by examining the exception stack.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00005: free some memory failed in function name

Cause: A call to free some memory in function function name has failed.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information and contact Oracle Worldwide Support immediately.

LFI-00006: invalid parameter to function function name

Cause: The function was called with an invalid parameter.

Action: Check the function call to ensure that the correct parameters are being passed.

LFI-00102: unable to seek in sequentially accessed file

Cause: The file was opened with the flag LFILFA_SEQ for sequential file operations. Use seek only on files that are opened with the LFILFA_RANDOM flag for random access.

Action: Check to see how the file is being opened and accessed and make the two operations consistent (that is, make them both operations either sequential or random).

LFI-00103: seek operation failed

Cause: The buffer seek operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags.

Action: Check syntax of the seek command and retry the operation.

LFI-00104: read operation failed

Cause: The buffer read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags.

Action: Check syntax of the read command and retry the operation.

LFI-00105: unable to add path

Cause: One of the following might have caused the error:

Action: Check the format of the current path and the new directory; check that the name object was initialized properly.

LFI-00106: path object holds more than one path

Cause: The path object passed to lfippth() holds more than one path.

Action: Make sure that the path object used in lfippth() holds only one path.

LFI-00107: open does not expect the file [basename][extension] to exist

Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file does not exist. However, the file does exist.

Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for the file are correct and that you do not expect that the file should exist. If so then find out why the file does exist.

LFI-00108: open expect the file [basename][extension] to exist

Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file exists. However, the file does not exist.

Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for the file are correct and that you expect that the file should exist. If so then find out why the file doesn't.

LFI-00109: unable to open file [basename][extension]. text

Cause: Either:

Action: Check to make sure the proper access permissions are assigned. If they are and the file still cannot be opened, then contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-00110: unable to initialize the Buffer Manager

Cause: The Buffer Manager initialization routine failed; probably because memory was exhausted.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00115: buffer free failed

Cause: Probably do to the buffer flush failing.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00116: unable to close file in operation operation name

Cause: The file close operation failed.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00120: unable to parse root filename root filename or basename

Cause: The root filename that was given to lfimknam() is not in a format that this platform can process.

Action: Check the format of the filename and retry the operation.

LFI-00123: cannot access file sequentially and randomly

Cause: Both the LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) and LFILFA_RANDOM (random) flags were specified during the file object creation. This is not allowed. Only one of the two can be specified.

Action: Choose how you wish to access the file. If you choose random you can still access sequentially by not using the repositioning functions.

LFI-00124: no access mode was specified, default is sequential

Cause: Neither LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) or LFILFA_RANDOM (random) were specified during file object creation.

Action: The default is sequential but this should be explicitly set.

LFI-00125: random access only allowed on fixed length record files

Cause: The LFILFA_RANDOM flag was specified on a file that was not organized into fixed-length records. Random access is allowed only on fixed-length record files.

Action: Determine if the organization of your data needs to be in variable-length records and if you need to have random access to the file. If both conditions are true then you might need to buffer the entire file or enough of it to remove your need for random access. Another option is to close and rescan the file although this is not the optimal solution.

LFI-00126: record format can only be one of fixed or variable

Cause: Both LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified during file object creation. Only one of the two is allowed for a given file.

Action: Determine how the file is organized and choose the option that matches.

LFI-00127: no record format was specified, default is variable

Cause: Neither LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified for record format. One of the two must be specified for each file.

Action: The default is LFILRF_VAR, but this should be explicitly set during file object creation.

LFI-00131: no open type specified

Cause: The file object was created without an open type (that is, LFILOPTY_INPUT, LFILOPTY_OUTPUT, etc.).

Action: Decide how the file should be accessed and specify one of the open types.

LFI-00137: unable to perform operation name on a file object that is status

Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a file object for the given reason.

Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. For example if a file is supposed to be opened before the operation can be performed, client code will need to open the file first.

LFI-00138: unable to perform operation name on a name object that is status

Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a name object for the given reason.

Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure.

LFI-00144: file [basename][extension] does not exist

Cause: The file does not exist.

Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.

LFI-00145: user buffer too short

Cause: The buffer that was passed is not large enough.

Action: Allocate a larger buffer and retry the operation.

LFI-00147: file [basename][extension] does not exist

Cause: The file does not exist.

Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.

LFI-01003: unable to read number bytes from file

Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-01005: unable to fill buffer

Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to read from the underlying file.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-01500: error condition on call to OSD function text

Cause: An error condition arises in calling an OSD function. This message occurs if calls to malloc or free functions failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01504: fseek() failed(OSD return value = number) in text

Cause: The function fseek() returned an error condition.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01505: fclose() failed(OSD return value = number) in text

Cause: The function fclose() returned an error condition.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01509: fopen() failed(OSD return value = number)

Cause: Call to fopen() failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01510: fread() failed (OSD return value = number) in text

Cause: Call to fread() failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01512: stat() failed

Cause: Call to stat() failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01514: ftell() failed in function name

Cause: The ftell() function returned an error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LFI-01519: lseek() failed (OSD return value = number) in text

Cause: The lseek() function returned an error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.


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