####################################################################### # This makefile runs the timing programs for the linear equation routines # and the eigenvalue routines in LAPACK. The timing output files # are grouped as follows: # # SLINTIM,SEIGTIM -- Single precision real time routines # CLINTIM,CEIGTIM -- Single precision complex time routines # DLINTIM,DEIGTIM -- Double precision real time routines # ZLINTIM,ZEIGTIM -- Double precision complex time routines # # Timing programs can be executed for all or some of the four different # precisions. Enter 'make' followed by one or more of the data types # desired. # # By default, 'make' alone executes the timings with SMALL data sets. # # Some examples: # make single # make single complex # make single double complex complex16 # Alternatively, the command # make # without any arguments runs all eight test programs with the SMALL # timing data files. # # If you wish to use the LARGE data sets for your timings, you # need to type # make large # for all tests, which would be equivalent to typing # make single_large double_large complex_large complex16_large # which could also be executed separately, for example, as # make single_large # # The executable files are called: # xlintims, xlintimd, xlintimc, and xlintimz for LIN # xeigtims, xeigtimd, xeigtimc, and xeigtimz for EIG # and exist in the current directory level. # # To remove the output files after the tests have been run, enter # make clean # # To re-run specific tests after a make, enter (for example): # 'rm stime.out; make' or: # 'make stime.out' or: # 'touch stime.in; make' (to re-run the timings.) # # 'rm *time.out; make' (to re-run all the timings.) # ####################################################################### include ../make.inc all: single complex double complex16 large: single_large complex_large double_large complex16_large small: single complex double complex16 SEIGTIM= sgeptim.out \ sneptim.out \ sseptim.out \ ssvdtim.out SEIGTM2= SGEPTIM.out \ SNEPTIM.out \ SSEPTIM.out \ SSVDTIM.out CEIGTIM= cgeptim.out \ cneptim.out \ cseptim.out \ csvdtim.out CEIGTM2= CGEPTIM.out \ CNEPTIM.out \ CSEPTIM.out \ CSVDTIM.out DEIGTIM= dgeptim.out \ dneptim.out \ dseptim.out \ dsvdtim.out DEIGTM2= DGEPTIM.out \ DNEPTIM.out \ DSEPTIM.out \ DSVDTIM.out ZEIGTIM= zgeptim.out \ zneptim.out \ zseptim.out \ zsvdtim.out ZEIGTM2= ZGEPTIM.out \ ZNEPTIM.out \ ZSEPTIM.out \ ZSVDTIM.out SLINTIM= stime.out \ sband.out \ stime2.out SLINTM2= STIME.out \ SBAND.out \ STIME2.out CLINTIM= ctime.out \ cband.out \ ctime2.out CLINTM2= CTIME.out \ CBAND.out \ CTIME2.out DLINTIM= dtime.out \ dband.out \ dtime2.out DLINTM2= DTIME.out \ DBAND.out \ DTIME2.out ZLINTIM= ztime.out \ zband.out \ ztime2.out ZLINTM2= ZTIME.out \ ZBAND.out \ ZTIME2.out single: $(SLINTIM) $(SEIGTIM) complex: $(CLINTIM) $(CEIGTIM) double: $(DLINTIM) $(DEIGTIM) complex16: $(ZLINTIM) $(ZEIGTIM) single_large: $(SLINTM2) $(SEIGTM2) complex_large: $(CLINTM2) $(CEIGTM2) double_large: $(DLINTM2) $(DEIGTM2) complex16_large: $(ZLINTM2) $(ZEIGTM2) # # ======== SINGLE LIN TIMINGS =========================== stime.out: stime.in xlintims @echo Timing square REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < stime.in > $@ 2>&1 STIME.out: STIME.in xlintims @echo Timing square REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < STIME.in > $@ 2>&1 sband.out: sband.in xlintims @echo Timing banded REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < sband.in > $@ 2>&1 SBAND.out: SBAND.in xlintims @echo Timing banded REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < SBAND.in > $@ 2>&1 stime2.out: stime2.in xlintims @echo Timing rectangular REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < stime2.in > $@ 2>&1 STIME2.out: STIME2.in xlintims @echo Timing rectangular REAL LAPACK linear equation routines xlintims < STIME2.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== COMPLEX LIN TIMINGS ========================== ctime.out: ctime.in xlintimc @echo Timing square COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < ctime.in > $@ 2>&1 CTIME.out: CTIME.in xlintimc @echo Timing square COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < CTIME.in > $@ 2>&1 cband.out: cband.in xlintimc @echo Timing banded COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < cband.in > $@ 2>&1 CBAND.out: CBAND.in xlintimc @echo Timing banded COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < CBAND.in > $@ 2>&1 ctime2.out: ctime2.in xlintimc @echo Timing rectangular COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < ctime2.in > $@ 2>&1 CTIME2.out: CTIME2.in xlintimc @echo Timing rectangular COMPLEX LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimc < CTIME2.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== DOUBLE LIN TIMINGS =========================== dtime.out: dtime.in xlintimd @echo Timing square DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < dtime.in > $@ 2>&1 DTIME.out: DTIME.in xlintimd @echo Timing square DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < DTIME.in > $@ 2>&1 dband.out: dband.in xlintimd @echo Timing banded DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < dband.in > $@ 2>&1 DBAND.out: dband.in xlintimd @echo Timing banded DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < DBAND.in > $@ 2>&1 dtime2.out: dtime2.in xlintimd @echo Timing rectangular DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < dtime2.in > $@ 2>&1 DTIME2.out: DTIME2.in xlintimd @echo Timing rectangular DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimd < DTIME2.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== COMPLEX16 LIN TIMINGS ======================== ztime.out: ztime.in xlintimz @echo Timing square COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < ztime.in > $@ 2>&1 ZTIME.out: ztime.in xlintimz @echo Timing square COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < ZTIME.in > $@ 2>&1 zband.out: zband.in xlintimz @echo Timing banded COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < zband.in > $@ 2>&1 ZBAND.out: ZBAND.in xlintimz @echo Timing banded COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < ZBAND.in > $@ 2>&1 ztime2.out: ztime2.in xlintimz @echo Timing rectangular COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < ztime2.in > $@ 2>&1 ZTIME2.out: ZTIME2.in xlintimz @echo Timing rectangular COMPLEX16 LAPACK linear equation routines xlintimz < ZTIME2.in > $@ 2>&1 # # # ======== SINGLE EIG TIMINGS =========================== # sgeptim.out: sgeptim.in xeigtims @echo GEP: Timing REAL Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < sgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 SGEPTIM.out: SGEPTIM.in xeigtims @echo GEP: Timing REAL Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < SGEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 sneptim.out: sneptim.in xeigtims @echo NEP: Timing REAL Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < sneptim.in > $@ 2>&1 SNEPTIM.out: SNEPTIM.in xeigtims @echo NEP: Timing REAL Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < SNEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 sseptim.out: sseptim.in xeigtims @echo SEP: Timing REAL Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < sseptim.in > $@ 2>&1 SSEPTIM.out: SSEPTIM.in xeigtims @echo SEP: Timing REAL Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtims < SSEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 ssvdtim.out: ssvdtim.in xeigtims @echo SVD: Timing REAL Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtims < ssvdtim.in > $@ 2>&1 SSVDTIM.out: SSVDTIM.in xeigtims @echo SVD: Timing REAL Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtims < SSVDTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== COMPLEX EIG TIMINGS =========================== # cgeptim.out: cgeptim.in xeigtimc @echo GEP: Timing COMPLEX Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < cgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 CGEPTIM.out: CGEPTIM.in xeigtimc @echo GEP: Timing COMPLEX Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < cgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 cneptim.out: cneptim.in xeigtimc @echo NEP: Timing COMPLEX Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < cneptim.in > $@ 2>&1 CNEPTIM.out: CNEPTIM.in xeigtimc @echo NEP: Timing COMPLEX Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < CNEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 cseptim.out: cseptim.in xeigtimc @echo SEP: Timing COMPLEX Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < cseptim.in > $@ 2>&1 CSEPTIM.out: CSEPTIM.in xeigtimc @echo SEP: Timing COMPLEX Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimc < CSEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 csvdtim.out: csvdtim.in xeigtimc @echo SVD: Timing COMPLEX Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimc < csvdtim.in > $@ 2>&1 CSVDTIM.out: CSVDTIM.in xeigtimc @echo SVD: Timing COMPLEX Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimc < CSVDTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== DOUBLE EIG TIMINGS =========================== # dgeptim.out: dgeptim.in xeigtimd @echo GEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < dgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 DGEPTIM.out: DGEPTIM.in xeigtimd @echo GEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < dgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 dneptim.out: dneptim.in xeigtimd @echo NEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < dneptim.in > $@ 2>&1 DNEPTIM.out: DNEPTIM.in xeigtimd @echo NEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < DNEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 dseptim.out: dseptim.in xeigtimd @echo SEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < dseptim.in > $@ 2>&1 DSEPTIM.out: DSEPTIM.in xeigtimd @echo SEP: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimd < DSEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 dsvdtim.out: dsvdtim.in xeigtimd @echo SVD: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimd < dsvdtim.in > $@ 2>&1 DSVDTIM.out: DSVDTIM.in xeigtimd @echo SVD: Timing DOUBLE PRECISION Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimd < DSVDTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 # # ======== COMPLEX16 EIG TIMINGS =========================== # zgeptim.out: zgeptim.in xeigtimz @echo GEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < zgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 ZGEPTIM.out: ZGEPTIM.in xeigtimz @echo GEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < zgeptim.in > $@ 2>&1 zneptim.out: zneptim.in xeigtimz @echo NEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < zneptim.in > $@ 2>&1 ZNEPTIM.out: ZNEPTIM.in xeigtimz @echo NEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < ZNEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 zseptim.out: zseptim.in xeigtimz @echo SEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < zseptim.in > $@ 2>&1 ZSEPTIM.out: ZSEPTIM.in xeigtimz @echo SEP: Timing COMPLEX16 Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem routines xeigtimz < ZSEPTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 zsvdtim.out: zsvdtim.in xeigtimz @echo SVD: Timing COMPLEX16 Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimz < zsvdtim.in > $@ 2>&1 ZSVDTIM.out: ZSVDTIM.in xeigtimz @echo SVD: Timing COMPLEX16 Singular Value Decomposition routines xeigtimz < ZSVDTIM.in > $@ 2>&1 # ============================================================================== xlintims: cd LIN/LINSRC ; $(MAKE) single cd LIN ; $(MAKE) single xlintimc: cd LIN/LINSRC ; $(MAKE) complex cd LIN ; $(MAKE) complex xlintimd: cd LIN/LINSRC ; $(MAKE) double cd LIN ; $(MAKE) double xlintimz: cd LIN/LINSRC ; $(MAKE) complex16 cd LIN ; $(MAKE) complex16 xeigtims: cd EIG/EIGSRC ; $(MAKE) single cd EIG ; $(MAKE) single xeigtimc: cd EIG/EIGSRC ; $(MAKE) complex cd EIG ; $(MAKE) complex xeigtimd: cd EIG/EIGSRC ; $(MAKE) double cd EIG ; $(MAKE) double xeigtimz: cd EIG/EIGSRC ; $(MAKE) complex16 cd EIG ; $(MAKE) complex16 clean: rm -f *.out core cleanup: rm -f x* *.out core