SUBROUTINE XERBLA( SRNAME, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*6 SRNAME INTEGER INFO * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * This is a special version of XERBLA to be used only as part of * the test program for testing error exits from the LAPACK routines. * Error messages are printed if INFO.NE.INFOT or if SRNAME.NE.SRMANT, * where INFOT and SRNAMT are values stored in COMMON. * * Arguments * ========= * * SRNAME (input) CHARACTER*6 * The name of the subroutine calling XERBLA. This name should * match the COMMON variable SRNAMT. * * INFO (input) INTEGER * The error return code from the calling subroutine. INFO * should equal the COMMON variable INFOT. * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * The following variables are passed via the common blocks INFOC and * SRNAMC: * * INFOT INTEGER Expected integer return code * NOUT INTEGER Unit number for printing error messages * OK LOGICAL Set to .TRUE. if INFO = INFOT and * SRNAME = SRNAMT, otherwise set to .FALSE. * LERR LOGICAL Set to .TRUE., indicating that XERBLA was called * SRNAMT CHARACTER*6 Expected name of calling subroutine * * * .. Scalars in Common .. LOGICAL LERR, OK CHARACTER*6 SRNAMT INTEGER INFOT, NOUT * .. * .. Common blocks .. COMMON / INFOC / INFOT, NOUT, OK, LERR COMMON / SRNAMC / SRNAMT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * LERR = .TRUE. IF( INFO.NE.INFOT ) THEN IF( INFOT.NE.0 ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 )SRNAMT, INFO, INFOT ELSE WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 )SRNAME, INFO END IF OK = .FALSE. END IF IF( SRNAME.NE.SRNAMT ) THEN WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 )SRNAME, SRNAMT OK = .FALSE. END IF RETURN * 9999 FORMAT( ' *** XERBLA was called from ', A6, ' with INFO = ', I6, $ ' instead of ', I2, ' ***' ) 9998 FORMAT( ' *** XERBLA was called with SRNAME = ', A6, $ ' instead of ', A6, ' ***' ) 9997 FORMAT( ' *** On entry to ', A6, ' parameter number ', I6, $ ' had an illegal value ***' ) * * End of XERBLA * END