|Summary |Design Structures |Sequential Statements |Concurrent Statements |Types and Constants |

|Declarations |Delay, Events |Reserved Words |Operators |System Tasks |Compiler Directives |

Version 0.5, please report any issues to squire@umbc.edu

Verilog Compact Summary

This is not intended as a tutorial. This is a quick reference
guide to find the statement or statement syntax you need
to write Verilog code. Based on IEEE Standard Verilog Hardware
Description Language IEEE Std. 1364-2001

Clause 5.1 page 64 of the Standard says:
"Although the Verilog HDL is used for more than just simulation,
 the semantics of the language are defined for simulation,
 and everything else is abstracted from this base definition."

CAUTION: This information is based on the IEEE standard.
Most constructs have been tested on some Verilog compiler, but
no compiler, yet, handles the complete standard language.
You may not be able to use some features on a specific compiler.

Note: many error prone shortcuts have been intentionally omitted.

  Verilog is case sensitive

  identifiers: start with a letter or underscore "_"
               contain letters, numbers, "_" and dollar sign "$"
               may contain any non-whitespace escaped character \

  comments: //  (slash slash) makes the remainder of the line a comment


  • Design Structures
  • Sequential Statements (procedural, behavioral)
  • Concurrent Statements (parallel)
  • Types and Constants
  • Declaration Statements
  • Delays and Events
  • Reserved Words (key words)
  • Operators and Special Characters
  • System Tasks and Functions
  • Compiler Directives
  • Other Links
  • Notation used in this Compact Summary

      Each item has:
              a very brief explanation of possible use.
              a representative, possibly not complete, syntax schema
              one or more samples of actual Verilog code.
      In the syntax statement  <stuff>  means zero or one copy of "stuff".
      In some cases "optional" is used to not clutter up the syntax.
      Reserved words are shown in bold face type.
      In the examples, assume the appropriate declarations for identifiers,
      appropriate enclosing design unit and appropriate context clauses.
      The classic example of a test program for any language is "Hello"
      The file  hello.v  contains:
      // hello.v
      module hello;
            $display("Hello Verilog");
      endmodule // hello
      The command line or graphical user interface to run Verilog
      is different for every compiler. You have to get that
      information some where else.

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