|Summary |Design Structures |Sequential Statements |Concurrent Statements |Types and Constants |

|Declarations |Delay, Events |Reserved Words |Operators |System Tasks |Compiler Directives |

Verilog Reserved Words (key words)

always         starts an  always begin ... end  sequential code block
and            gate primitive, and
assign         parallel continuous assignment
automatic      a function attribute, basically reentrant and recursive
begin          starts a block that ends with  end (no semicolon)
buf            gate primitive, buffer
bufif0         gate primitive, buffer if control==0
bufif1         gate primitive, buffer if control==1
case           starts a case statement
casex          starts a case statement where x matches
casez          starts a case statement where z matches
cell           library, cell identifier, in configuration
cmos           switch primitive, cmos
config         starts a configuration
deassign       stops the corresponding  assign  from accepting new values
default        optional last clause in a case statement
defparam       used to over-ride parameter values
design         top level module, in configuration
disable        a task or block
edge           edge control specifier
else           execute if no previous clause was true
end            end of a block, paired with a begin
endcase        end of a case statement
endconfig      end of a configuration
endfunction    end of a function definition
endgenerate    end of a generate
endmodule      end of a module definition
endprimitive   end of a primitive definition
endspecify     end of a specify
endtable       end of a table definition
endtask        end of a task definition
event          data type
for            starts a for statement
force          starts net or variable assignment
forever        starts a loop statement
fork           begin parallel execution of sequential code
function       starts a function definition
generate       starts a generate block
genvar         defines a generate variable
highz0         drive strength 0
highz1         drive strength 0
if             starts an  if  statement, if(condition) ...
ifnone         state dependent path declaration
incdir         file path for library
include        include file specification
initial        starts an initial begin ... end sequential block
inout          declares a port name to be both input and output
input          declares a port name to be input
instance       specify instance name, in configuration
integer        variable data type, 32 bit integer
join           end of a parallel fork
large          charge strength, 4, of trireg
liblist        library search order for modules, in configuration
library        location of modules, libraries and files
localparam     starts a local parameter statement, not over-ridden
macromodule    same as module with possibly extra meanings  
medium         charge strength, 2, of trireg
module         begin a module definition, also called a cell or component
nand           gate primitive, nand
negedge        event expression, negative edge
nmos           switch primitive, nmos
nor            gate primitive, nor
noshowcancelledno report trailing edge precedes leading edge, in specify
not            gate primitive, not
notif0         gate primitive, not if control==0
notif1         gate primitive, not if control==1
or             gate primitive, or
output         declares a port name to be an output
parameter      starts a parameter statement
pmos           switch primitive, pmos
posedge        event expression, positive edge
primitive      starts the definition of a primitive module
pull0          drive strength 5
pull1          drive strength 5
pulldown       gate primitive
pullup         gate primitive
pulsestyle_oneventglitch detection, in specify
pulsestyle_ondetectglitch detection, immediate change to x, in specify
remos          switch primitive, remos
real           variable data type, implementation defined floating point
realtime       variable data type, floating point time
reg            variable data type, starts a declaration of name(s)
release        release a forced net or variable assignment
repeat         starts a loop statement
rnmos          switch primitive, rnmos
rpmos          switch primitive, rpmos
rtran          bidirectional switch primitive, rtran
rtranif0       bidirectional switch primitive, rtranif0
rtranif1       bidirectional switch primitive, rtranif1
scalared       property of a vector type
showcancelled  report trailing edge precedes leading edge, in specify
signed         type modifier, reg signed
small          charge strength, 1,  of trireg
specify        starts a specify block
specparam      starts a parameter statement for timing delays
strong0        drive strength 6
strong1        drive strength 6
supply0        net data type, and drive strength 7
supply1        net data type, and drive strength 7
table          start a table definition in a primitive
task           starts a task definition
time           variable data type, 64 bit integer
tran           bidirectional switch primitive, tran
tranif0        bidirectional switch primitive, tranif0
tranif1        bidirectional switch primitive, tranif1
tri            net data type
tri0           net data type, connected to VSS
tri1           net data type, connected to VDD
triand         net data type, tri state wired and
trior          net data type, tri state wired or
trireg         register data type associates capacitance to the net
unsigned       type modifier, unsigned
use            library, cell identifier, in configuration
vectored       property of a vector type
wait           starts a wait statement
wand           net data type, wired and
weak0          drive strength 3
weak1          drive strength 3
while          starts a sequential looping statement, while(condition) 
wire           net data type, a basic wire connection
wor            net data type, wired or
xnor           gate primitive, xnor not of exclusive or
xor            gate primitive, xor exclusive or

"net data type" means it starts a declaration of name(s) that must be driven
"variable data" means it starts a declaration of name(s) that hold values

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