--synopsys synthesis_off -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction -- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file -- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. -- -- File name: std_logic_entities.vhd -- -- Purpose: A set of models (entity/architecture pairs) for the -- primitives of IEEE Standard Logic library. -- -- Author: JT, PH, GWH -- -- NOTE: -- The component declarations for the entities in this -- package appear in the package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_COMPONENTS -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: ANDGATE -- -- Purpose: An AND gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity ANDGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end ANDGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of ANDGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of ANDGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '1'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) and nextstate; exit when nextstate = '0'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(nextstate, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_ANDGATE_BI of ANDGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_ANDGATE_A of ANDGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: NANDGATE -- -- Purpose: A NAND gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity NANDGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end NANDGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of NANDGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of NANDGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '1'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) and nextstate; exit when nextstate = '0'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(not(nextstate), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_NANDGATE_BI of NANDGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_NANDGATE_A of NANDGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: ORGATE -- -- Purpose: An OR gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity ORGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end ORGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of ORGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of ORGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '0'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) or nextstate; exit when nextstate = '1'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(nextstate, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_ORGATE_BI of ORGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_ORGATE_A of ORGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: NORGATE -- -- Purpose: A NOR gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity NORGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end NORGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of NORGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of NORGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '0'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) or nextstate; exit when nextstate = '1'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(not(nextstate), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_NORGATE_BI of NORGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_NORGATE_A of NORGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: XORGATE -- -- Purpose: A XOR gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity XORGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end XORGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of XORGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of XORGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '0'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) xor nextstate; exit when nextstate = 'U'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(nextstate, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_XORGATE_BI of XORGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_XORGATE_A of XORGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: NXORGATE -- -- Purpose: A NXOR gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity NXORGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end NXORGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of NXORGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of NXORGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '0'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) xor nextstate; exit when nextstate = 'U'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(not(nextstate), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_NXORGATE_BI of NXORGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_NXORGATE_A of NXORGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: XNORGATE -- -- Purpose: A XNOR gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- N inputs, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity XNORGATE is generic (N: Positive := 2; -- number of inputs tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- inputs Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end XNORGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of XNORGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of XNORGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := '0'; for i in Input'RANGE loop nextstate := Input(i) xor nextstate; exit when nextstate = 'U'; end loop; nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(not(nextstate), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_XNORGATE_BI of XNORGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_XNORGATE_A of XNORGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: BUFGATE -- -- Purpose: A BUFFER gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 output. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity BUFGATE is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end BUFGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of BUFGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of BUFGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(Input, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_BUFGATE_BI of BUFGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_BUFGATE_A of BUFGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: WBUFGATE -- -- Purpose: A BUFFER gate with TRANSPORT delay mode -- for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, 1 input, 1 output. -- -- Note: in order to model a wire with delay, -- must set tLH and tHL to a same value. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity WBUFGATE is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise transport delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall transport delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end WBUFGATE; -- The built-in architecture BI is a copy of the non built-in code -- This was done for star 31679 since the built-in code did not guarantee -- correct results. architecture BI of WBUFGATE is subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate, next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; variable delta, last_delta: Time := 0 ns; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(Input, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(next_assign_val & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := last_delta; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; last_delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; last_delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay Output <= transport nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process; end BI; architecture A of WBUFGATE is subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate, next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; variable delta, last_delta: Time := 0 ns; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(Input, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(next_assign_val & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := last_delta; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; last_delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; last_delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay Output <= transport nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process; end A; configuration CFG_WBUFGATE_BI of WBUFGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_WBUFGATE_A of WBUFGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: INVGATE -- -- Purpose: An INVERTER (not) gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity INVGATE is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end INVGATE; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of INVGATE is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of INVGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(not(Input), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_INVGATE_BI of INVGATE is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_INVGATE_A of INVGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: BUF3S -- -- Purpose: A TRISTATE BUFFER gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 enable(active high), 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity BUF3S is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Enable: in STD_LOGIC; -- enable Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end BUF3S; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of BUF3S is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of BUF3S is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := fun_BUF3S(To_UX01(Input), To_UX01(Enable), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Enable, Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_BUF3S_BI of BUF3S is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_BUF3S_A of BUF3S is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: BUF3SL -- -- Purpose: A TRISTATE BUFFER gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 enable(active low), 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity BUF3SL is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Enable: in STD_LOGIC; -- enable Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end BUF3SL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of BUF3SL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of BUF3SL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := fun_BUF3SL(To_UX01(Input), To_UX01(Enable), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Enable, Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_BUF3SL_BI of BUF3SL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_BUF3SL_A of BUF3SL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: INV3S -- -- Purpose: A TRISTATE INVERTER (not) gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 enable(active high), 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity INV3S is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Enable: in STD_LOGIC; -- enable Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end INV3S; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of INV3S is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of INV3S is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := fun_BUF3S(not(Input), To_UX01(Enable), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Enable, Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_INV3S_BI of INV3S is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_INV3S_A of INV3S is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: INV3SL -- -- Purpose: A TRISTATE INVERTER (not) gate for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 1 input, 1 enable(active low), 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity INV3SL is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; -- input Enable: in STD_LOGIC; -- enable Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end INV3SL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of INV3SL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of INV3SL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := fun_BUF3S(not(Input), not(Enable), strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on Enable, Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_INV3SL_BI of INV3SL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_INV3SL_A of INV3SL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: MUX2x1 -- -- Purpose: A two inputs MULTIPLEXER for multiple value logic STD_LOGIC, -- 2 data inputs, 1 select input, 1 output. -- (see package IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 for the truth table) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity MUX2x1 is generic (tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (In0, -- data input 0 In1, -- data input 1 Sel: in STD_LOGIC; -- select input Output: out STD_LOGIC); -- output end MUX2x1; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of MUX2X1 is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of MUX2x1 is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: Time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin -- evaluate logical function nextstate := fun_MUX2x1(To_UX01(In0), To_UX01(In1), To_UX01(Sel)); nextstate := STRENGTH_MAP(nextstate, strn); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; -- wait for signal changes wait on In0, In1, Sel; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_MUX2X1_BI of MUX2X1 is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_MUX2X1_A of MUX2X1 is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DFFREG -- -- Purpose: An N-bit edge triggered register. (Reset active high) -- -- Truth table: ----------------------------------------------- -- | Data Clock Reset | Output | -- |---------------------------------------------| -- | * * U | U | -- | * * 1 | 0 | -- | * * X | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 1) -- | * X-Trns 0 | X or U or NC |(Note 2) -- | * 1-Trns 0 | Data | -- | * 0-Trns 0 | NC | -- ----------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Clock transition definitions: -- 1-Trns: 0->1; -- 0-Trns: *->0, or 1->*, or X->X|U, or U->X|U; -- X-Trns: 0->X|U, or X|U->1; -- -- Note 1: if ((Output already == 0) and -- not((Data != 0) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DFFREG is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when clock is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when clock is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Clock, -- clock input Reset: in STD_LOGIC; -- reset input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DFFREG; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DFFREG is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DFFREG is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable clock_flag : integer := 0; -- initial to 0-Trns begin -- evaluate logical function if (Clock'EVENT) then case TWOBIT'(Clock'LAST_VALUE & Clock) is when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => clock_flag := 1; -- 1-Trns when "0U"|"0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-"| "U1"|"X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"| "UH"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => clock_flag := 2; -- X-Trns when others => clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end case; else clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end if; for i in Data'RANGE loop case Reset is when 'U' => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when '1' | 'H' => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when '0' | 'L' => case clock_flag is when 0 => exit; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => -- X-Trans if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; when 'X' | 'W' | 'Z' | '-' => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Clock, Reset; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DFFREG_BI of DFFREG is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DFFREG_A of DFFREG is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DFFREGL -- -- Purpose: An N-bit edge triggered register. (Reset active low) -- -- Truth table: ----------------------------------------------- -- | Data Clock Reset | Output | -- |---------------------------------------------| -- | * * U | U | -- | * * 0 | 0 | -- | * * X | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 1) -- | * X-Trns 1 | X or U or NC |(Note 2) -- | * 1-Trns 1 | Data | -- | * 0-Trns 1 | NC | -- ----------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Clock transition definitions: -- 1-Trns: 0->1; -- 0-Trns: *->0, or 1->*, or X->X|U, or U->X|U; -- X-Trns: 0->X|U, or X|U->1; -- -- Note 1: if ((Output already == 0) and -- not((Data != 0) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DFFREGL is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when clock is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when clock is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Clock, -- clock input Reset: in STD_LOGIC; -- reset input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DFFREGL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DFFREGL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DFFREGL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable clock_flag : integer := 0; -- initial to 0-Trns begin -- evaluate logical function if (Clock'EVENT) then case TWOBIT'(Clock'LAST_VALUE & Clock) is when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => clock_flag := 1; -- 1-Trns when "0U"|"0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-"| "U1"|"X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"| "UH"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => clock_flag := 2; -- X-Trns when others => clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end case; else clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end if; for i in Data'RANGE loop case Reset is when 'U' => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when '0' | 'L' => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when '1' | 'H' => case clock_flag is when 0 => exit; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => -- X-Trans if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; when 'X' | 'W' | 'Z' | '-' => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Clock, Reset; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DFFREGL_BI of DFFREGL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DFFREGL_A of DFFREGL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DFFREGSRH -- -- Purpose: An N-bit edge triggered register. (Reset & Set active high) -- -- Truth table: -------------------------------------------------- -- | Data Clock Reset Set | Output | -- |------------------------------------------------| -- | * * * U | U | -- | * * U * | U | -- | * * * 1 | 1 | -- | * * 1 0 | 0 | -- | * * 1 X | X | -- | * * X X | X or U |(Note 1) -- | * * 0 X | X or U or 1 or NC |(Note 2) -- | * * X 0 | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 3) -- | * X-Trns 0 0 | X or U or NC |(Note 4) -- | * 1-Trns 0 0 | Data | -- | * 0-Trns 0 0 | NC | -- -------------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Clock transition definitions: -- 1-Trns: 0->1; -- 0-Trns: *->0, or 1->*, or X->X|U, or U->X|U; -- X-Trns: 0->X|U, or X|U->1; -- -- Note 1: if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == 1) and -- not((Data != 1) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 1) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 1; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 3: if ((Output already == 0) and -- not((Data != 0) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 4: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DFFREGSRH is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when clock is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when clock is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0); -- data input Clock, -- clock input Reset, -- reset input Set: in STD_LOGIC; -- set input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DFFREGSRH; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DFFREGSRH is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DFFREGSRH is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable clock_flag : integer := 0; -- initial to 0-Trns begin -- evaluate logical function if (Clock'EVENT) then case TWOBIT'(Clock'LAST_VALUE & Clock) is when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => clock_flag := 1; -- 1-Trns when "0U"|"0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-"| "U1"|"X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"| "UH"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => clock_flag := 2; -- X-Trns when others => clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end case; else clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end if; for i in Data'RANGE loop case TWOBIT'(Reset & Set) is when "UU"|"UX"|"U0"|"U1"|"UZ"|"UW"|"UL"|"UH"|"U-"| "XU"|"0U"|"1U"|"ZU"|"WU"|"LU"|"HU"|"-U" => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when "X1"|"01"|"11"|"Z1"|"W1"|"L1"|"H1"|"-1"| "XH"|"0H"|"1H"|"ZH"|"WH"|"LH"|"HH"|"-H" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); when "10"|"1L"|"H0"|"HL" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when "XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"| "WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--" => if ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-" => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn) and (Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "1X"|"1Z"|"1W"|"1-"|"HX"|"HZ"|"HW"|"H-" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); when "X0"|"Z0"|"W0"|"-0"|"XL"|"ZL"|"WL"|"-L" => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "00"|"0L"|"L0"|"LL" => case clock_flag is when 0 => exit; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => -- X-Trans if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Clock, Reset, Set; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DFFREGSRH_BI of DFFREGSRH is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DFFREGSRH_A of DFFREGSRH is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DFFREGSRL -- -- Purpose: An N-bit edge triggered register. (Reset & Set active low) -- -- Truth table: -------------------------------------------------- -- | Data Clock Reset Set | Output | -- |------------------------------------------------| -- | * * * U | U | -- | * * U * | U | -- | * * * 0 | 1 | -- | * * 0 1 | 0 | -- | * * 0 X | X | -- | * * X X | X or U |(Note 1) -- | * * 1 X | X or U or 1 or NC |(Note 2) -- | * * X 1 | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 3) -- | * X-Trns 1 1 | X or U or NC |(Note 4) -- | * 1-Trns 1 1 | Data | -- | * 0-Trns 1 1 | NC | -- -------------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Clock transition definitions: -- 1-Trns: 0->1; -- 0-Trns: *->0, or 1->*, or X->X|U, or U->X|U; -- X-Trns: 0->X|U, or X|U->1; -- -- Note 1: if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == 1) and -- not((Data != 1) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 1) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 1; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 3: if ((Output already == 0) and -- not((Data != 0) and (X-Trns or 1-Trns))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and 1-Trns) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and ~1-Trns) or -- ((Data == U) and ~0-Trns)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 4: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DFFREGSRL is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when clock is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when clock is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0); -- data input Clock, -- clock input Reset, -- reset input Set: in STD_LOGIC; -- set input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DFFREGSRL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DFFREGSRL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DFFREGSRL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable clock_flag : integer := 0; -- initial to 0-Trns begin -- evaluate logical function if (Clock'EVENT) then case TWOBIT'(Clock'LAST_VALUE & Clock) is when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => clock_flag := 1; -- 1-Trns when "0U"|"0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-"| "U1"|"X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"| "UH"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => clock_flag := 2; -- X-Trns when others => clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end case; else clock_flag := 0; -- 0-Trns end if; for i in Data'RANGE loop case TWOBIT'(Reset & Set) is when "UU"|"UX"|"U0"|"U1"|"UZ"|"UW"|"UL"|"UH"|"U-"| "XU"|"0U"|"1U"|"ZU"|"WU"|"LU"|"HU"|"-U" => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when "X0"|"00"|"10"|"Z0"|"W0"|"L0"|"H0"|"-0"| "XL"|"0L"|"1L"|"ZL"|"WL"|"LL"|"HL"|"-L" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when "XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"| "WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--" => if ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "1X"|"1Z"|"1W"|"1-"|"HX"|"HZ"|"HW"|"H-" => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn) and (Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); when "X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or clock_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and clock_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); elsif ((next_assign_val(i) ='U' and not(clock_flag=1)) or (Data(i)='U' and not(clock_flag=0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "11"|"1H"|"H1"|"HH" => case clock_flag is when 0 => exit; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => -- X-Trans if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Clock, Reset, Set; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DFFREGSRL_BI of DFFREGSRL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DFFREGSRL_A of DFFREGSRL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATREG -- -- Purpose: An N-bit level sensitive register. (Reset active high) -- -- Truth table: ---------------------------------------------- -- | Data Enable Reset | Output | -- |--------------------------------------------| -- | * * U | U | -- | * * 1 | 0 | -- | * U ~1 | U | -- | * ~U X | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 1) -- | * X 0 | X or U or NC |(Note 2) -- | * 1 0 | Data | -- | * 0 0 | NC | -- ---------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Note 1: if ((Output already == 0) and not((Data != 0) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- or ((Data == U) and Enable != 0)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATREG is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when enable is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when enable is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Enable, -- enable input Reset: in STD_LOGIC; -- reset input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DLATREG; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DLATREG is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DLATREG is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable enable_flag : integer := 0; begin -- evaluate logical function case Enable is when '1' | 'H' => enable_flag := 1; when '0' | 'L' => enable_flag := 0; when 'U' => enable_flag := 3; when others => enable_flag := 2; end case; for i in Data'RANGE loop case Reset is when 'U' => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when '1' | 'H' => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when '0' | 'L' => case enable_flag is when 0 => exit; when 3 => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; when 'X' | 'W' | 'Z' | '-' => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Data, Enable, Reset; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DLATREG_BI of DLATREG is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DLATREG_A of DLATREG is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATREGL -- -- Purpose: An N-bit level sensitive register. (Reset active low) -- -- Truth table: ---------------------------------------------- -- | Data Enable Reset | Output | -- |--------------------------------------------| -- | * * U | U | -- | * * 0 | 0 | -- | * U ~0 | U | -- | * ~U X | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 1) -- | * X 1 | X or U or NC |(Note 2) -- | * 1 1 | Data | -- | * 0 1 | NC | -- ---------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Note 1: if ((Output already == 0) and not((Data != 0) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- (no change); -- else if ((Data == 0) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 0; -- else if (((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- or ((Data == U) and Enable != 0)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATREGL is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when enable is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when enable is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Enable, -- enable input Reset: in STD_LOGIC; -- reset input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DLATREGL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DLATREGL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DLATREGL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable enable_flag : integer := 0; begin -- evaluate logical function case Enable is when '1' | 'H' => enable_flag := 1; when '0' | 'L' => enable_flag := 0; when 'U' => enable_flag := 3; when others => enable_flag := 2; end case; for i in Data'RANGE loop case Reset is when 'U' => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when '0' | 'L' => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when '1' | 'H' => case enable_flag is when 0 => exit; when 3 => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; when 'X' | 'W' | 'Z' | '-' => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Data, Enable, Reset; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DLATREGL_BI of DLATREGL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DLATREGL_A of DLATREGL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATREGSRH -- -- Purpose: An N-bit level sensitive register. (Reset & Set active high) -- -- Truth table: -------------------------------------------------- -- | Data Enable Reset Set | Output | -- |------------------------------------------------| -- | * * * U | U | -- | * * U ~1 | U | -- | * * * 1 | 1 | -- | * * 1 0 | 0 | -- | * * 1 X | X | -- | * U ~1 ~1 | U | -- | * ~U X X | X or U |(Note 1) -- | * ~U 0 X | X or U or 1 or NC |(Note 2) -- | * ~U X 0 | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 3) -- | * X 0 0 | X or U or NC |(Note 4) -- | * 1 0 0 | Data | -- | * 0 0 0 | NC | -- -------------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Note 1: if (((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) or -- ((Data == U) and (Enable != 0))) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == 1) and not((Data != 1) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- Output := 1; -- else if ((Data == 1) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 1; -- else if ((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 3: if ((Output already == 0) and not((Data != 0) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- Output := 0; -- else if ((Data == 0) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 0; -- else if ((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 4: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATREGSRH is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when enable is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when enable is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Enable, -- enable input Reset, -- reset input Set: in STD_LOGIC; -- set input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DLATREGSRH; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DLATREGSRH is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DLATREGSRH is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable enable_flag : integer := 0; begin -- evaluate logical function case Enable is when '1' | 'H' => enable_flag := 1; when '0' | 'L' => enable_flag := 0; when 'U' => enable_flag := 3; when others => enable_flag := 2; end case; for i in Data'RANGE loop case TWOBIT'(Reset & Set) is when "UU"|"UX"|"U0"|"U1"|"UZ"|"UW"|"UL"|"UH"|"U-"| "XU"|"0U"|"1U"|"ZU"|"WU"|"LU"|"HU"|"-U" => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when "X1"|"01"|"11"|"Z1"|"W1"|"L1"|"H1"|"-1"| "XH"|"0H"|"1H"|"ZH"|"WH"|"LH"|"HH"|"-H" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); when "10"|"1L"|"H0"|"HL" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when "XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"| "WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn) and (Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "1X"|"1Z"|"1W"|"1-"|"HX"|"HZ"|"HW"|"H-" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); when "X0"|"Z0"|"W0"|"-0"|"XL"|"ZL"|"WL"|"-L" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "00"|"0L"|"L0"|"LL" => case enable_flag is when 0 => exit; when 3 => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => -- X-Trans if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Data, Enable, Reset, Set; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DLATREGSRH_BI of DLATREGSRH is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DLATREGSRH_A of DLATREGSRH is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATREGSRHL -- -- Purpose: An N-bit level sensitive register. (Reset & Set active low) -- -- Truth table: -------------------------------------------------- -- | Data Enable Reset Set | Output | -- |------------------------------------------------| -- | * * * U | U | -- | * * U ~0 | U | -- | * * * 0 | 1 | -- | * * 0 1 | 0 | -- | * * 0 X | X | -- | * U ~0 ~0 | U | -- | * ~U X X | X or U |(Note 1) -- | * ~U 1 X | X or U or 1 or NC |(Note 2) -- | * ~U X 1 | X or U or 0 or NC |(Note 3) -- | * X 1 1 | X or U or NC |(Note 4) -- | * 1 1 1 | Data | -- | * 0 1 1 | NC | -- -------------------------------------------------- -- ~ = not equal; * = don't care; NC = no change -- 0 = '0' or 'L'; 1 = '1' or 'H'; U = 'U'; -- X = 'X', 'W', 'Z', or '-'; -- (The truth table rows are in order of decreasing precedence) -- -- Note 1: if (((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) or -- ((Data == U) and (Enable != 0))) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 2: if ((Output already == 1) and not((Data != 1) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- Output := 1; -- else if ((Data == 1) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 1; -- else if ((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 3: if ((Output already == 0) and not((Data != 0) -- and ((Enable == X) or (Enable == 1)))) -- Output := 0; -- else if ((Data == 0) and (Enable == 1)) -- Output := 0; -- else if ((Output already == U) and (Enable != 1)) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- -- Note 4: if ((Output already == Data) or -- (Output already == U)) -- (no change); -- else if (Data == U) -- Output := U; -- else -- Output := X; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATREGSRL is generic (N: Positive :=1; -- N bit register tLH: Time := 0 ns; -- rise inertial delay tHL: Time := 0 ns; -- fall inertial delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01; -- output strength tHOLD : Time := 0 ns; -- Hold time tSetUp : Time := 0 ns; -- Setup time tPwHighMin : Time := 0 ns; -- min pulse width when enable is high tPwLowMin : Time := 0 ns); -- min pulse width when enable is low port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);-- data input Enable, -- enable input Reset, -- reset input Set: in STD_LOGIC; -- set input Output: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0)); -- output end DLATREGSRL; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of DLATREGSRL is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of DLATREGSRL is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); begin P: process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Data'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; variable enable_flag : integer := 0; begin -- evaluate logical function case Enable is when '1' | 'H' => enable_flag := 1; when '0' | 'L' => enable_flag := 0; when 'U' => enable_flag := 3; when others => enable_flag := 2; end case; for i in Data'RANGE loop case TWOBIT'(Reset & Set) is when "UU"|"UX"|"U0"|"U1"|"UZ"|"UW"|"UL"|"UH"|"U-"| "XU"|"0U"|"1U"|"ZU"|"WU"|"LU"|"HU"|"-U" => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when "X0"|"00"|"10"|"Z0"|"W0"|"L0"|"H0"|"-0"| "XL"|"0L"|"1L"|"ZL"|"WL"|"LL"|"HL"|"-L" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); when "01"|"L1"|"0H"|"LH" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); when "XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"| "WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "1X"|"1Z"|"1W"|"1-"|"HX"|"HZ"|"HW"|"H-" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn) and (Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='1' or Data(i)='H') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('1', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "0X"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0-"|"LX"|"LZ"|"LW"|"L-" => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); when "X1"|"Z1"|"W1"|"-1"|"XH"|"ZH"|"WH"|"-H" => if ((enable_flag = 3) or (next_assign_val(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 1)) or (Data(i) = 'U' and not(enable_flag = 0))) then nextstate(i) := 'U'; elsif (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn) and (Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L' or enable_flag=0)) then next; elsif ((Data(i)='0' or Data(i)='L') and enable_flag=1) then nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('0', strn); else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; when "11"|"1H"|"H1"|"HH" => case enable_flag is when 0 => exit; when 3 => nextstate(i) := 'U'; when 1 => nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i), strn); when others => if (next_assign_val(i) = STRENGTH_MAP(Data(i),strn) or next_assign_val(i) = 'U') then next; elsif (Data(i) = 'U') then nextstate(i) := 'U'; else nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn); end if; end case; end case; if (next_assign_val(i) = nextstate(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; Output(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; wait on Data, Enable, Reset, Set; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_DLATREGSRL_BI of DLATREGSRL is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_DLATREGSRL_A of DLATREGSRL is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATRAM -- -- Purpose: A level sensitive random access memory model. -- -- Function: -- (note: 0 = '0'|'L'; 1 = '1'|'H'; X = 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-') -- -- 1. Read operation: -- a. RE = 0 --> DATAout = 'Z's -- b. RE = 1, and no X in ADDR --> DATAout = m(ADDR) -- c. RE = 1, and X in ADDR --> DATAout = 'X'es. -- d. RE = X --> DATAout = 'X'es -- -- 2. Write operation: -- a. WE = 0 --> no write -- b. WE = 1, and no X in ADDR --> m(ADDR) = DATAin -- c. WE = X, and no X in ADDR --> m(ADDR) = 'X'es -- d. WE = 1 | X, and X in ADDR --> WARNING issued -- e. WE = 1, and ADDR changes --> WARNING issued, do b. or d.. -- -- 3. simultaneous read/write operations: allowed. -- -- 4. Initialization: m() = 'U's. -- -- 5. Output strength: mapping according to parameter strn -- (default strn = strn_X01). -- -- 6. Timing: output rising and falling delays are set to DATAout -- (deault tLH = tHL = 0 ns). -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATRAM is generic (Ndata: Positive := 1; -- # of data I/O lines Naddr: Positive := 1; -- # of address lines tLH: time := 0 ns; -- output rising delay tHL: time := 0 ns; -- output fulling delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (DATAin: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Ndata-1 downto 0); -- data in DATAout: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Ndata-1 downto 0); -- data out ADDR: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Naddr-1 downto 0); -- address WE: in STD_LOGIC; -- write enable(active high) RE: in STD_LOGIC); -- read enable(active high) end DLATRAM; architecture A of DLATRAM is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATAout'RANGE); begin -- -- assertion for changes in address lines -- Assertion: process (ADDR) begin assert not(WE = '1' or WE = 'H') report "Address lines changed while RAM is Write Enabled" severity WARNING; end process; -- -- the memory model -- P: process subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); subtype ETYPE is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATAin'RANGE); type MEMTYPE is array (NATURAL range <>) of ETYPE; variable m: MEMTYPE(0 to 2**ADDR'length-1) := (others => (others=>'U')); variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATAout'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATAout'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; procedure do_read is variable mem_word: ETYPE; begin for i in ADDR'RANGE loop if (ADDR(i) = 'X' or ADDR(i) = 'W' or ADDR(i) = 'Z' or ADDR(i) = 'U' or ADDR(i) = '-') then nextstate := (others => STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn)); return; end if; end loop; mem_word := m(CONV_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(ADDR))); for i in nextstate'RANGE loop nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP( mem_word(i), strn); end loop; end do_read; procedure do_write(data: ETYPE) is variable xdata: ETYPE := data; begin for i in ADDR'RANGE loop if (ADDR(i) = 'X' or ADDR(i) = 'W' or ADDR(i) = 'Z' or ADDR(i) = 'U' or ADDR(i) = '-') then assert false report "Attempted write to bad RAM address" severity WARNING; return; end if; end loop; for i in xdata'RANGE loop case xdata(i) is when 'L' => xdata(i) := '0'; when 'H' => xdata(i) := '1'; when 'Z' | 'W' | '-' => xdata(i) := 'X'; when others => null; end case; end loop; m(CONV_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(ADDR))) := xdata; end do_write; begin -- The variable m and the port DATAout are initialized correctly -- at elaboration time. This makes it best to wait at the top -- of the process. wait on WE, RE, DATAin, ADDR; if (WE'event or DATAin'event or ADDR'event) then if (WE = '1' or WE = 'H') then do_write(DATAin); elsif (WE = 'X' or WE = 'W' or WE = 'Z' or WE = 'U' or WE = '-') then do_write((DATAin'RANGE => 'X')); end if; end if; if (RE = '0' or RE = 'L') then nextstate := (others => 'Z'); elsif (RE = '1' or RE = 'H') then do_read; else -- (RE = 'X' or RE = 'W' or RE = 'Z' or RE = 'U' or RE = '-') nextstate := (others => STRENGTH_MAP('X',strn)); end if; if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then for i in DATAout'RANGE loop if (nextstate(i) = next_assign_val(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; DATAout(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; end if; end process; end A; configuration CFG_DLATRAM_A of DLATRAM is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: DLATROM -- -- Purpose: A level sensitive read only memory model. -- -- Function: -- (note: 0 = '0'|'L'; 1 = '1'|'H'; X = 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-') -- -- 1. Read operation: -- a. RE = 0 --> DATA = 'Z's -- b. RE = 1, and no X in ADDR --> DATA = m(ADDR) -- c. RE = 1, and X in ADDR --> DATA = 'X'es. -- d. RE = X --> DATA = 'X'es -- -- 2. Initialization: m() = 'U's. -- -- 3. Output strength: mapping according to parameter strn -- (default strn = strn_X01). -- -- 4. Timing: output rising and falling delays are set to DATA -- (deault tLH = tHL = 0 ns). -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity DLATROM is generic (Ndata: Positive := 1; -- # of data lines Naddr: Positive := 1; -- # of address lines tLH: time := 0 ns; -- output rising delay tHL: time := 0 ns; -- output fulling delay strn: STRENGTH := strn_X01); -- output strength port (DATA: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Ndata-1 downto 0); -- data out ADDR: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Naddr-1 downto 0); -- address RE: in STD_LOGIC); -- read enable(active high) end DLATROM; architecture A of DLATROM is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA'RANGE); begin -- -- the memory model -- P: process subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); subtype ETYPE is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA'RANGE); type MEMTYPE is array (NATURAL range <>) of ETYPE; variable m: MEMTYPE(0 to 2**ADDR'length-1) := (others => (others=>'U')); variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA'RANGE); variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA'RANGE); variable delta: Time := 0 ns; procedure do_read is variable mem_word: ETYPE; begin for i in ADDR'RANGE loop if (ADDR(i) = 'X' or ADDR(i) = 'W' or ADDR(i) = 'Z' or ADDR(i) = 'U' or ADDR(i) = '-') then nextstate := (others => STRENGTH_MAP('X', strn)); return; end if; end loop; mem_word := m(CONV_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(ADDR))); for i in nextstate'RANGE loop nextstate(i) := STRENGTH_MAP( mem_word(i), strn); end loop; end do_read; begin -- The variable m and the port DATA are initialized correctly -- at elaboration time. This makes it best to wait at the top -- of the process. wait on RE, ADDR; if (RE = '0' or RE = 'L') then nextstate := (others => 'Z'); elsif (RE = '1' or RE = 'H') then do_read; else -- (RE = 'X' or RE = 'W' or RE = 'Z' or RE = 'U' or RE = '-') nextstate := (others => STRENGTH_MAP('X',strn)); end if; if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then for i in DATA'RANGE loop if (nextstate(i) = next_assign_val(i)) then next; end if; -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate(i) & nextstate(i)) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; DATA(i) <= nextstate(i) after delta; next_assign_val(i) := nextstate(i); end loop; end if; end process; end A; configuration CFG_DLATROM_A of DLATROM is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: SUHDCK -- -- Purpose: A setup/hold time checker. -- -- Assertion condition: -- when Clock changes from (0 | L) to (1 | H) -- assert Data'last_event >= tSetup -- report "Setup time violation on data input lines." -- -- when Data changes -- assert Clock did not rise for tHold time -- report "Hold time violation on data input lines." -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity SUHDCK is generic (N: Positive := 1; -- number of data lines tSetup, -- setup time tHold: Time := 0 ns); -- hold time port (Data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to N); -- data lines Clock: in STD_LOGIC); -- clock line end SUHDCK; architecture A of SUHDCK is signal clock_edge: Boolean := FALSE; begin err_chk: process(Clock, Data) variable normal: Boolean; variable setup_time, hold_time: Time; begin setup_time := tSetup; hold_time := tHold; normal := (setup_time >= 0 ns and hold_time >= 0 ns); assert normal report "Negative setup/hold time passed to setup/hold checker"; end process; clk_edge: process(Clock) begin if (Clock = '1' or Clock = 'H') and (Clock'last_value = '0' or Clock'last_value = 'L') then -- record the clock trigger edge event clock_edge <= not clock_edge; end if; end process; setup_chk: process(Clock) variable violation: Boolean; variable setup_time: Time; begin setup_time := tSetup; violation := (((Clock = '1') or (Clock = 'H')) and ((Clock'last_value = '0') or (Clock'last_value = 'L')) and (Data'last_event < setup_time)); assert not violation report "Setup time violation on data input lines." severity WARNING; end process; hold_chk: process(Data) variable normal: Boolean; variable hold_time: Time; begin hold_time := tHold; normal := (clock_edge'last_event >= hold_time); assert normal report "Hold time violation on data input lines." severity WARNING; end process; end A; configuration CFG_SUHDCK_A of SUHDCK is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: MPWCK -- -- Purpose: A minimum pulse width checker. -- -- Assertion condition: -- when Clock changes from high -- assert Clock'last_event >= tHigh -- report "Minimum pulse width violation on clock high." -- -- when Clock changes from low -- assert Clock'last_event >= tLow -- report "Minimum pulse width violation on clock low." -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity MPWCK is generic (tHigh, -- pulse's high time tLow: Time := 0 ns); -- pulse's low time port (Clock: in STD_LOGIC); -- clock line end MPWCK; architecture A of MPWCK is begin err_chk: process(Clock) variable normal: Boolean; variable high_time, low_time: Time; begin high_time := tHigh; low_time := tLow; normal := (high_time >= 0 ns and low_time >= 0 ns); assert normal report "Negative High/Low time passed to pulse width checker"; end process; process(Clock) variable normal_high, normal_low: Boolean; variable high_time, low_time: Time; begin high_time := tHigh; low_time := tLow; if (Clock'last_value = '0') or (Clock'last_value = 'L') then normal_low := Clock'delayed(0 ns)'last_event >= low_time; assert normal_low report "Minimum pulse width violation on clock low." severity WARNING; elsif (Clock'last_value = '1') or (Clock'last_value = 'H') then normal_high := Clock'delayed(0 ns)'last_event >= high_time; assert normal_high report "Minimum pulse width violation on clock high." severity WARNING; end if; end process; end A; configuration CFG_MPWCK_A of MPWCK is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: RECOVCK -- -- Purpose: A recovery time checker. Check for reset (active low) -- releasing too close to clock triggering edge. -- -- Assertion condition: -- when Clock changes from (0 | L) to (1 | H) -- assert Reset did not rise for tSetup time -- report "Recovery setup time violation on reset/clock lines." -- when Reset changes from (0 | L) to (1 | H) -- assert Clock did not rise for tHold time -- report "Recovery hold time violation on reset/clock lines." -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity RECOVCK is generic (tSetup, -- setup time tHold: Time := 0 ns); -- hold time port (Reset, -- Reset line Clock: in STD_LOGIC); -- clock line end RECOVCK; architecture A of RECOVCK is signal reset_rise: Boolean := FALSE; signal clock_edge: Boolean := FALSE; begin err_chk: process(Clock) variable normal: Boolean; variable setup_time, hold_time: Time; begin setup_time := tSetup; hold_time := tHold; normal := (setup_time >= 0 ns and hold_time >= 0 ns); assert normal report "Negative Setup/Hold time passed to Recovery checker"; end process; reset_event: process(Reset) begin if (Reset = '1' or Reset = 'H') and (Reset'last_value = '0' or Reset'last_value = 'L') then -- record the reset release event reset_rise <= not reset_rise; end if; end process; setup_chk: process(Clock) variable violation: Boolean; variable setup_time: Time; begin setup_time := tSetup; violation := ((Clock'last_value = '0' or Clock'last_value = 'L') and (Clock = '1' or Clock = 'H') and (reset_rise'last_event < setup_time)); assert not violation report "Recovery setup time violation on reset/clock lines." severity WARNING; end process; clk_edge: process(Clock) begin if (Clock = '1' or Clock = 'H') and (Clock'last_value = '0' or Clock'last_value = 'L') then -- record the clock trigger edge event clock_edge <= not clock_edge; end if; end process; hold_chk: process(Reset'delayed(0 ns)) variable violation: Boolean; variable hold_time: Time; begin hold_time := tHold; violation := ((Reset'delayed(0 ns)'last_value = '0' or Reset'delayed(0 ns)'last_value = 'L') and (Reset'delayed(0 ns) = '1' or Reset'delayed(0 ns) = 'H') and (clock_edge'last_event < hold_time)); assert not violation report "Recovery hold time violation on reset/clock lines." severity WARNING; end process; end A; configuration CFG_RECOVCK_A of RECOVCK is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: NXFERGATE -- -- Purpose: A unidirectional transistor. -- -- Truth table: (see tbl_NXFER in the architecture) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity NXFERGATE is generic (tLH, tHL: time := 0 ns); port (Input, Enable: in STD_LOGIC; output: Out STD_LOGIC); end NXFERGATE; architecture A of NXFERGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); -- two dimensional array type type STD_LOGIC_TABLE is array (STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC) of STD_LOGIC; constant tbl_NXFER: STD_LOGIC_TABLE := -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Input 'U' 'X' '0' '1' 'Z' 'W' 'L' 'H' '-' | Enable -------------------------------------------------------------------- (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- 'U' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'X' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- '0' ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X'), -- '1' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'Z' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'W' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- 'L' ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X'), -- 'H' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X')); -- '-' begin P: Process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin nextstate := tbl_NXFER(Enable, Input); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; wait on Input, Enable; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_NXFERGATE_A of NXFERGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: NRXFERGATE -- -- Purpose: A unidirectional transistor. Output strength reduced. -- -- Truth table: (see tbl_NRXFER in the architecture) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity NRXFERGATE is generic (tLH, tHL: time := 0 ns); port (Input, Enable: in STD_LOGIC; output: Out STD_LOGIC); end NRXFERGATE; architecture A of NRXFERGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); -- two dimensional array type type STD_LOGIC_TABLE is array (STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC) of STD_LOGIC; constant tbl_NRXFER: STD_LOGIC_TABLE := -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Input 'U' 'X' '0' '1' 'Z' 'W' 'L' 'H' '-' | Enable -------------------------------------------------------------------- (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- 'U' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'X' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- '0' ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'W'), -- '1' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'Z' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'W' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- 'L' ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'W'), -- 'H' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W')); -- '-' begin P: Process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin nextstate := tbl_NRXFER(Enable, Input); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; wait on Input, Enable; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_NRXFERGATE_A of NRXFERGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: PXFERGATE -- -- Purpose: A unidirectional transistor. -- -- Truth table: (see tbl_PXFER in the architecture) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity PXFERGATE is generic (tLH, tHL: time := 0 ns); port (Input, Enable: in STD_LOGIC; output: Out STD_LOGIC); end PXFERGATE; architecture A of PXFERGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); -- two dimensional array type type STD_LOGIC_TABLE is array (STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC) of STD_LOGIC; constant tbl_PXFER: STD_LOGIC_TABLE := -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Input 'U' 'X' '0' '1' 'Z' 'W' 'L' 'H' '-' | Enable -------------------------------------------------------------------- (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- 'U' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'X' ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X'), -- '0' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- '1' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'Z' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'), -- 'W' ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X'), -- 'L' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- 'H' ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X')); -- '-' begin P: Process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin nextstate := tbl_PXFER(Enable, Input); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; wait on Input, Enable; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_PXFERGATE_A of PXFERGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: PRXFERGATE -- -- Purpose: A unidirectional transistor. Output strength reduced. -- -- Truth table: (see tbl_PRXFER in the architecture) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity PRXFERGATE is generic (tLH, tHL: time := 0 ns); port (Input, Enable: in STD_LOGIC; output: Out STD_LOGIC); end PRXFERGATE; architecture A of PRXFERGATE is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'U'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); -- two dimensional array type type STD_LOGIC_TABLE is array (STD_LOGIC, STD_LOGIC) of STD_LOGIC; constant tbl_PRXFER: STD_LOGIC_TABLE := -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Input 'U' 'X' '0' '1' 'Z' 'W' 'L' 'H' '-' | Enable -------------------------------------------------------------------- (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- 'U' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'X' ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'W'), -- '0' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- '1' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'Z' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- 'W' ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'W'), -- 'L' ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- 'H' ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W')); -- '-' begin P: Process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin nextstate := tbl_PRXFER(Enable, Input); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; wait on Input, Enable; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_PRXFERGATE_A of PRXFERGATE is for A end for; end; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Primitive name: RESISTOR -- -- Purpose: A device that generates resistive strength outputs. -- -- Truth table: (see tbl_REDUCE in the architecture) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_MISC.all; entity RESISTOR is generic (tLH, tHL: time := 0 ns); port (Input: in STD_LOGIC; output: Out STD_LOGIC); end RESISTOR; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.ALL; architecture BI of RESISTOR is attribute BUILTIN of BI: architecture is VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC; begin end; architecture A of RESISTOR is signal currentstate: STD_LOGIC := 'W'; subtype TWOBIT is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1); -- one dimensional array type type STD_LOGIC_TAB1D is array (STD_LOGIC) of STD_LOGIC; -- truth table for reduce function constant tbl_REDUCE: STD_LOGIC_TAB1D := ----------------------------------------------------------- -- | Input 'U' 'X' '0' '1' 'Z' 'W' 'L' 'H' '-' | ----------------------------------------------------------- ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'W' ); begin P: Process variable nextstate: STD_LOGIC; variable delta: time; variable next_assign_val: STD_LOGIC; begin nextstate := tbl_REDUCE(Input); if (nextstate /= next_assign_val) then -- compute delay case TWOBIT'(currentstate & nextstate) is when "UU"|"UX"|"UZ"|"UW"|"U-"|"XU"|"XX"|"XZ"|"XW"|"X-"| "ZU"|"ZX"|"ZZ"|"ZW"|"Z-"|"WU"|"WX"|"WZ"|"WW"|"W-"| "-U"|"-X"|"-Z"|"-W"|"--"|"00"|"0L"|"LL"|"L0"| "11"|"1H"|"HH"|"H1" => delta := 0 ns; when "U1"|"UH"|"X1"|"XH"|"Z1"|"ZH"|"W1"|"WH"|"-1"|"-H"| "0U"|"0X"|"01"|"0Z"|"0W"|"0H"|"0-"| "LU"|"LX"|"L1"|"LZ"|"LW"|"LH"|"L-" => delta := tLH; when others => delta := tHL; end case; -- assign new value after internal delay currentstate <= nextstate after delta; Output <= nextstate after delta; next_assign_val := nextstate; end if; wait on Input; end process P; end A; configuration CFG_RESISTOR_BI of RESISTOR is for BI end for; end; configuration CFG_RESISTOR_A of RESISTOR is for A end for; end; --synopsys synthesis_on