/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1998. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ /* smapmesh.h - header for cview2smap program */ #define XSTEPS 8 #define YSTEPS 8 #define SPOKES 8 #define RINGS 3 /* #define SPHERE_MAP_EDGE_EXTEND */ #ifdef SPHERE_MAP_EDGE_EXTEND #define EDGE_EXTEND 1 #else #define EDGE_EXTEND 0 #endif typedef struct _STXY { GLfloat s, t; GLfloat x, y; } STXY; extern STXY face[5][YSTEPS][XSTEPS]; extern STXY back[4][RINGS+EDGE_EXTEND][SPOKES]; extern void makeSphereMapMesh(void); extern void drawSphereMapMesh(GLuint texobj[6]); extern void buildSphereMap(GLuint spheremap, GLuint texobjs[6], int texdim, GLfloat eye[3], GLfloat obj[3], GLfloat up[3], void (*positionLights)(int view, void *context), void (*drawView)(int view, void *context), int outline, void *context);