/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1998. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #include "glsmapint.h" void smapGetEye(SphereMap *smap, GLfloat *eyex, GLfloat *eyey, GLfloat *eyez) { *eyex = smap->eye[X]; *eyey = smap->eye[Y]; *eyez = smap->eye[Z]; } void smapGetUp(SphereMap *smap, GLfloat *upx, GLfloat *upy, GLfloat *upz) { *upx = smap->up[X]; *upy = smap->up[Y]; *upz = smap->up[Z]; } void smapGetObject(SphereMap *smap, GLfloat *objx, GLfloat *objy, GLfloat *objz) { *objx = smap->obj[X]; *objy = smap->obj[Y]; *objz = smap->obj[Z]; }