#include #include #include #include #include "matrix.h" /* Some files do not define M_PI... */ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif typedef struct parameter { double value; double speed; int steps; } Parameter; Matrix pos; Parameter roll, alignment, heading, pitch; double tot_al = 0.0; int tot = 0; #define MAX 10000 extern GLfloat x[MAX], y[MAX], z[MAX]; extern GLfloat dx[MAX], dy[MAX], dz[MAX]; extern GLfloat hd[MAX], al[MAX], pt[MAX], rl[MAX]; extern GLfloat strips[27][MAX][3], normal[24][MAX][3]; extern int opt[MAX]; extern GLfloat bnormal[2][MAX][3]; extern GLfloat r1[MAX], r2[MAX], r3[MAX]; void update_parameters(void); void update_parameter(Parameter *p); void init_parameter(Parameter *p); Vector strips_tmp[27], normal_tmp[27]; void calculate_rc(void) { FILE *in; int i, j; char cmd[256]; double a; Vector v; Matrix tmp, t2; #if 0 GLfloat nx, ny, nz, ac; #endif printf("Reading RC parameters.\n"); /* out = fopen("rc.in", "w"); if (!out) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file 'rc.in' for writing.\n"); exit(1); } */ in = fopen("rc.def", "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file 'rc.def'.\n"); exit(1); } init_parameter(&roll); init_parameter(&pitch); init_parameter(&heading); init_parameter(&alignment); init_matrix(&pos); pos.index[3][2] = 0; for (i=0;i<27;i++) { init_vector(&normal_tmp[i]); init_vector(&strips_tmp[i]); } for (i=0;i<8;i++) { strips_tmp[i].index[2] = 1.0; strips_tmp[i+8].index[2] = -1.0; strips_tmp[i+16].index[1] = -1.0; } for (i=0;i<3;i++) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { normal_tmp[i*8+j].index[2] = cos(j*M_PI/4); normal_tmp[i*8+j].index[1] = sin(j*M_PI/4); strips_tmp[i*8+j].index[2] += cos(j*M_PI/4)/(i==2?2:4); strips_tmp[i*8+j].index[1] += sin(j*M_PI/4)/(i==2?2:4); } strips_tmp[24].index[2] = 1.0; strips_tmp[25].index[2] = -1.0; strips_tmp[26].index[1] = -1.0; } while (!feof(in)) { for (i=0;i<256;i++) { int ch; ch = fgetc(in); if ((ch == '\n') || (ch == EOF)) { cmd[i] = 0; break; } cmd[i] = ch; } if (cmd[0] == '#') continue; else if (!cmd[0]) continue; else if (sscanf(cmd, "pitch %lf %d", &a, &i)) { pitch.speed = (a - pitch.value)/i; pitch.steps = i; } else if (sscanf(cmd, "alignment %lf %d", &a, &i)) { alignment.speed = (a - alignment.value)/i; alignment.steps = i; } else if (sscanf(cmd, "heading %lf %d", &a, &i)) { heading.speed = (a - heading.value)/i; heading.steps = i; } else if (sscanf(cmd, "roll %lf %d", &a, &i)) { roll.speed = (a - roll.value)/i; roll.steps = i; } else if (sscanf(cmd, "wait %d", &i)) { for (;i>=0;i--) { update_parameters(); init_vector(&v); v.index[0] = 0.15; multiply_matrix_vector(&pos, &v); for (j=0;j<3;j++) pos.index[3][j] = v.index[j]; rotate_x(-roll.value*M_PI/(180*50), &pos); rotate_y(-heading.value*M_PI/(180*50), &pos); rotate_z(-pitch.value*M_PI/(180*50), &pos); x[tot] = v.index[0]; y[tot] = v.index[1]; z[tot] = v.index[2]; al[tot] = alignment.value/50.0; rl[tot] = roll.value/50.0; hd[tot] = heading.value/50.0; pt[tot] = pitch.value/50.0; opt[tot] = 100*fabs(rl[tot] - al[tot]) + 100*fabs(hd[tot])+ 100*fabs(pt[tot]); copy_matrix(&tmp, &pos); init_vector(&v); v.index[1] = 1; tot_al += alignment.value*M_PI/180/50; rotate_x(-tot_al, &tmp); multiply_matrix_vector(&tmp, &v); dx[tot] = v.index[0] - tmp.index[3][0]; dy[tot] = v.index[1] - tmp.index[3][1]; dz[tot] = v.index[2] - tmp.index[3][2]; copy_matrix(&tmp, &pos); tot_al += alignment.value*M_PI/180/50; rotate_x(-tot_al, &tmp); copy_matrix(&t2, &tmp); for (j=0;j<27;j++) { copy_vector(&v, &strips_tmp[j]); multiply_matrix_vector(&t2, &v); strips[j][tot][0] = v.index[0]; strips[j][tot][1] = v.index[1]; strips[j][tot][2] = v.index[2]; copy_vector(&v, &normal_tmp[j]); multiply_matrix_vector(&t2, &v); normal[j][tot][0] = v.index[0] - t2.index[3][0]; normal[j][tot][1] = v.index[1] - t2.index[3][1]; normal[j][tot][2] = v.index[2] - t2.index[3][2]; } init_vector(&v); v.index[0] = -1.0; v.index[1] = -1.5; multiply_matrix_vector(&pos, &v); bnormal[0][tot][0] = v.index[0] - pos.index[3][0]; bnormal[0][tot][1] = v.index[1] - pos.index[3][1]; bnormal[0][tot][2] = v.index[2] - pos.index[3][2]; init_vector(&v); v.index[2] = -1.0; v.index[1] = 1.5; multiply_matrix_vector(&pos, &v); bnormal[0][tot][0] = v.index[0] - pos.index[3][0]; bnormal[0][tot][1] = v.index[1] - pos.index[3][1]; bnormal[0][tot][2] = v.index[2] - pos.index[3][2]; #if 0 copy_matrix(&tmp, &pos); tmp.index[3][0] = 0.0; tmp.index[3][1] = 0.0; tmp.index[3][2] = 0.0; init_vector(&v); v.index[0] = 1.0; multiply_matrix_vector(&tmp, &v); nx = v.index[0]; ny = v.index[1]; nz = v.index[2]; ac = sqrt(nx*nx+nz*nz); if (ac == 0.0) r1[tot] = 0.0; else if (nx > 0) r1[tot] = asin(nz/ac); else r1[tot] = M_PI-asin(nz/ac); r2[tot] = asin(ny); rotate_y(-r1[tot], &tmp); rotate_z(-r2[tot], &tmp); init_vector(&v); v.index[1] = 1.0; multiply_matrix_vector(&tmp, &v); nx = v.index[0]; ny = v.index[1]; nz = v.index[2]; ac = sqrt(nz*nz+ny*ny); /* this *should* be 1 */ if (ac == 0.0) r3[tot] = 0.0; else if (nz > 0) r3[tot] = M_PI-asin(ny/ac); else r3[tot] = asin(ny/ac); #endif copy_matrix(&tmp, &pos); rotate_x(-tot_al, &tmp); if (tmp.index[0][0] == 0.0 && tmp.index[0][1] == 0.0) { r1[tot] = atan2(- tmp.index[1][0], - tmp.index[2][0]); r2[tot] = 0.5 * M_PI; r3[tot] = 0.0; } else { r1[tot] = atan2(tmp.index[1][2], tmp.index[2][2]); r2[tot] = asin(tmp.index[0][2]); r3[tot] = atan2(tmp.index[0][1], tmp.index[0][0]); } #if 0 printf("R: %f, %f, %f.\n", r1[tot], r2[tot], r3[tot]); #endif tot ++; } } else fprintf(stderr, "Not understood: %s\n", cmd); } printf("Done.\nTotal of %d parts\n", tot); printf("Ended at %f, %f, %f\n", x[tot-1], y[tot-1], z[tot-1]); } void update_parameters(void) { update_parameter(&roll); update_parameter(&pitch); update_parameter(&heading); update_parameter(&alignment); } void update_parameter(Parameter *p) { if (!p->steps) return; p->steps--; p->value += p->speed; } void init_parameter(Parameter *p) { p->value = 0; p->speed = 0; p->steps = 10; }