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BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, * SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY * KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, * LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, OR THE CLAIMS OF * THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER OR NOT SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * POSSESSION, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph * (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software * clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor * clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. * Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the * United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, * Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. * * OpenGL(R) is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ /* jot text editor source code. */ /* Tom Davis */ /* February 7, 1992 */ /* defines for gizmos */ #include #define BUTSTRLEN 60 #define LABELSTRLEN 150 #define FONTWIDTH 9 /* for fixed font */ #define BASELINE 9 /* BUTTON STUFF */ #define PUSHBUTTON 3 #define RADIOBUTTON 6 #define INDICATOR 9 #define BED 10 #define BUTTON 11 #define BUTHEIGHT 28 #define BUTWIDTH 75 #define RADIOWIDTH 24 #define RADIOHEIGHT 24 #define TINYRADIOHEIGHT 16 #define TINYRADIOWIDTH 16 typedef struct butn { char str[BUTSTRLEN+1]; int type; void (*butcolor)(); struct butn *link; /* for linking radio buttons, e.g. */ muiObject *object; } Button; /* TEXT BOX STUFF */ #define TBSTRLEN 200 #define TEXTHEIGHT 17 #define TEXTBOXHEIGHT 28 typedef struct { char str[TBSTRLEN+1]; char label[LABELSTRLEN+1]; int tp1, tp2; int charWidth; int type; } TextBox; TextBox *newtb(int xmin, int xmax); /* LABEL STUFF */ #define LBLSTRLEN 200 /* max length of a label string */ typedef struct { char str[LBLSTRLEN+1]; } Label; Label *newlabel(char *s); /* SLIDER STUFF */ #define SLIDERWIDTH 20 #define MINSHALF 13 #define ARROWHEIGHT 20 #define SCROLLDOWN -1 #define SCROLLUP 1 #define THUMB 2 typedef struct { int scenter; /* the center of the thumb */ int shalf; /* half of the thumb length */ int oldpos; /* old scenter */ int arrowdelta; /* arrow delta */ int thumb; /* whether the thumb should show */ } Slider; typedef Slider VSlider; typedef Slider HSlider; /* TEXTLIST STUFF */ typedef struct { int listheight; /* in lines of text */ char **strs; /* text */ int top; /* index into strs */ int count; /* total number of strings */ int selecteditem; /* index into selecteditem or -1 */ int locateditem; /* index into locateditem or -1 */ } TextList; /* PULLDOWN STUFF */ #define PULLDOWN_HEIGHT 25 typedef struct { char title[40]; int menu; int xoffset; } menuentry; typedef struct { int count; int ishelp; menuentry menus[30]; menuentry helpmenu; } Pulldown; /* Define for the settbtype() and gettypein() flag */ #define TYPEIN_STRING 0 #define TYPEIN_INT 1 #define TYPEIN_FILE 2 #define TYPEIN_FLOAT 3 /* Color Stuff */ extern Button *newbed(void); extern Button *newbut(void); extern Button *newradiobut(void); extern Pulldown *newpd(void); extern void drawbut(muiObject *); extern void drawvs(muiObject *obj); extern void drawhs(muiObject *obj); extern void drawtl(muiObject *obj); extern void drawradiobutton(muiObject *obj); extern void drawtinyradio(muiObject *obj); extern void drawpulldown(muiObject *obj); extern int getcurrentcolor(void); extern void setcurrentcolor(int c); extern void drawedges(int, int, int, int, void (*)(void), void (*)(void)); extern void loadbut(Button *, char *); extern void drawbut(muiObject *); extern int pressbut(muiObject *); extern void drawlabel(muiObject *); extern void drawboldlabel(muiObject *); extern void loadtb(TextBox *, char *); extern int handletb(muiObject *, int, int); extern void drawtb(muiObject *); extern int inbut(Button *, int, int); extern int intb(muiObject *, int, int); extern void activatetb(TextBox *); extern void deactivatetb(TextBox *); extern char *gettbstr(TextBox *); extern VSlider *newvs(muiObject *obj, int ymin, int ymax, int scenter, int shalf); extern VSlider *newhs(muiObject *obj, int xmin, int xmax, int scenter, int shalf); extern void drawsetup(void); extern void drawrestore(void); extern void backgrounddraw(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); extern TextList *newtl(muiObject *obj, int listheight); extern enum muiReturnValue buttonhandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue nullhandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue textboxhandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue vshandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue hshandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue tlhandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); extern enum muiReturnValue pdhandler(muiObject *obj, int event, int value, int x, int y); /* mui events */ #define MUI_DEVICE_DOWN 1 #define MUI_DEVICE_UP 2 #define MUI_DEVICE_PRESS 3 #define MUI_DEVICE_RELEASE 4 #define MUI_DEVICE_CLICK 5 #define MUI_DEVICE_DOUBLE_CLICK 6 #define MUI_KEYSTROKE 7 #define MUI_BUTTONFONT 0 #define MUI_BUTTONFONT_BOLD 0 typedef struct muicons { struct muicons *next; muiObject *object; } muiCons; void muiBackgroundClear(void); void muiFreeObject(muiObject *obj); int muiInObject(muiObject *obj, int x, int y); int muiGetLocate(muiObject *obj); void muiSetLocate(muiObject *obj, int state); int muiGetSelect(muiObject *obj); void muiSetSelect(muiObject *obj, int state); muiCons *muiGetListCons(int uilist); muiObject *muiGetActiveTB(void); void muiSetUIList(muiObject *obj, int list); int muiGetUIList(muiObject *obj); void muiDrawObject(muiObject *obj); void muiError(char *s); muiObject *muiHitInList(int uilist, int x, int y); void muiDrawUIList(int uilist); void muiHandleEvent(int event, int value, int x, int y);