Thu Nov 3 18:04:07 2005
UMBC AgentWeb
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AgentWeb: Topics: HCI: Speech
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  • Will voice interfaces replace screens? 3/3/00 Who points to it? 11 - No, according to this short piece by Jakob Nielsen.

  • The integrality of speech in multimodal interfaces 3/3/00 Who points to it? 11 - The integrality of speech in multimodal interfaces, M Grasso, D Ebert and T Finin , ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, v5n4, (1998), Pages 303-325. A framework of complementary behavior has been proposed which maintains thatdirect-manipulation and speech interfaces have reciprocal strengths and weaknesses.This suggests that user interface performance and acceptance may increase byadopting a multimodal approach that combines speech and direct manipulation. Thiseffort examined the hypothesis that the speed, accuracy, and acceptance ofmultimodal speech and direct-manipulation interfaces will increase when the modalitiesmatch the perceptual structure of the input attributes. ...

  • Talking with Your Computer 3/3/00 Who points to it? 11 - by Victor Zue, Scientific American, August 1999.

  • Talking Heads 3/4/00 Who points to it? 11 - This website provides an overview of the rapidly growinginternational effort to create talking heads (physiological /computational / cognitive models of audio-visual speech),the historical antecedents of this effort, and related work.

Edited by Tim Finin & Yannis Labrou of UMBC ebiquity and the UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department. Comments to Hits in red Who points to it? shows inverse links. Built by bk2site.