Thu Nov 3 18:04:06 2005
UMBC AgentWeb
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AgentWeb: Topics: Communicative Agents: Ontologies
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  • Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology 6/9/01 Who points to it? 28 - Natalya Fridman Noy and Deborah L. McGuinness. ``Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology''. StanfordKnowledge Systems Laboratory Technical Report KSL-01-05 and Stanford Medical Informatics Technical Report SMI-2001-0880,March 2001. Ontologies have become core components of many large applications yet the training material has not kept pace with the growing interest.This paper addresses the issues of why one would build an ontology and presents a methodology for creating ontologies based ondeclarative knowledge representation systems. It leverages the two authors experiences building and maintaining ontologies in a number ofontology environments including Protege-2000, Ontolingua, and Chimaera. It presents the methodology by example utilizing a tutorialwines knowledge base example. While it is aimed at users of frame-based systems, it can be useful for building ontologies in anyobject-centered system.

  • A Grammar of Dublin Core 10/23/00 Who points to it? 15 - Thomas Baker, A Grammar of Dublin Core, D-Lib Magazine, October 2000, Volume 6 Number 10 -- looks at the dublin core as a language and compares it to RDF.

  • Introduction To Metadata 4/29/00 Who points to it? 24 - The Getty Institue has posted " Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to DigitalInformation on the web" which is "intended as a primer for an important butmisunderstood, and still evolvin, —aspect of the age of information: metadata. The work is oriented to cultural heritage and web resource discovery applications and includes a table showing the detailed relation between different metadata standards.(EIPub)

  • Formal Ontology and Conceptual Analysis: A Structured Bibliography 2/25/00 Who points to it? 16 - This bibliography is mainly intended for computer scientists working in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Databases, or Computational Linguistics, with a specificinterest in Conceptual Analysis issues. We refer by this term to a broad area of investigation, which focuses on the first and often most crucial step in the designof any computer system: the analysis and the formalization of the domain structure. Ontologies have become popular recently as a powerful way to formallyexpress the nature of a domain in a (relatively) task-independent way, in order to encourage knowledge reuse and integration.

  • 2/21/00 Who points to it? 17 - The Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data defined and linked in a way, that it can be used by machines - not just for displaypruposes, but for using it in various applications. This site is dedicated to collect these approaches, to explain themand to be a forum for people interested in the Semantic Web.

  • Wondertools 2/21/00 Who points to it? 13 - A comparative study of ontological engineering tools

  • Ontology: A Resource Page 1/1/00 Who points to it? 9 - Doug Skuce's ontology resource page.

  • What is an ontology? 1/1/00 Who points to it? 16 - This page is for copies of dissertations and theses on agent-related topics. These are of special interest since the represent very current research, are (usually) substantial in their contributions, and provide good examples for students who are working on ones themselves.

  • SHOE 8/6/99 Who points to it? 13 - SHOE is a small extension to HTMLdeveloped at the University of Maryland under the direction of Jim Hendler. SHOE allows web page authors to annotate their web documents with machine-readable knowledge.SHOE makes real intelligent agent software on the web possible.

  • Ontology.Org - Enabling Virtual Business 12/1/99 Who points to it? 14 - Ontology.Org is an independent industry and research forum focussed upon the application of ontologies in Internet commerce. It is the central goal of Ontology.Org to use ontologies to address the problems that impact the formation and sustainability of large electronic trading groups.

  • Stanford KSL Network Services 12/1/99 Who points to it? 9

  • What is an Ontology? 12/1/99 Who points to it? 11

  • Java Ontology Editor 12/1/99 Who points to it? 10

  • Cycorp: Makers of the Cyc Knowledge Server for artificial intelligence-based Common Sense 12/1/99 Who points to it? 28 - "Makers of the Cyc Knowledge Server for artificial intelligence-based Common Sense"

  • Buffalo Ontology Site 4/29/01 Who points to it? 15 - A good site on ontologies hosted by the SUNY Buffalo Department of Philosophy and maintained by Barry Smith.

  • Ontology 12/15/99 Who points to it? 11 - A list of projects, people, conferences and specific resources on Ontology and related fields.Collated by Enrico Franconi

  • KBS/Ontology Projects Worldwide 12/15/99 Who points to it? 11 - Some Ongoing KBS/Ontology Projects and Groups (

  • Sites Relevant to Ontologies and Knowledge Sharing 12/15/99 Who points to it? 10 - Adam Farquhar(

  • PDKB 12/15/99 Who points to it? 9 - he purpose of this web site is to support the efforts of the members of the PDKB mailinglist. The purpose of the PDKB mailing list is to publish and maintain a common senseknowledge base available to the any person or software agent who wants to use it. ThePDKB is based on the CYC ontology as published by CyCorp. It is our intent to include allof the materials released by CyCorp to be used by the public.

  • Open Knowledge Base Connectivity 12/18/99 Who points to it? 9 - Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC) is an applicationprogramming interface for accessing knowledge bases stored inknowledge representation systems (KRSs). OKBC provides a uniform model of KRSs based on a commonconceptualization of

  • The Ontology Page (TOP) 1/1/00 Who points to it? 10 - The Ontology Page (TOP) identifies world-wide activity aimed at developing formalized ontologies as the basis for shared andmodularly-structured knowledge. TOP covers every aspect of work on ontologies, including the construction, specification,formalization, representation, analysis, and documentation of ontologies, as well as their use at all levels in communication,computation, and reasoning.

  • Buffalo Ontology Site 1/2/00 Who points to it? 10

  • Ontology: Philosophical and Computational 1/2/00 Who points to it? 11

  • OntoServer 2/21/00 Who points to it? 8 - An Ontology Server for Ontology Engineering and Application

  • Ontology Inference Layer (OIL) 4/15/00 Who points to it? 11 - OIL is a proposal for a standard language for excahging ontologies based somewhat on OKBC, XOL and RDF.

  • XOL Ontology Exchange Language 4/15/00 Who points to it? 10 - XOL is an XML-based ontology-exchange language whose semantics is based on OKBC-lite, a simplified version of OKBC.

  • Modeling Ontologies in RDF 4/24/00 Who points to it? 12 - An Extensible Approach for Modeling Ontologies in RDF, Staab et al., proposes a strategy for enriching RDF with logicand inference.

  • IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Study Group 5/19/00 Who points to it? 12 - This IEEE study group will attemp to specify the syntax and semantics of ageneral-purpose upper ontology. An ontology is defined as thespecifications and relationships of a set of concepts, understandableby both computers and humans. This standard will be limited to justan upper level ontology, which will contain approximately 2000 of themost fundamental and commonly used concepts. It will serve as afoundation upon which a large common ontology of 20,000+ conceptscould be built.

  • Process Specification Language 6/21/00 Who points to it? 13 - PSL is an interchange format designed tohelp exchange process information automatically among a wide variety ofmanufacturing applications. Its core is centered around four elements,ie: activity, activity-occurrence, timepoint, and object.There are axioms, functions, and relations that define these elementsand how they interact.

  • Ontology, Metadata, and Semiotics 6/22/00 Who points to it? 13 - John Sowa, Ontology, Metadata, and Semiotics, International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'2000, 14-18 August 2000, Darmstadt, Germany. This article shows how the fundamental semiotic primitivesare represented in semantically equivalent notations for logic, including controlled natural languages and various computerlanguages.

  • DELTA: DEscription Language for TAxonomy 9/19/00 Who points to it? 24 - The DELTA format (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) is a flexible method for encoding taxonomic descriptions for computer processing. Ithas been adopted by the International Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) as a standard for data exchange. DELTA-format data canbe used to produce natural-language descriptions, interactive or conventional keys, cladistic or phenetic classifications, and information-retrievalsystems.

  • Mindpixel Digital Mind Modeling Project 9/29/00 Who points to it? 18 - Mindpixel is an atempt to create "the world's largest database of consensus human knowledge, constructed by tens of thousands of people just like you from all over the world, speaking all of the world's languages.".

  • DAML Ontology Schema (Semantic Web in RDFS) 10/15/00 Who points to it? 18 - DAML-ONT is a schema for representing ontologies in RDFS that is being developed as a part of the DARPA Agent Based Computing program. DAML-ONT roughly corresponds to a frame-based or description logic knowledge representation language and allows the definition of classes andsubclasses, their properties, and a set of restrictions thereon. Thelanguage does not yet include any specification of explicit inferencerules, which we hope will follow.

  • The Semantic Web: A Primer 11/3/00 Who points to it? 16 - This article from by Ed Dumbill gives a short introduction to the Semantic Web and thetechnologies being used to build it -- XML, RDF and ontologies defined using them.

  • Descriptive and Formal Ontology 4/15/01 Who points to it? 18 - Resource guide edited by Raul Corazzon on contemporary ontology, with essays, charts andbibliographies of the most important ontologists

  • Tool for Intelligent Conceptual Modelling 4/24/01 Who points to it? 15 - ICOM is an advanced CASE tool developed by Enrico Franconi at the University of Manchester that allows the user to design multiple extended Entity-Relationship diagrams with inter- and intra-schema constraints. Complete logicalreasoning is employed by thetool to verify the specification,infer implicit facts, devisestricter constraints, andmanifest any inconsistency.

  • AA'01 Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems 4/27/01 Who points to it? 13 - The program for the Autonomous Agents 2001 Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems is available and includes ten long papers. The workshop will be held atAutonomous Agents 2001 in Montreal, Canada, on May 29, 2001.

  • Agents 2001 Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems 7/1/01 Who points to it? 20 - Papers from the Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems that was held at the 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents in Montreal.

  • Computers taught to detect emotions in human voices 4/28/01 Who points to it? 12 - A new computercan detect signs of a range of emotionalstates in the voices of users, includinganger, fear and disgust.

  • Ontologies in Agent Systems (OAS'01) 9/20/01 Who points to it? 14 - The proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Montreal, May 29, 2001,) edited by Stephen Cranefield, Tim Finin, and Steve Willmott.

  • IDEF for Ontologies 11/6/01 Who points to it? 15 - IDEF is a family of notations for modeling information which gre out of the USAF's Structured Analysis and Design Technique.

  • Sowa on "Foundations for Ontology" 12/1/01 Who points to it? 15 - Signs, Processes, and Language Games -- Foundations for Ontology, John F. Sowa (2001) is a paper presented atICCS'2001. "Any system of ontology that is adequate for defining the concepts used in natural languages must be at least as flexible as thelanguages themselves: it must be able to accommodate all the categories of thought that are humanly conceivable and relate them to allpossible experiences, either directly by human senses or indirectly by whatever instrumentation any scientist or engineer may invent. Asa foundation for such an ontology, this paper proposes the philosophies of three logicians who understood the limitations of logic indealing with the both the flux and the logos: Charles Sanders Peirce, Alfred North Whitehead, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. "

  • WonderWeb Foundational Ontology Library 9/6/02 Who points to it? 14 - The EU WonderWeb ( project hasreleased a report on the "WonderWeb Foundational Ontology Library"that describes aa "Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and CognitiveEngineering".

  • Ontologies, a perspective from 1668 10/10/02 Who points to it? 15 - This web site contains the full text and original page images of a remarkable book written by John Wilkins, bishop of Chester, in 1668 that described a new universal language for the use of philosophers. It contains a large ontology, a written and spoken language derived from the ontology, and a dictionary that maps terms in the ontology to English. Examples that relate hundreds of other human languages to the ontology are included.

  • KAON Ontology and Semantic Web Infrastructure 3/10/03 Who points to it? 22 - KAON is an open-source ontology management infrastructure targeted for business applications. It includes a comprehensive tool suite allowing easy

  • An ontology for animals 3/21/03 Who points to it? 0 - Jorge Luis Borges, "The Analytical Language of John Wilkins", in Other Inquisitions, 1937-1952, (1964).

  • John Bateman's ontology portal 5/1/03 Who points to it? 20 - This page is "a collection of starting points for information on ontologies" with a focus on ontologies for linguistics.

Edited by Tim Finin & Yannis Labrou of UMBC ebiquity and the UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department. Comments to Hits in red Who points to it? shows inverse links. Built by bk2site.