ASCII Character Set

Computers can only store numbers. Humans need words to communicate, so how can we make that happen? We can assign a numeric code to each letter we wish to represent. That leads to the questions: who assigned the numbers and what letters should be included?

In the beginning, the were no answers, and anyone could make up the answers they wanted to use. The manufacturers of equipment got together to figure out how to have one ansigure out how to have one answer for everyone, resulting in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). This resulted in 128 possible characters (using seven bits with one more to be used to facilitate communications).

Normally, values zero through thirty-one are non-printable characters. So is the value 127. The space character has the value of 32.

One of the tricks of the trade is that the character '0' is not the value 0. But since the numbers run consequentively, you can get the binary value of a character by subtracted the value of the character '0'. Thus, '9' - '0' = 9.

Another trick is that you can convert a lowercase letter to a uppercase letter by subtraction and addition:

'j' - 'a' + 'A'

The ASCII Chart

000^@ NUL \03220SPC 6440@ 9660'
101^A SOH 3321! 6541A 9761a
202^B STX 3422" 6642B 9862b
303^C ETX 3523# 6743C 9963c
404^D EOT 3624$ 6844D10064d
505^E ENQ 3725% 6945E10165e
606^F ACK 3826& 7046F10266f
707^G BEL \a3927' 7147G10367g
808^H BS \b4028( 7248H10468h
909^I HT \t4129) 7349I10569i
100A^J LF \n422A* 744AJ1066Aj
110B^K VT \v432B+ 754BK1076Bk
120C^L FF \f442C, 764CL1086Cl
130D^M CR \r452D- 774DM1096Dm
140E^N SO 462E. 784EN1106En
150F^O SI 472F/ 794FO1116Fo
1610^P DLE 48300 8050P11270p
1711^Q DC1 49311 8151Q11371q
1812^R DC2 50322 8252R11472r
1913^S DC3 51333 8353S11573s
2014^T DC4 52344 8454T11674t
2115^U NAK 53355 8555U11775u
2216^V SYN 54366 8656V11876v
2317^W ETS 55377 8757W11977w
2418^X CAN 56388 8858X12078x
2519^Y EM 57399 8959Y12179y
261A^Z SUB 583A: 905AZ1227Az
271B^[ ESC 593B; 915B[1237B{
281C^\ FS 603C<925C\1247C|
291D^] GS 613D= 935D]1257D}
301E^^ RS 623E>945E^1267E~
311F^_ US 633F? 955F_1277FDEL