// File: genq.cpp // // Implementation of generic queue class #include #include #include #include "genq.h" using namespace std ; //======================================================================== // Local function prototypes // static void CrashOnNULL(void *, char *) ; // Local function definitions // static void CrashOnNULL(void * ptr, char *mesg) { if (ptr == NULL) { cerr << mesg << endl ; exit(1) ; } } //======================================================================== // Definition of GenQ member functions // // Constructor. There are no default constructors, because we must // have the client supplied comparison and print functions. // GenQ::GenQ(GQcmp cmp_func, GQprt prt_func) { last = &dummy ; len = 0 ; cmp = cmp_func ; prnt = prt_func ; } // Destructor. Loop through list and delete each cell. // GenQ::~GenQ() { QCell *ptr, *temp ; ptr = dummy.next ; while (ptr != NULL) { temp = ptr->next ; delete (char *) ptr->data ; // Hmmm... gets rid of warning but... delete ptr ; ptr = temp ; } } // Add new item to the end of the list // void GenQ::enqueue(void * data) { QCell *newitem ; newitem = new QCell ; CrashOnNULL(newitem, "Out of memory in enqueue()") ; newitem->data = data ; last->next = newitem ; last = newitem ; len++ ; } // Remove item from the front of the list // void * GenQ::dequeue() { QCell *ptr ; void *result ; if (dummy.next == NULL) return NULL ; ptr = dummy.next ; dummy.next = ptr->next ; // check if last item is removed // if (dummy.next == NULL) last = &dummy ; len-- ; result = ptr->data ; delete ptr ; return result ; } // Return data stored in item at the front. // Does not alter the queue. // void * GenQ::peek() { if (dummy.next == NULL) return NULL ; return dummy.next->data ; } // Loop through the list and print each item using the // client supplied print routine // void GenQ::print() { QCell *ptr ; ptr = dummy.next ; while (ptr != NULL) { prnt(ptr->data) ; ptr = ptr->next ; } } // Remove every occurrence of an item from the list. // Items are compared using the client supplied comparsion function. // The comparison function should return values similar to strcmp(a,b): // <0 if a < b. // =0 if a == b // >0 if a > b // void GenQ::remove(void *item) { QCell *ptr, *temp ; ptr = &dummy ; while (ptr->next != NULL) { if (cmp(ptr->next->data, item) == 0) { temp = ptr->next ; ptr->next = temp->next ; delete (char *) temp->data ; delete temp ; len-- ; } else { ptr = ptr->next ; } } if (len == 0) last = &dummy ; }